Jurnal Teknologi Hasil Hutan
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FUNGI PADA BAMBU KUNING (Bambusa vulgaris Schard var. vitata) DAN BAMBU HIJAU (Bambusa vulgaris Schard var. vulgaris) SERTA TINGKAT DEGRADASI YANG DIAKIBATKANNYA
(2005)The culm and leaf of Bambusa vulgaris Schard var, vitala (yellow bamboo) and Bamhusa vulgaris Schard var. vulgaris (green bamboo) were tested to identity their durability toward fungi or field. This research was carried ... -
Sebaran dan karakter morfologi rayap tanah Macotermes gilvus Hagen di habitat hutan alam
(2008)Subterranean termite, Macrotermes, play important role on plant nutritive cycles through disintegration and decomposition of organic matter processes. In the other hand, subterranean termite can cause wooden damage in the ... -
Keandalan Modulus Of Elasticity (Moe) Untuk Menduga Kekuatan Kayu Bercacat Akibat Lubang Bor
(2005)Many standards such as PKK1NI-5 1961, SII-0458 1981, SKI C-bo-010-1987, SNI03-3527 1994, and ASTM D245, stated strength ratio is very important indicate to adjust the allowable stress of wood. However the mechanical grading ... -
Keandalan Modulus Of Elasticity (Moe) Untuk Menduga Kekuatan Kayu Bercacat Akibat Lubang Bor
(2005)Many standards such as PKK1NI-5 1961, Sll-0458 1981, SKI C-bo-010-1987, SN1 03-3527 1994, and ASTM D245, stated strength ratio is very important indicate to adjust the allowable stress of wood. However the mechanical grading ... -
Kualitas Papan Komposit Berlapis Anyaman Bambu (II) : Penggunaan Berbagai Kadar Parafin (The Quality of the Composite Board with Bamboo Layers (II): Utilization of Parafin at Several Levels)
(2006)The objective of this research is to find out the quality of composite board wilh bamboo malting layers produced at various parafin levels. Materials used in this research were wood particles of Paraserianthes falcataria ... -
Pengujian Non Destruktif Gelombang Ultrasonik Pada Balok Tiga Jenis Kayu Tanaman Indonesia (Non Destructive Testing of Three Indonesian Plantations Wood Beam)
(2006)'Jltrasonic-based methods of non destructive testing applied to wood have been mtenstvely developed during the last decade. There are two parameters used to evaluate of wood based on ultrasonic method, ultrasonic velocity ... -
Pengaruh Komposisi Perekat Lignin Resorsinol Formaldehida terhadap Emisi Formaldehida dan Sifat Fisis-Mekanis Kayu Lamina
(2001)The influence of the composition of lignin resorcinol formaldehyde (LRF) adhesive on formaldehyde emission and physical-mechanical propertics of lnminated ivood has been carried out in the present researches. It was found ... -
Kualitas Papan Partikel Kenaf Menggunakan Perekat Likuida dengan Fortlflkasl Melamin Formaldehid
(2008)The qualities of core kenaf padicle boards were studied. 2006). Menurut Balittas (2000), kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L) The boards were made of core kenaf particles and their liquids mengandung holoselulosa 74,45X dan lignin ... -
Komposisi Resin dan Kadar Aditif dalam Perekat Lignin Resolsinol Formaldehida pada Kayu Lamina Kempas
(2003)This research was aimed to optimize the utilization of lignin obtained from pulp mill. through copolymerization with resorcinol and formaldehyde, hereinafter is called LRF, to be used for laminated wood by cold press. The ... -
Ketahanan 10 Jenis Kayu Tropis-Plasma CF4 Terhadap Rayap Kayu Kering (Cryptotermes cynocephalus Light)
(2002)Ten (10) troptcal hardwoods w~thlo w natural durability were treated with CF, plasma. Plasma treatments were carried out in a plasma reactor with a I-meter length of rotary cylindrical glass with inner diameter of 10 cm ... -
Pemilihan Acacia mangium untuk Sumber Benih dengan Teknik Analisis Biplot dan Korespondensi di Parungpanjang, Bogor, Jawa Barat
(2008)Provenance trials is one of planting test activities aimed at finding the best provenance in a certain area of forest plantations. The best provenances can be used for establishing the seed sources in the location. The ... -
Penggunaan Tanin Kulit Acacia mangium Willd pada Resin Sistem
(2002)The purpose of this study was to evaluate the character of tannin Acacia mangium barks and to compare dimensional stability and strength of MDF prepared using tannin from A. mangium in combination with commerciai UF, PF ... -
Rasionalisasi Kegiatan Logging dan Kondisi Minimum Struktur Tegakan yang Boleh Ditebang dalam Pengelolaan Hutan Alam Tropika Indonesia
(2002)A dnunatic economic situation in Indonesia since 1997 has caused difficulties for kNbneSian tropid natural f~rtm~atq cment The reported annual cuts have been drastically decreased, due ta farest degradation and expiretian ... -
Waktu kerja dan produktivitas penerbangan kayu penuh (Whole Tree) pada pengusahaan hutan alam
(2002)fen hectares of natural forest stand under forest concession in South Sumatra were harvested by selective cutting. A whole tree felling operation was done in the studi area. in which felling operation consist of tree felling ...