Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan: Recent submissions
Now showing items 81-100 of 154
Optimasi kondisi pemurnian asam lemak omega-3 dari minyak hasil samping penepungan tuna (Thunnus sp) dengan kristalisasi urea
(2009)Omega-3 fatty acids (w-3) are proven to have health beneficial effects. Some effort had been done to obtained oil high in w-3 fatty acids. Among the methods developed, urea crystallization was preferred because it is ... -
Karakteristik produk fermentasi dari bahan baku kombinasi susu kambing Dengan ekstrak kedelai, ekstrak jagung, atau santan kelapa
(2009)The aim of this study was to determine the best combination of caprine milk with soy extract, corn extract, or coconut extract in the production of flavored fermented milk products. Products were analyzed for the lactic ... -
Karakteristik fisiko-kimia tepung ubi jalar (Ipomoea batatas) varietas sukuh dengan variasi proses penepungan
(2009)Sweet potato has considerable potencies to support food diversification program based on flour and starch product. Various processing methods in the flour processing show great effect on alteration of the physicochemical ... -
Kandungan antosianin dan antosianidin dari jantung pisang klutuk (Musa brachycarpa Back ) dan pisang ambon (Musa acuminata Colla)
(2009)The aims of this research were to determine total anthocyanin content and to explore the type of anthocyanidin of banana bract klutuk variety and ambon variety. The total anthocyanin content was determined with pH differential ... -
Aktivitas dan stabilitas radical scavenging l-askorbil palmitat hasil sintesis secara enzimatik
(2009)L-ascorbyl palmitate (AsA-Pal-Enz) was synthesized by using an immobilized lipase from Aspergillus niger. A comparison of antioxidative effects between L-ascorbic acid (AsA) and AsA-Pal-Enz was determined in terms of ... -
Pengaruh pemberian tepung kedelai kaya isoflavon terhadap kadar malonaldehid (mda), aktivitas superoksida dismutase (sod) testis dan profil Cu,Zn-SOD tubuli seminiferi testis tikus jantan
(2009)The objectives of this experiment were to evaluate the effects of isoflavone-riched soybean flour with different treatment level of isoflavone on MDA level, SOD activity, and profile of Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase (Cu,Zn-SOD) ... -
Hypoglycemic activity of some indonesian rice varieties and their physicochemical properties
(2006)Diabetes mellitus is a spectrum of inherited and acquired disorders characterized by elevating blood glucose levels. Diabetes is an abnornal carbohydrate metabolism, therefore, diet therapy for diabeties play a key role ... -
Ekstraksi dan analisis fitosterol lembaga gandum (Triticum sp.)
(2005)Phyfosterol may reduce the absorption of cholesterol, and used for preventing atherosclerosis. It is limited in soyaean, but poientially abundant in wheat germ. Research on the utilizalion of wheat germ sterol had not been ... -
The Production of Wheat Pollard Protein Concentrate, a Wheat Milling Byproduct Utilization
(2001)One of protein resources which is not used maximally in Indonesia is wheat pollard. Wheat pollard is a by-product from wheat millings that contains (protein) higher than wheat "our (17.68% compared to 12-13"~). Protein ... -
In Vintro Atioxidant Activity of Stabilized Rice Bran and Its Fraction
(2004)Some researches indicated that oryzanol had anboxldant actlvity, however, the information about the oryzanol role ln prevention of low dens~ty Iipoprote~n (LDL) and human lymphocyte from ox~dahon under oxidative stress was ... -
Pengaruh Jenis Kapang dan Lama Fermentasi terhadap Mutu Ikan Kayu (Katsuobushi) Cakalang
(2000)Study on the effect offungi and fermentation duringprocessing of dried fish stick (katsuobusht) has been carried out. Dried fi~h stick (-bushi) is agapanese traditional fishproduct used for flavourant. One of theprocessing ... -
Pengembangan Produk Agroindustri Jamu dan Analisis Struktur Kelembagaannya
(2003)Indonesia is a rich country for many kinds of medicinal plants which become important raw mlierial for jamu industry development. This paper discusses jEllTlu industTY products selection and institutional structure analysis ... -
Pengaruh Jenis Larutan Perendam serta Metode Pengeringan terhadap Sifat Fisik, Kimia, dan Fungsional Gelatin dari Kulit Cucut
(2003)Gelatin is a denaturation product of collagen and has been wide Utilized for foods. photqraphy uses, medical materials, and culture material for microorganisms. Recently, gelatin's uses has expanded to new properties such ... -
Karakerisasi Maltodekstrin DP 3-9 Serta Kajian Potensi Penggunaannya sebagai sumber Karbohidrat pada Minuman Olahraga
(2003)This research was aimed at characterization of maltodextrin DP 3-9 (procuced by enzymatic hydrolysis and membrane separation process) as compared to commercial maltodextrin and glucose and asseesment of its potential ... -
Pengaruh Berbagai Kondisi Preparasi dan Penyimpanan Susu Formula pada Pertumbuhan Spora Bacillus cereus dan Clostridium perfringens
(2009)The aim of this study was to evaluate the ability of Bacillus cereus and Clostridium perfringens spores to survived in different preparation temperature (25, 35, and 70C for B. cereus and 25, 45, 70ºC for C. perfringens) ... -
Antioxidant activity of ginger (Zingiber officinale) Oleorsin on the profile of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in the Kidney of rats under stress conditions
(2007)Stress condition has been reporfed to decrease intrasellular antioxidant-superoxide dismutase (SOD) in the liver and kidney of rats. This study was conducted to evaluate the antioxidant activities of ginger deoresin on the ... -
Efek susu skim yang disuplementasi Isoflavon kedelai dan Zn ("Sususmeno") terhadap sindrom menopause
(2004)Premenopause is part of natural aging process in women indicated by the decrease of ovarial estrogen production, end usually followed by development of menopausal syndrome. Susumeno, skim milk fortified with 100 mg of soy ... -
Respons hormonal imunitas wanita premenopause yang diintervensi minuman fungsional berbasis susu skim yang disulementasi dengan 100 mg Isoflavon kedelai dan 8 mg Zn- sulfat (Susumeno)
(2004)The study was conducted to evaluate the effect of intewention of skim milk based functional drink supplemented with 100 mg of soy isoflavone and 8 mg of Zn-sulfate (susumeno) on serum estradiol and thymulin hormones levels ... -
Penghambatan oksidasi LDL dan akumulasi kolesterol pada makrofag oleh ekstrak temulawak (Curcuma xanthorriza Roxb)
(2006)Coronary heart disease is caused among others by atherosclerosis, which is the result of oxidized low density lipoprotein (LDlj and cholesterol accumulation on the macrophage. This were reporfed to be inhibited bv temulawak ... -
Efek susu skim yang disuplementasi Isoflavon kedelai dan Zn (Susumeno terhadap Sindrom Menopause pada wanita premenopause)
(2004)Premenopause is pad of natural aging process in women indicated by the decrease of ovarial estrogen production, and usually followed by development of menopausal syndrome. Susumeno, skim milk fotfified with 100 mg of soy ...