Browsing Journal of Microbiology Indonesia by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 153
Ammonification of cocoa husks as an alternative method to eliminate phytophthorapalmivora inoculum
(1999)Cocoa husk is produced us a large quantity and may cause a great deal of problem if not managed properly. Cocoa husks buried in soil or laid on the ground are easily infested by Phytophthora palmivora and become a potential ... -
The use of ion exchange chromatography of DEAE-sepharose CL-6B in the puricication of cellulase from cellulomonas CSI-17
(1999)Ion exchange chromatography of DE.AE-sepharose CL-6B was used to purify cellulase components from a culture filtrate of Ceiiuiomonas CSI-17 grown on microcrystalline cellulose Sigmaeell-20. The cellulase components were ... -
Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern of Neisseria gonorrhoeae isolated from Female Commercial Sex Workers in Jakarta
(1999)The control sexually transmitted diseases STDs of infection has become more urgent since it has been documented that untreated STDs infection facilitates HIV transmission. One of the most frequent cause of STDs reported ... -
Detection of Type 2 Dengue Virus by in situ Hybridization
(1999)Demonstration of dengue virus DV in infected cell would enable elaboration of pathogenesis and pathoplsysiology of dengue Fever and dengue Haemorrhagic Fever. Molecular detection of DV would give high sensitivity as well ... -
Construction protein disuiphide isomerase mutant on saccharomyces cerevisia
(1999)Protein disulphide isomerase PDI is an enzyme that catalyses disuiphide-bond fonnation in protein to maintain the native conformation, either through redox or isomertzation reactions. Few PDI's have been isolated From ... -
characteristics ofLactic Acid Bacteria Enterococcus sp. Isolated from the Gastrointestinal Tract ofAnimal
(1999)Characteristics of three isolates of Gram-positive and catalase.negative cocci in chains isolated from the faeces and rumen of cow and buffalo were studied. Characterization of the isolates was emphasized mainly on their ... -
MicurR-BT As an Indicator of Antibiotic in the Urine Before Bacterial Isolation in Urinary Tract Infection
(1999)Urinary tract inFection is very common and has a very high incidence rate in Indonesia. Usually it caused by bacterial infection, so the diagnostic microbiology play a very important role in the management of antibiotic ... -
Mixture of Cotton Waste and Dried Banana Leaves as the Media for Styraw Mushroom Cultivation
(1999)In Indonesia straw compost is used as common medium for straw mushroom cultivation, because its high cellulose and hemicellulose content. Never theless, wsste cotton derived from textile industry and dried banana leaves ... -
The Application of Mixed Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Inoculant to Peanut and Soybean
(1999)Glomus sp.4, as arbuscular mycorrhizal AM fungi, was a collection originally gathered from soil in Bogor and had been introduced succesfullly to fast-growing legumes of Albirfa procera, Paraserianthes falcataria and ... -
Fermentation Process of Leucaena Seed with Rhizopus oryzae
(1999)Fermentation process of leucaena seeds with Rhizopus oryzae was developed to study biochemical during fermentation process with the emphasis on iron evailability in vitro. Fermentation significantly increased the solubilities ... -
Technology of multipurpose microbial fertilizer supporting sustainable system of soybean production
(1999)Multipurpose microbial fertilizer MFMF has been developed to increase fertilization efficiency to support sustainable soybean production system. Multipurpose microbial fertilizer can supply a substantial portion of nitrogen ... -
Cultivation of Thermophilic Bacteria Isolate of a-Amylase Production
(1999)Cultivation of thermophilic bacteria isolate TVII-6 for a.amylase production. Thermophilic bacteria TVIJ-6 was isolated and selected from the soil sample taken from Dieng vulcanic. The specific activity of ainylase produced ... -
Dominant Fungi Contaminating the Beds of Rice Straw Mushroom and Their interaction with straw Mushroom in vitro
(1999)Eleven dominant mesophilie fungal species Aspergi//usflavus, .4. furnigatus, Coprinus cinereus, C paoulardii, Fusarium chiansydosporuni, K semiteclunr, Fusariunt sp., Gliocladiuni penicilloides, Mekinopsamn.a pom4forntis, ... -
Laboratory Prescreening of Bradyrhizobiumjaponicum for Acid pH Tolerance to Predict Their Survival in Acid' Soils
(1999)Introduced Brwiyrhizobium japonicum strains are often unable to tolerate acid soil stress factors in a new environment. There is a need to improve the survival of B. japonicum in acid soils. This experiment was conducted ... -
Fed-Batch Fermentation Processes to Produce dextranase fro of Streptococcus sp.B7
(1999)The research aimed to develop fermentation technique on dextranase production from the bacterial isolate of Streptococcus sp. B7 using fed-batch Fermentation system. The production was done in two litre Fermentor with flow ... -
Biodegradability ofAliphatic Polyester
(2000)The presence of microbes which can degrade commercial biodegradable plastics, i.e. poly-c-caprolactone PCL, poly-.hydroxy butyrate PUB, polybutylene succinate PBS and polylactic acid PLA, was e'aluated using colony counting ... -
Purification ofct-Amylasefrom Bacillus stearothermophilus by Ultrafiltration Membrane
(2000)The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the optimum conditions of cc-amylase of Bacillus slearotherinophilus purification by ultrafiltration and the step of a-amylase purification from indigenous isolate. Culture ... -
In Vitro Bioremediation ofToluene Contaminated Soil With Addition of Local Strains Bacillus
(2000)Bioremediatlon is the use of microorganism to remove or detoxify toxic or unwanted chemicals in an environ ment. Among those chemicals are hydrocarbon such as toluene. Environment pollution by substances such as toluene ... -
The Role of Glomusfasciculatum and Soil Water Conditions on Growth of Soybean and Maize
(2000)The effects of Glomus fasciculatnm and soil water condition were studied in soybean and maize. Two harvests were carried out to measure the growth response and mycorrhlzal colonization. G. fascicalatum increased plant and ... -
Seleksi dan Isolasi Bakteri Pengurai Senyawa Hidrokarbon Aromatik
(2000)Thirthy-four anoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria and 7 other environmental isolates were exanlined for their ability to grow anaerobically in light in monocyclic aromatic compound, including benzoate, salysilate (2- ...