Forum Pascasarjana: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-56 of 56
The Effect of Soil Moisture Content on Power Requirement and Wheel Slip of Tractor
(1989)Penelitian tentang kebutuhan tenaga dan slip roda traktor telah dilaksanakan di kampung Pulung Kencana, Kecamatan Tulang Bawang Tengah, Kabupaten Lampung Utara, Propinsi Lampung, pada musim penghujan tahun 1979. Jenis tanah ... -
Isolasi dan Identifikasi Imunoglobulin Gama (igG) Serum Ayam Buras dan Ayam Ras dengan Metode Kromatografi Pertukaran Ion dan Imunokimia
(1995)The sady was designed to isolate and identify senun IgG of native and imported chickens, after being immunized with Newcastle Disease Veccine. The isolation method used was the DEAE-Cellulose ion ex-e chromatography using ... -
Pengaruh Pemupukan Fosfor dan Varietas Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Kedelai (Glycine max (L)Merr) pada Budidaya Jenuh Air
(1991)The objective of this expaiment was to study the effect of phosphorus fertilization on the growth and production of Americana and Lokon under saturated soil culture. The experiment was conducted at the Cikarawang Experimental ... -
Teknik penghitungan koefisien rekombinasi dengan contoh kasus lokus MDH, esterase dan warna hipokotil pada setaria italica
(1989)Coefficient of recombination between two loci can be estimated from it's maximum likelihood function. Newton approximation method that was combined with computer programation can be used on that estimation. Application of ... -
Analisis Peragam Grup Data Heterogen
(1995)This paper discussed the important of concomitant variables in regression analysis. Particularly, it was shown that without considering concomitant variables none of the combined regression models was reliable. In fact, ... -
Tanggap kedelai (Glycine max (L.)Merr.) terhadap pupuk mikro Zn, Cu, B pada beberapa dosis pupuk kandang di tanah latosol
(1991)The experiment was conducted on a Latosol soil at Cikarawang, Bogor, to investigate the response of plant growth, production and seed size of soybean (Glycine mw (L.) Merr.) to applications of chicken manure and micronutrients ... -
Analisis keragaman beberapa mutan dan varietas kedelai II. studi elektroforesis globulin dan albumin pada biji
(1990)Albumin dan globulin were extracted from seeds of ten mutants and twelve varieties of soybean. The electrophoregrams of albumin and globulin had respectively six and four zones. Each zone was assumed equivalent to one gene ... -
Pendugaan Kurva Sensitivitas Harga Menggunakan Model Linear Terampat
(1995)The estimation of price sensitivity curves is usually based on historical data of the product. The estimates obtained, however, are potentially blased especially if the previous condition does not reflect the current market ... -
Efficacy Evaluation of Some Coccidiostats as Chickens Coccidiosis Control Against Local Strain in Indonesia
(1990)Seribu delapan ratus ekor anak ayam umur sehari Starbro-broiler digunakan dalam tiga penelitian ini, 450 ekor untuk penelitian BAYCOX, 450 ekor untuk penelitian CYGRO dan 900 ekor untuk penelitian CLINACOX. Ketiga penelitian ... -
Prediksi Aliran Permukaan, Hasil Sedimen dan Kualitasnya dengan Model Answers pada Areal Waduk Batujai, NTB
(1993)The possibility of ANSWERS model application for predicting runoff and sediment yield is discussed in this paper. Three types of rainfall duration (e.i. 6; 8 and 10 hours) with three amount of total rainfall of 100; 200 ... -
Pola Hubungan Produksi Ponggawa-Petambak: Suatu Bentuk Ikatan patron - Klien (Studi Kasus Masyarakat Petambak di Desa Babulu Laut, Kecamatan Babulu, Kabupaten Pasir, Kalimantan Timur)
(2002)The relationship of Ponggawa - Petambak in fishfond aquaculture activity was a common phenomenon at many coastal village areas, particularly Babulu Laut Village (East Kalimantan). Although the relationship was considered ... -
Pendugaan Nilai Heritabilitas Kompponen-Komponen Buah pada Tujuh Populasi Kelapa Tanpa Menggunakan Uji Keturunan
(1993)Heritability of fruit characters, such as fruit weight, husk weight, husk thickness, sheal weight, endosperm (water) weight, albumen weight, copra weight, oil content, fruit length and ftuit width. have been estimated on ... -
Suatu Penilaian NMR Kumulatif Terhadap NMR TPB sebagai Gold Standar (Studi Kasus Mahasiswa IPB Angkatan 30-Angkatan 33)
(2002)Degree of agreement between a given measurement method with gold standard method is often observed in a variety of field study. Laurent estimator, blended estimator, and agreement limit of 95% may be used as criteria to ... -
Pengaruh Penggenangan pada Berbagai Fase Pertumbuhan Kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merr) Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi
(1989)The soybean (Glycine rnax (L.) Merr) plant is able to make morphological adaptations to flooding such as the formation of adventive roots. Long-term continuous flooding result in reductive conditions in the rhizosphere ... -
Konsumsi Pangan dan Seng, Serta Determinan Status Seng Ibu Hamil di Kecamatan Leuwiliang dan Cibungbulang, Kabupaten Bogor
(2002)The objectives of this study were to analyze zinc status, nutrient dietary quality, zinc content, zinc intake, determinant of zinc status and implications for preventing zinc deficiency among pregnant women living in ... -
Analisis Struktur dan Kinerja Perdagangan Internasional Indonesia Khususnya Produk Primer dan Non Primer Pertanian [E-Journal]
(1997)Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari ciri-ciri ekspor (khususnya produk pertanian) dan impor Indonesia, yang menyertai perubahan struktural dalam ekspor dan impor tersebut serta situasi yang menyebabkan munculnya ...