Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 154
Characterization of Sweet Potato Flour (Ipomea batatas L.) var. Shiroyutaka and Assesment of the potential as Alternative Carbohydrate Source For Food Product
(2007)This research was aimed to characterize sweet potato flour var. shiroyutaka and assessment of its potential as alternative carbohydrate source on food product. Characterization was conducted on flour processed from sweet ... -
Antibacterial Activity Of (Syzygium Polyanta And Amaryllifolius) Leaf Extracts Vol 18, No 1, 2007
(2007)The objectives of this research were to study antibacterial activities of syzgium polyanta (“Salam†) and Pandanus amaryllifolius (“Pandan†) leaf extracts and the effect of wet heating (1000, up to ... -
Acoustic study of mangosteene (gracinia mangostana l) by using ultrasonic wave
(2007)The wave used to study the acoustic properties of mangosteen is ultrasonic wave. Ultrasonic wave with frequency of 50 KHz was used to determine acoustic properties of mangosteen. The main wave properties were the attenuation, ... -
Effects of pH, Nacl and Teating on the Antibacterial Stability of Kecombrang Vol 17, No 3, 2006
(2006)The effect of pH (4-9), NaCl concentration (1-5%), temperature and heating time (80, 100 and 1210C for 10, 20 and 30 minute) on the antibacterial effectivity of ethyl acetate and ethanol kecombrang extract were analysed. ... -
The Inhibition of Low Density Lipoprotein Oxidation and Cholesterol Accumulation on the Macrophage by Temulawak Extract Vol 17, No 3, 2006
(2006)Coronary heart disease is caused among others by atherosclerosis, which is the result of oxidized low density lipoprotein (LDL) and cholesterol accumulation on the macrophage. This were reported to be inhibited by temulawak ... -
Mechanism and Kinetic of Antiphotooxidation of Bixin in Metil Linoleat System Vol 17, No 3, 2006
(2006)Bixin belongs to the carotenoid group, present in Bixa orellana tree. It has conjugated double bonds which plays a role as an antiphotooxidant. The objectives of this study were to analyze the quenching mechanisms and ... -
Isolation and Characterization of Soy Sauce Melanoidin and its Role as Antioxidant Vol 17, No 3, 2006
(2006)Controlling oxidation in natural and processed foods is a difficult aspect of food preservation, even in low-fat foods. Lipid oxidation not only produces undesirable characteristic such as odors and flavor, but also decreases ... -
Effect of Sodium Chloride on Thermal Properties of 30 kDa Protein Isolated from Melinjo Seed
(2006)The thermal properties of melinjo (Gnetum gnemon) protein were studied using differential scanning calorimetry. The melinjo protein obtained from crude seed protein was isolated using isoelectric precipitation method. The ... -
Antioxidant Activity of Javanese Ginseng (Talinum triangulare Willd.) Root Extracts Vol 17, No 3, 2006
(2006)Antioxidant activity of the javanese ginseng root was investigated. The root extracts were prepared by solvent extraction using methanol, ethanol (96%), ethanol (70%), acetone, and hexane.Total antioxidant activity of the ... -
Antioxidant Activity of Crude Polyphenol Extract from Microwave Roasted Cocoa Bean Vol 17, No 3, 2006
(2006)Microwave heating is faster than the conventional way, therefore it is interesting to apply this technology for cocoa roasting. This research aimed to analyze the effect of microwave roasting of ground cocoa nib on the ... -
Processing of Artificial Fragrant Rice The Method and Aroma Retention Vol 17, No 1, 2006
(2006)Processing of artificial fragrant rice in which one or more aroma compounds were introduced into raw milled rice were studied. The end product, which is potentially marketable, showed no visible difference in appearance ... -
The Effect of Kappa-Carrageenan Consumption on Blood Glucose Level of Diabetic Wistar Rat (Ratus norwegicus) Vol 17, No 1, 2006
(2006)The effect of kappa-carrageenan consumption on blood glucose level were studied on diabetic male wistar rat (Ratus norvegicus).The rats were made diabetic by aloxan injection, and then were given that a ration contains 5, ... -
Utilization of composite flour from white sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas L), germinated soybeans (Glycine max Merr.), and germinated mung beans (Virginia radiata L) as wheat flour partial substituent of alternative food, high energy-protein biscuit Vol 17, No 1, 2006
(2006)An emergency food based biscuit product was formulated by utilizing composite flour from white sweet potatoes, germinated soybeans, and germinated mung beans. This product was designed to meet high protein and energy wich ... -
Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Mangos (Mangifera indica L.) during Storage with Various Methods of Packaging Vol 17, No 1, 2006
(2006)The research was aimed to determine the physical and chemical characteristics of mangos in various packing methods during storage. Factorial Completely Randomized Design with four treatments and three replications were ... -
Mathematical Modelling Heat and Mass Transfer in Frying Process of Starchy Food Vol 17, No 1, 2006
(2006)Simultaneous heat and mass (moisture and oil) transfer process that occured during the frying process is modeled mathematically using the basic principal heat and mass transfer processes. Heat transfer within material was ... -
Formula and Compression Forces Optimization on the Characteristic of
(2006)The aims of this research were to determine the influences of formula and compression forces on characteristic of effervescent tablet of fruits cereal. Variation of six formulas and five types of compression forces were ... -
Determination of the Rate Constant on the Decrease of Iodate Content in Iodized Salt Vol 17, No 1, 2006
(2006)Potassium iodate used as the source of iodine can be decomposed to become the other species i.e. iodide and iodine during processing and storage. The objective of this research was determination of the rate constant on the ... -
Characterization of Thermostable Chitin Deacetylase from Bacteria Strain Pancuran Tujuh, Baturaden, Center of Java
(2006)Chitin deacetylase is the enzymes that has important role in converting chitin to chitosan. In nature, chitin is the second most abundant natural biopolymer after cellulose. Generally, chitin easily obtained from outer ... -
Antimycotic Activity of Lactic Acid Bacteria on the Growth of Cheese Contaminating Molds Vol 17, No 1, 2006
(2006)Local cheese is frequently contaminated by toxigenic molds which is harmful for human health. Lactic acid bacteria have been proven to inhibit the growth of toxigenic mold in some food products. The research was aimed to ... -
Anti Cancer Activity of Chitooligomers Vol 17, No 1, 2006
(2006)The chitin obtained from the crab industries can be used as a source for production of chitooligomers which has an important biological activity. The aims of this research was to evaluate anti cancer activity of the ...