Jurnal Ilmu Tanah & Lingkungan: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 54
The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) as a System of Agricultural Innovation
(2008)The System of Rice Intensification (SRI). developed in Madagascar some 25 years ago. is gaining increasing credence and momentum as probably 500.000 farmers in more than 20 countries are now using its methods to raise their ... -
The Effects of Organic Matter and N, P, K Fertilizer on Nutrient Uptake and Yield of Corn in Inceptisol Ternate
(2008)The objective oj the research was to study the effects oj organic matter and N, P, K Jertilizer on nutrients uptake and yield oj corn in Inceptisol Ternate. The design oj the research was Jactorial completely randomized ... -
Application of Fuzzy Sets Function for Land Attributes Mapping
(2008)A study was conducted to evaluate the potential use of Geographical Information System (GIS) for mapping the biophysical resources of watershed PC-based GIS soft-wares were used in the analysis, processing and mapping of ... -
The Effect of Calcium Silicate on The Phosphorus Sorption Characteristics of Andisols Lembang West Java
(2008)The effect of calcium silicate CaSiOJ the phosphorus (P) sorption characteristics were studied in Andisols Lembang. The amount of 0, 2.5 and 5% CaSiOJ (calcium silicate) or 0, 7.5 and 15 g calcium silicate per pot was added ... -
Effect of oIntermittent Drainage and Fertilization on pH, Eh, Fe, and Mn at New Paddy Soil in Ultisols of Bandar Abung (Lampung) and Tapin (South Kalimantan)
(2000)To study the effect of intermittent drainage and fertilization on new paddy soil of pH, Eh, Fe, and Mn, laboratory experiment was conducted using Ultisol of Bandar Abung, Larnpung and Tapin, South Kalimantan. Experiment ... -
Farmer Innovations Improving the System of Rice Intensification (SRI)
(2007)The System of Rice Intensification (SRI), assembled in Madagascar over a 20-year period and gaining application internationally since 2000, enables farmers to raise their irrigated rice production substantially just by ... -
Water saving for paddy cultivation under the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Eastern Indonesia
(2007)The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) developed in Madagascar in 1980s is a revolutionary new idea for paddy cultivation to increase yields with reduced external resources. Basic idea of SRI originally proposed (Basic ... -
Isolation, Carriers Selection and Inoculum Formulation of Thiobacillus spp.
(2007)One of problems in international trading of coal is high content of suljur. B iodesuljuration of coal using Thiobacillus spp is recognized as the most environmentally friendly to reduce the content. This research was aimed ... -
Soil Moisture Characteristics on Several Soil Types
(2007)Soil water availability is one of the important factors injluencing plant growth. Soil that can store more water in a longer time can support a better plant growth. This study was aimed to evaluate the dynamics of soil ... -
Agricultural land conversion and land use change dynamics in North Bandung Area
(2007)Agricultural land conversion is considered as one of an important issus in the developing areas. In spite of the importance of informations on the quantity and the rate of land conversion as the basis of formulating the ... -
Alleviating an acid sulfate soil cultivated to rice (Oryza sativa) using ground magnesium limestone and organic fertilizer
(2007)Rice yield on acid sulfate soils in Malaysia is very low, presumably due to AI and/or Fe toxicity. This study was conducted to ameliorate an acid sulfate soil in the Kemasin-Semerak Integrated Agricultural Development ... -
Potential and Possibility of Direct Use of Guano as Fertilizer in Indonesia
(2007)Guano is a material originally from sea bird or bat excrement. This material is an important source of P fertilizer during nineteenth century and the early part of twentieth century. The development of artificial fertilizers ... -
The Effect of Organic Matter (Centrosema pubescens) and Rock Phosphate Application on the Activity of Phosphatase and P Fraction of Latosol Soil in Darmaga, Bogor
(2007)One of the problems of acid soils such as Latosol is very low in P-availabi/ity due to high P-j'vcation in those soils. Since soils is deficiency of P, adaptation of plants and microorganisms to overcome deficiency of P ... -
Phosphorus and Potassium Status in Paddy Soils (Sawah) of Central Lampung Regency
(2007)The knowledge about the nutrient status in the lowland soils is one of several ways to maintain soil fertility and increase farmers income. The objective of this study was to evaluate the status of P20J and K20 content in ... -
Impact of Fire on Natural Regeneration in Peat
(2007)Fire is one of the most effective tools in disappearing vegetation community, where it was depend on the characteristics of burning itself and also the performance of the site being burnt. Previous research in mineral soils ... -
Land Suitability Model for Curry
(2007)Agribusiness of herbal medicine is more important in the future due to raw material pharmaceutical industry tends to use materials naturally produced To develop herbal medicine with high quality requires the criteria of ... -
The Effect of Rock Phosphate and Level of Inoculums on The Survivability of Aspergillus niger and Its Solubilization Ability When Pelleted With Rock Phosphate
(2005)The study is intended to examine the survival of Aspergillus niger and its phosphate solubilizing ability when pelleted with rock phosphate. An A. niger YD 17 obtainedfrom the Laboratory of Microbiology. Faculty of ... -
Predicting Spatial Distribution of Argilic Horizon Using Auxilary Information in Regional Scale
(2005)For supporting better soil management, the spatial distribution of soils having argilic hori=on (argilic soils) must be recognized and it can be delineate in soil survey mapping activity, but this activity consumes much ... -
Significance of Pelleting The Seed with Phosphate and Lime on The Cultivation of Soybean in Acid Soils in Sitiung, West Sumatera
(2005)Several experiments containing 2 field, 2 pot and I rhizotron were conducted to develop a low input agricultural practice (pelleting seed) for production of soybean plant (cv. Tidar) on heavily acid soils of Sitiung, West ... -
Exploration of Methanol Utilizing Microbes from Soil and Dung, as Source of Single Cell Protein
(2005)The objectives of this research were to explore methanol utilizing microbes by isolation. selection and collection of methanol utilizing microbes from soil and dung. further it will be produced as single cell protein. The ...