Browsing Hayati Journal of Biosciences by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 302
Evolusi Mikrobe dan Kaitannya dengan Sistematik Molekuler
(1994)Dengan pencacah radioakti f, para pakar geologi memperkirakan bahwa umur bumi sekitar 4.6 biliun tahun. Air cair sudah ada sekitar empat biliun tahun yang lalu, yang memungkinkan perkembangan yang pesa t dan menjadi sy ara ... -
Stabilitas Pseudomonas putida dalam Medium Pembawa dan Potensinya sebagai Pupuk Hayati
(1994)SbIsiUty d B d ~ l )puClid~a h Some CInitrs and Ib Potential m Biofdizcr. Bseudavntmads dl 4 ~ L a b h gplr ic-isms can be lssed as biofertillzer beerrust of tbeir aWty to prodace growth mguWQT, to suppms patbogtnk mkroorg8nbm ... -
Bagaimana protein melipat: suatu masalah yang nyata di dalam bioteknologi
(1994)Bury& pduL biokknologi mempllua protein dmgsm fungsi hryati yang sangat penting. Sebagian produk ini ad.h dilirik dan dipduksi brhzslrrsn old sejumlah iddustri bioteknologi. Dapat disebutkan di sini sejum1.h auim don fkktor ... -
Pemeriksaan Jenis Alel Tripsin Inhibitor Kunitz pada Kedelai dengan Menggunakan Metode Elektroforesis Gel Poliakrilamid Lempengan
(1994)Trypsin inhibitor Kunitz protein found in soybean seed is a main antinutrition and inhibit the animal growth if used as animal feed in raw condition. This protein can be dirnimted by heating or by creating soybean variety ... -
Induksi Kalus dan Regenerasi Dioscorea composita HemsI
(1994)Callus induction and planlet regeneration of D. composira Hemsl are described. Nodal cuttings and young sctds of D. conrpodfa wert induced to produce callus and planlets on modified MS medium, tJmt are supplemented with ... -
Keanekaragaman Kelapa dan Pemanfaatanya
(1994)Plasma nutfah kelapa (Cocos nucgera) merupakan sumber sifat keturunan untuk merakit dan mengembangkan kultivar kelap unggul. Di Indonesia survai plasma nutfah kelapa telah dimulai sejak tahun 1973 dengan melakukan seleksi ... -
Pemanfaatan Isolat Bakteri Aerob dari Lumpur Aktif Pabrik Kertas untuk Penurunan arna Lindi Hitam
(1994)Tbr UHd of Aerobic Bwkrie ha Active Sludge to Dccobrized Wasted Black Liquor of Paper Imdwtry. Tbo dedorlPtion procas of wuted black liquor hn pulping process of paper factory wus studkd using the wtivlty d aerobic bacteria. ... -
Studi Anatomi Daun Saccharum spp. sebagai Induk dalam Pemuliaan Tebu
(1994)The Aaatornkal Stmdy of Saccliancm rpp. Leavcs Parmt Plantr b Sugarcame Bmeding. The anatomical rtudy on panatal plrat colkctlons of Sacchumm rpp. was c d e d out, Samples wen taken ifom the fourtb Itat when the plants ... -
Kapang pada Beras yang Berasal dari Beberapa Varietas Padi
(1994)Molds from Some Varieties of Milled-Rice. Fourteen species of molds were isolated from stored. milled-rice, derived from three different rice variety as follows: Arlhrinium sp., Aspergillus candidus, A. flavus, A. niger, ... -
Peran DNA Mitokondria (mtDNA) dalam Stuid Keragaman Genetik dan Biologi Populalsi pada Hewan
(1994)Pengkajian keragaman genetik telah banyak dilakukan melalui studi protein dan isoenzim. Namun demikian terdapat masalah yang umum bahwa keragaman genetik yang dapat diungkapkan tidak maksimum. Rendahnya poiimorfisme protein ... -
Profil DNA Genom Xanthomonas campestris dengan Menggunakan Schizotyping
(1995)Scbizotyping was employed to reveal unique fingerprints of particular strains or pathovala of Xanthmonas campestris (Pamawl) Dowson. Digestion of X. campestris pv. cumpeslris gnomic DNA with each of these restriction ... -
Cendawan Mikoriza Arbuskula pada Bambu di Kebun Raya Bogor
(1995)rbhospbecea of tweaty b b e o 6peek caltivated in Bqpr Botuir Gudcns were found r gcem of arbuscahr myoorrbizal (AM) fungi (condPtad of @uc spaeks of Acdtaqmq oae species of Gigaspom, thee speck d G b ,an d two species of ... -
Seleksi Galur Bradyrhizobium japonicum Indigenos Toleran Media Asam Alumunium
(1995)Twenty five indigenous strains of Bradyrhizobirrm jnponicum were screened employing acid-Alaminium media, in whkh 50 pM AI(K Al (S04)2.12H20) was added and pH adjusted to pH 4.5. Nine strains which are acid tolerance grew ... -
Studi tentang Poliamin dan Suhu Dingin dalam Mempertahankan Beberapa Kriteria Kualitas Buah Pisang
(1995)Polyamiges have been reported to inhibit senescence and fmit ripening. Exogenous application of polyurines have prolonged sbettlife of some hits. Tbe objective d the present study was to determine the effect of poiyemines ... -
Pembentukan Oospora Phytophthora capsici pada Jaringan Lada
(1995)Study on ompores formation in inoculated biack pepper (Piper nigmm L) tissue obtained from roots, stems and leaves were conducted at different temperature of incubations. The tissues were inoculated with two compatibility ... -
Kandungan Asam Lemak Rantai Pendek Selama Perkembangan biji dan Hubunganya dengan Dormasi pada Biji Apel
(1995)Short chain fatty rids (SCFA), strigbt chain carboxyk acids witb carbon number between 6-12, bave been reported to have a role in. dormancy of several speck This study was conducted to detennk tbe cbnge ofshort cbain Ltfy ... -
Studi Tentang Poliami dan Suhu Dingin dalam Mempertahankan Beberapa Kriteria Kualitas Buah Pisang
(1995)Polyamiges have been reported to inhibit senescence and fmit ripening. Exogenous application of polyunines have prolonged sbettlife of some hits. Tbe objective d the present study was to determine the effect of poiyemines ... -
Osmoregulasi Kijing Air Tawar (Velesunio ambiguus Phillipi)
(1995)Tbe salinity tolerance and osmotk regulation of tbe freshwater mussel Velesunio iunbiguus Phillipi bas been studied In response to osmotk st-. This specks of organism could t o l e ~ tsea linity between 0 and 5 ppt (2 and ... -
Kandungan Asam Lemak Rantai Pendek Selama Perkembangan Biji dan Hubungannya dengan Dormansi pada Biji Apel
(1995)Short chain fatty rids (SCFA), strigbt chain carboxyk acids witb carbon number between 6-12, bave been reported to have a role in. dormancy of several speck This study was conducted to detennk tbe cbnge ofshort cbain Ltfy ...