Browsing Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 96
Studi Kemungkinan Pendirian Pabrik Kertas dari Bahan Baku Batang Jagung, Merang atau Bagasse di Kabupaten Kediri, Jawa Timur
(1982)In K e d i r i Residence, there are waste-acric u l t u r a l : (a) corn- stalk plantation, about 129- 637,5 tonlyear, which is increasing abaut 18,46 percent/year ; (b) Rice-straw, about 10.719,4 tonbear which is increasine ... -
Isolasi Asam Hialuronat dengan Presipitasi dan Membran Mikrofiltrasi Crossflow
(1982)Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a high molecular weight and linear pobsaccltaride ~c.lrich is produced commercially for a wide range of use, such as pharmaceuticals, medical and cosntetic irrdustries. HA, the cementing substances ... -
Sistem Intelijen untuk Strategi Penilaian Prestasi Kerja dalam Rangka Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Karir Karyawan (Studi Kasus di PT. Binae Kayone Lestari, Tasikmalaya)
(1990)Fuzzy group decision making is one of effective tools to determine the performance appraisal strategy in employee carrier planning and development. This paper analyzes preference aggregation of decision-makers based on the ... -
Sistem Informasi Penunjang Strategi dalam Meningkatkan Daya Saing Bisnis Komoditas Teh
(1990)The important factors in a complex tea market are information about stock and selling condition, as well as market situation. These information were utilized not only in controlling the day by day operation, but also to ... -
Strategi peningkatan Mutu Produk Hasil Agroindustri Perikanan Tradisional (Studi Kasus PHPT Muara Angke)
(1990)This study aimed at identifying the dominant factors that influence the quality of traditional fisheries agroindustry product and formulating the strategy of fisheries agroindustry development. The analysis was based on ... -
Rancang Bangun Strategi Pengembangan Agroindustri Kelapa Sawit (Agrosawit)
(1991)The characteristics of palm oil agroindustry are specifically regional-based, involving many people, and related to many development sectors. Therefore, the development strategy is different between one region and the ... -
Pengukuran dan Upaya Peningkatan Kinerja Perusahaan (Studi Kasus di Sebuah Perusahaan Pembautan Ban)
(1991)Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is a performance measurement system that e~tables orgatlization to clarifj. their vision and strategy and then translates them into plans. BSC suggests that we should view the orga~tizatiott from ... -
Studi Pemanfaatan Karet Skim Baru sebagai Bahan BAku dalam Pembuatan Sol Karet
(1991)Skim rubber as a by product in concentrated latex processing, nowadays has not been processed yet to the optimum, and it is still sold in the form of wet slabs at low price. It was happened because of the presently produced ... -
Pemekatan Sirup Glukosa dengan Proses Mikrofiltrasi Crossflow
(1992)The production of glucose syrup involws several steps of operation i.e. the dilution of taproca jlour. cooking, neutralization, bleaching, fittmtion and evaporation. Among the operations, the evaporation process should be ... -
Pembuatan Pektin dari Buah Pepaya (Carica papaya L.) Sisa Sadap
(1992)The eflect of varying coagulant and time extraction in pectin production was investigated using papaya fmits (Corica papaya L.) as raw material $-om KUB Agropaptin, Sukaraja. Bogor. Tinre extraction being examined were 30, ... -
Studi Pembuatan Mentega Cokelat Tiruan dari Minyak Sawit dengan Proses Interesterifikasi
(1993)The more abundance palm oil supply in Indonesia in one hand and the higher demand of cocoa butter on the other hand, has resulted in the requirement to diversify palm oil's products. Cocoa butter equivalent/substitute ... -
Pemanfaatan Sludge Limbah Kertas Untuk Pembuatan Kompos Dengan Metode Windrow Dan Cina
(1997)Sludge generated from waste water treatment process of pulp and paper mill is a potential source of material to produce compost. It still contains a cellulose and mineral substances needed for composting. For composting ... -
Impact Bruise ResistanceOf Palm Friut
(1998)This paper presents the dropping mass impact method 10 study bruise resistance and minimum absorbed energy to cause bruising on oil palm fruit. their variation vailies due 10 the differences offruit fractions and transport ... -
Potensi Penurunan Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca Melalui Pengomposan Sampah
(1998)Methane (CH4) is the second most important greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide. An important source of CH4 generation is anaerobic decomposition of organic municipal solid wastes (MSW) in landfill sites. Some control ... -
Karakteristik Fouling Dan Polarisasi Konsentrasi Pada Proses Pemurnian Dan Pemekatan Karaginan Dengan Membran Mikrofiltrasi
(1998)The fouling resistance at cross flow velocity 2,97, 3,47 and 3,97 m S-1 was 0, 1312; 0,1741 and 0,1758 kPa m2 h t respectively. It is not influenced by cross flow velocity and has 2-3 times greater than internal membrane ... -
Asosiasi Agroindusrti Indonesia
(1998) -
Model Pengembangan Agroindustri Cocodiesel Di Daerah Terpencil
(1998)This paper presents a model for development ofcocodiesel agroindustry in the remote and isolated areas. Using this new model both fishermen and coconut farmers can take advantages from the development of cocodiesel ... -
Model I'swot Bagi Perumusan Strategi Pengembangan Agroindustri Unggulan Wilayah Di Sulawesi Utara
(1998)The objective of this research is to formulate the agroindustrial development strategy by integrated agroindustry with region superiority concepts. [,SWOT is an expert choice justification model which is used to engineer ... -
Pembuatan Soyghurt Sinbiotik sebagai Makanan Fungsional Dengan Penambahan Kultur Campuran Streptococus thermorhillus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus Dan Lactobacicus acidophilus
(1998)The objective of this research was to study the effect of L. acidophillus concentration on fermented soymilk quality, The experiment used a completely random design with L. acidophillus concentration as a treatment, Three ...