Jurnal Ilmu Tanah & Lingkungan: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-54 of 54
Effective Technique of Run Off Control on Sloping Upland Farming
(2003)The aims of this study were to find out the effects of run off control techniques and cropping patterns on run off rate of sloping upland farming. A series of factorial experiments was conducted on a Lithic Dystrudepts ... -
Pengaruh Pengeringan Contoh Tanah terhadap Beberapa Sifat dan Kimia Tanah Bersifat Vertik serta Klasifikasinya Menurut Taksonomi Tanah
(1999)This laboratory experiment was carried out to study the effect of soil samples drying on physical and chemical properties of vertic soils and their dassification according to soil taxonomy. Usually, soil analysis is held ... -
Morphological, Physical, and Chemical Characteristics of Some Volcanic Soils of MT. Galunggung
(1999)Results of study on morphological, physical, and chemical characteristics of three pedons developed on volcanic materials of Mt. Galunggung, namely BM1, BM2, and BM3, showed that these pedons had a different stage of profile ... -
The Potential Use of Humic Acids
(1999)The potential use of humic acids has received a great deal of attention during the last decade. Many research workers have suggested the advantage one can expect in the application of humic acids to provide a better growth ... -
Pemetaan Bahaya Longsoran Berdasarkan Klasifikasi Statistik Peubah Tunggal Menggunakan SIG: Studi Kasus Daerah Ciawi-Puncak-Pacet, JAwa Barat
(1999)Regarding environmental degradation in Puncak and its surrounding area due to the rapid landuse changes during 1981-1994, some mitigation schemes for soil erosion have been implemented but landslides. Data on landslide and ... -
Kemampuan Bakteri dari Ekosistem Air Hitam Kalimantan Tengah dalam Merombak Minyak Bumi dan Solar
(1999)The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the abili!y of bacteria strains isolated from black water ecosystem of Central Kalimantan in degrading crude oil and diesel oil. The experiment was conducted at the Laboratory ... -
Pengaruh Drainase Terputus dan Pemupukan terhadap pH, Eh, Fe, dan Mn pada Sawah Baru di Ultisol Bandar Abung (Lampung) dan Tapin (Kalsel)
(1999)The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the abili!y of bacteria strains isolated from black water ecosystem of Central Kalimantan in degrading crude oil and diesel oil. The experiment was conducted at the Laboratory ... -
Analisis Resiko Lingkungan Tanaman Transgenik
(2000)Tanaman transgenik merupakan fenomena baru di bidang pertanian saat ini. Tanaman tersebut telah menimbulkan pendapat pro maupun kontra yang luas baik di kalangan ilmuwan maupun di masyarakat. Hingga saat ini belum pemah ... -
Changes in Phosphorus Fractions on an Acidic Soil Induced by Phosphorus Fertilizer, Organic Matter and Lime
(2000)One month of incubation experiment was implemented to evaluate the changes of phosphorus fraction in inorganic P (Pi) and organic P (Po) induced by phosphorus fertilizer (KH2P04), cow manure ( manure) and CaC03 (lime). A ... -
Penurunan Aktivitas Fosfatase Asam di Daerah Perakaran Beberapa Jenis Tanaman Akibat Perlakuan Kapur dan Limbah Industri Bertimah Hitam
(1999)Heavy metals are potentially toxic to soil microorganims and are suggested to decrease soil enzymatic activities. Changes in activity of acid phosphatase in root-zones of some tropical plants treated with a lead-containing ... -
Perilaku Sifat Fisika Tanah yang Berasal dari Sedimen Berpirit dari Musi Banyuasin sebagai Pengaruh Perlakuan Pengeringan
(2000)Greenhouse and laboratory research at the Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture IPB has been conducted about treatment of drying on acid sulphate soil coloum from Musi Banyuasin to examine the effect on soil ... -
Pengindonesiaan Istilah Mikromorfologi Tanah yang Digunakan dalam "Handbook for Soil Thin Section Description [Bullock et al., 1985]"
(1999)Mikromorfologi merupakan salah satu cabang ilmu dalam ilmu tanah. Dalam studi mikromorfologi, contoh tanah terlebih dahulu disiapkan sebagai suatu irisan tipis (dengan berbagai metoda), kemudian fenomena yang ada di dalamnya ... -
Karakterisasi Bakteri Pendegradasi Fenol Asal Danau Buntal Kalimantan Tengah
(2000)Three bacterial isolates (ICBB 1168, ICBB 1169, ICBB 1170), being capable to utilizing phenol as sole carbon and energy source, were isolated from Buntal Lake of Central Kalimantan. Growth of all isolates were optimum at ... -
Erosion Prediction Study of Tugu Utara (Ciliwung Hulu) Sub Watershed
(2004)The research of erosion prediction method at watershed scale was carried out at Tugu Utara (Upper Ciliwung) sub watershed in Puncak, West Java, Indonesia from August 2000 to February 2001. The objectives of this study were: ...