Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Keefektifan albumen sebagai media pemisah spermatozoa sapi pembawa kromosom X dan Y 

      Saili, Takdir | Toelihere, Mozes R. | Boediono, Arief | Tappa, Baharuddin (2000)
      Two combination of discontinous albumen media were applied as separation media whether albumen could be used effectively to change the natural ratio of X and Y chromosome-bearing bovine spermatozoa. The first combination ...
    • Pengawetan Spermatozoa Menggunakan Metode Pengeringbekuan 

      Saili, Takdir | Pangestu, Mulyoto | Setiadi, Mohamad Agus | Agungpriyono, Srihadi | Toelihere, Mozes R. | Boediono, Arief (2005)
      Since the discovery of cryopreservation method for bull semen, cryopreservation become an alternative method for maintaining gamet resources of certain animal which is threatened or near extinction. This technology was ...
    • Sperm Preservation using Freeze-Drying Method 

      Saili, Takdir | Pangestu, Mulyoto | Setiadi, Mohamad Agus | Aguspriyono, Srihadi | Toelihere, Mozes R. | Boediono, Arief (2005)
      Since the discovery of cryopreservation method for bull semen, cryopreservation become an alternative method for maintaining gamet resources of certain animal which is threatened or near extinction. This technology was ...