Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan: Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-80 of 154
Effects of pre-treatments prior drying on Young Corn Kernel Instant (YCKI)
(2008)The objective of this research was to study the effects of pre-gelatinization and freezing processes on physico-chemical characteristics of young corn kernel instant. The results showed that pre-gelatinization and slow ... -
Development and prospect of food radiation processing in Indonesia
(2008)SUMMARY Several factors such as insufficient harvesting and handling methods as well as inadequate methods of storage and distribution, poor processing techniques and poor quality of raw materials used in making ready to ... -
Characteristics of microcapsule of ?-3 fatty acids enriched oil from lemuru meal processing
(2008)Omega-3 fatty acids enriched fish oil from lemuru fishmeal processing met the quality standard of food grade fish oil, but it was susceptible to oxidation. Microencapsulation by spray drying was one method that could protect ... -
Antioxidant activity and total phenolic content of red sea weed (Gracilaria verrucosa L.)
(2008)The aims of this study were to compare the antioxidant activity and the total phenolic content of red sea weed (Gracilaria verrucosa L.) from extract of methanol, ethanol, acetone, chloroform and hexane; and the correlation ... -
Antibacterial activity of water lily seed extract toward diarrhea-causing pathogenic bacteria
(2008)The objectives of this study was to observe antibacterial activities of water lily seed, against diarrhea-causing pathogenic bacteria as well as lactic acid bacteria; phytochemistry components in water lily seed and to ... -
Application of mixing index (ip) for the evaluation of gel-forming ability in myofibril-protein gels of fish pastes
(2010)This study was aimed to evaluate the mixing process effectiveness of fish meat using a mixing index (Ip). Samples used were Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, Walleye pollack surimi, and a mixture of both. The ability of ... -
The effect of 1-mcp in maintaining the quality of tomato slices
(2010)Maintenance of quality traits is important during storage of fresh-cut produce. Changes in firmness, in tomato for instance, are ethylene-mediated. The objective of this study was to determine the suitability of the ... -
Suplementasi sterol lembaga gandum (Triticum sp.) pada margarin
(2010)Margarine is a water in oil (w/o) emulsion product which is widely used for household cooking and baking industry. Consuming of margarine, which contains trans fatty acid may cause health problem due to the increase of LDL ... -
Senyawa asam 2- metilester-1-h-pirol-4-karboksilat dalam ekstrak etil asetat buah salak varietas bongkok sebagai antioksidan dan antihyperuricemia
(2010)The aim of the study was to determine the antioxidant and antihyperuricemia activity of ethyl acetate extract of snake fruit (Salacca edulis Reinw.) var. Bongkok. The research methods used in this study comprised of three ... -
Penggunaan berbagai jenis bahan pelindung untuk mempertahankan viabilitas bakteri asam laktat yang di isolasi dari air susu ibu pada proses pengeringan beku
(2010)Lactic acid bacteria are the most important bacteria having potential as probiotic. The objectives of the present study were to examine the growth of Lactic Acid Bacteria, identify the Lactic Acid Bacteria capable of ... -
Pengeringan kemoreaksi dengan kapur api (CaO) untuk mencegah kehilangan minyak atsiri pada jahe
(2010)Ginger (Zingiber officinalis Rosc) has been widely used in various pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, foods and beverages. Harvesting time, handling and drying methods are important factors in producing best quality of dried ... -
Pengembangan produk mi instan dari tepung hotong (Setaria italica Beauv.) dan pendugaan umur simpannya dengan metode akselerasi
(2010)The objective of this research was to develop instant noodle products made from foxtail millet flour and to predict their shelf life using acceleration method. The instant noodle was produced using 30, 35, 40% water, and ... -
Pengaruh fraksi nonprotein kacang komak (Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet) terhadap kadar glukosa darah dan malonaldehida tikus diabetes
(2010)The hypoglycemic response to Lablab nonprotein fraction (NPK) was evaluated in alloxan-induced diabetic rats. The objectives of this research were to evaluate the effect of Lablab nonprotein fraction diet on the blood ... -
Pemodelan isotermis sorpsi air pada model pangan
(2010)Moisture sorption isotherm of food powder products is pertinent in processing and stability of food. Food model consisted of tapioca starch, casein, palm oil and sucrose. The moisture sorption isotherm curves of the food ... -
Pemanfaatan ubi jalar ungu (Ipomoea batatas L. Poir) sebagai pengganti sebagian tepung terigu dan sumber antioksidan pada roti tawar
(2010)Purple sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L. Poir) is potential for functional food, especially as antioxidant source due to its purple color and other nutrient content. The objective of this research was to produce plain ... -
Karakteristik produk fermentasi dari bahan baku kombinasi susu kambing Dengan ekstrak kedelai, ekstrak jagung, atau santan kelapa
(2010)The aim of this study was to determine the best combination of caprine milk with soy extract, corn extract, or coconut extract in the production of flavored fermented milk products. Products were analyzed for the lactic ... -
Hubungan antara waktu fermentasi grits jagung dengan sifat gelatinisasi tepung jagung putih yang dipengaruhi ukuran partikel
(2010)The uses of white corn in Indonesia’s food industries are still limited. To explore the potential uses, evaluation of functional properties of white corn flour is needed. The objective of this study was to evaluate the ... -
Fermentasi sufu rendah garam dengan menggunakan beberapa kapang indigenus dan lactobacillus plantarum kik
(2010)Sufu is a traditional Chinese fermented soybean curd (tofu) resembling a soft creamy cheese-type product. It is made by fungal solid-state fermentation of tofu (called pizi) followed by aging in saturated brine solution. ... -
Efek suplementasi ekstrak protein kecambah kedelai terhadap Kadar il-1beta penderita diabetes tipe-2
(2010)The research was conducted to determine the effect of soy germ protein extract supplementation on the IL-1beta level of type-2 diabetic women. Research subjects were 32 type-2 diabetic women, outpatients of Diabetic Clinics ... -
Penambahan susu bubuk full cream pada pembuatan produk minuman fermentasi dari bahan baku ekstrak jagung manis
(2009)The aims of this study were to determine the effect of full cream milk powder addition to the quality of fermented drink from sweet corn extract. The quality examined were total bacteria, total solid, lactic acid content, ...