Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Kontribusi Hutan Rakyat Terhadap Pendapatan Rumah Tangga di Wilayah Das Cimanuk Hulu 

      Hardjanto (2001)
      This article provides the contribution of private forest to household income. Private forest has the ecological and economic functions. One of the ecological functions is hydro-orological function, while the economic ...
    • Kontribusi Rakyat terhadap Pendapatan Rumah Tangga di Sub DAS Cimanuk Hulu 

      Hardjanto (2001)
      This article provides the contribution ofprivate forest to household income. Private forest has the ecological and economicfuncfions. One of the ecological functions is hydr~orologicalfunction. while the economic function ...
    • Model Struktural Sistem Usaha Kayu Rakyat 

      Hardjanto (2006)
      Private owned forest in Java already exists for decades. It was initially targeted for their own consumption. Studies by Faculty of Forestry of IPB in 1976 and UGM in 1977 revealed that 70% of construction timber and 90% ...
    • Mutu Modal Manusia dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi 

      Hardjanto (2002)
      This paper present a correlation between human capital and economic growth. There are two important points concerning this correlation. First, human capital should be put on the same priority as other factors in economic ...