Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 154
(2016)Synthesis of nanomagnetite was complete by hydrothermal on mixtures of urea, citric acid and some of iron salts: FeCl3·6H2O at 200 o C (FE120), FeCl3·6H2O at 250 o C (FE125), FeSO4·7H2O at 200 o C (FE220), and ... -
Penggunaan Xilanase Streptomyces Sp. 45 1·3 Amobil Untuk Hiorolisis Xilan Tongkoljagung
(2009)Xylan extraction from corncob is done by using alkaline as solvent. Xylan extraction from comcob could give the yields as 10.9%. One percent of corncob xylan is useti as substrate to produce the xylanase, compared to ... -
Bioadsorpsi Hg(II) Oleh Pati Sagu Taut Silang Fosfat
(2012)Crosslinked-sago-starch-phosphate (SgP) has been succesfully sysnthesized from native starch (Sg) and Na2HPO4 i an accidic condition. ... -
Aktivitas antimikroba ekstrak kedawung (Parkia Roxburghii G. Don) terhadap bakteri patogen
(2001)Kedawung is a Leguminosae/Fabaceae which. It is commonly used as traditional medicine for infection and stomach disoders, caused by bactena. . . The aim of this study is to eXiiII1ine the potential antimicrobial actNity ... -
Cemaran Aspergitlus Flavus Dan Aflatoksin Pada Rantai Distribusi Produk Pangan Berbasis Jagung Dan Faktor Yang Mempengaruhinya
(2010)Aflatoxin is a human carcinogen, produced by fungus Aspergillus flavus that frequently contaminates maize. Analysis of A. flavus by plate counting and aflatoxin by Thin Layer Chromatography were performed on 104 samp/es ... -
Fermentasi Sufu Rendah Garam Dengan Menggunakan Beberapa Kapang Indigenus Dan Lactobacillu S Plantarum Kik
(2010)Sufu ls a traditional Chinese fermented soybean curd (tofu) resembling a soft creamy cheese-type product, lt is made by fungatso/rd-stafe 'etqentation of tofu (called pizi) followed by aging in saturated brine solution. ... -
Isolasi dan karakterisasi melanoidin kecap manis dan peranannya sebagai antioksidan
(2006)Controlling oxidation in natural and processed foods is a difficult aspect of food preservation, even in low-fat foods. Lipid oxidation not only produces undesirable characteristic such as odors and flavor, but also decreases ... -
Evaluasi Bakteri Indikator Sanitasi Di Sepanjang Rantai Distribusi Es Batu Di Bogor
(2006)Ice was never considered to be of microbiological concern, due to it's low temperature. However, this perception is contradictive with a number research that shows several outbreaks of enteric Illness caused by ice. ... -
Pengaruh Docosahexaenoic Acid (Dha) Pada Tumbuh Kembang Anak Balita Gid Buruk Yang Dirawat Jalan [the effect of DocosaHexaenoic Acid (DHA) on growth and development of outpatrent rehabilitation of children under-five with severe malnutrition]
(2002)The sludy ercenined the em d DocosaHexaenoic Acid (OH4 on @h and development of wfpalienl rehabiiiid-on of children under live with severe malnutrition. Sample wss ckldren whose age from 6 to 24 months sulferng from swm ... -
Perubahan Komponen Volatil Selama Fermentasi Kecap [Changes of Volatile Components During Soy Sauce Fermentation] Vol XV, No 2, 2004
(2004)A study has been conducted to investigate changes of volatile components during soy sauce fermentation During the fermentation, many volatile components produced may contribute to soy sauce flavor. The volatile components ... -
Penambahan Kacang-Kacangan Dalam Formulasi Makanan Pendamping Air Susuibu (MP-ASI) Berbahan Dasar Pati Aren (Arenga pinnata (Wurmb) Merr) Vol XVIII, No 2, 2007
(2007)Food diversification is one of the governmental programs to reduce rice demand. Palm starch (Arenga pinnate (Wurmb) Merr) has a good potency as carbohydrate source tor supplementary food. Supplementary food from palm starch ... -
Penentuan Waktu Kadaluwarsa Dan Model Sorpsi Isotermis Biji Dan Bubuk Lada Hitam (Piper ningrum L) Vol XVI, No 1, 2005
(2005)Black pepper is one of the mosf popular spice traded around the globe, either in dried grain form or in bulky powder. However, for retailing purpose both are usually packaged in plastic film. This research was conducted ... -
Perubahan komponen volatil selama fermentasi kecap
(2004)A study has been conducted to investigate changes of volatile components during soy sauce fermentation During the fermentation, many volatile components produced may contribute to soy sauce flavor. The volatile components ... -
Penambahan kacang-kacangan dalam formulasi makanan pendamping air susu ibu (MP-ASI) berbahan dasar pati aren (arengan pinnata (wurmb) merr)
(2007)Food diversification is one of the governmental programs fo reduce rice demand. Pa/ro starch (Arenga pinnate (Wurmb) Uerr) has e good potency as carbohydrate source for supplementary hod. Supplementary food from palm starch ... -
Studies On The Effect Of Drying Modes On Quality Of Dehydrated Cabbage Vol 18, No 1, 2007
(2007)An investigation was carried out for justify the suitability of various dehydration techniques for desired quality of finished products. The cabbage (brassica oleracea L. Var. Capitata), one of the commonly consumed green ... -
Purification and Partial Characterization of Protease from Biduri (Calotropis gigantea) Latex Vol 18, No 1, 2007
(2007)The main objectives of this research we to purify protease from biduri (Calotropis gigantean) latex and its partial characterization in relation with this application in the food processing. Protease was extracted from ... -
Physico-Chemical Properties Of Rice And Its Glycemic Index Vol 18, No 1, 2007
(2007)In the present study, several different rice were evaluated for their physicochemical properties and glycemic index. They were IR 36, Batang Piaman, Mekongga, X rice (unidentified varieties), Taj Mahal, parboiled rice of ... -
Extrusion product made from sweet potato Vol 18, No 1, 2007
(2007)The objective of the research was to develop a method to prepare extruted product from sweet potato and rice flour with addition of karabenguk as the protein source. The ratio of sweet potato and rice flour were 90:10; ... -
Extraction of Natural Colorant from Red Raspberry (rubus idaeus linn.) And its application in food sistem Vol 18, No 1, 2007
(2007)Red raspberry fruit has not been optimally utilized even though it contains anthocyanin pigment. The pigment can be used as a natural colorant which also function as antioxidant. The aim of this study was to determine the ... -
Evaluation of Laxatife ffect and Fermentabilitiy of Gel Forming Component ofGreen cingcau Leaves(Premna oblongifolia Merr.) Vol 18, No 1, 2007
(2007)The major effects of dietary fibre occur in the colon. Each type of dietary fibre interacts with the microflora, and the colonic mucosa and muscle to produce several possible effects. The action of an individual fibre ...