Forum Pascasarjana: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 56
Studi Morfologi, Perilaku Reproduksi, Habitat dan Kadungan Pestisida Pada Burung Wilwo (Mycteria cinerea) Dalam Musim Berbiak Di Suaka Margasatwa Pulau Rambut, Jakarta
(2005)The researc~ was conducted to examine the morphology of male and female of Mil'''' Stork In the field, nest trees and reproduction (sexual' feeding re t· behnTa vior and growt h a f young and pes'tic i.d e content within ... -
Strategi Peningkatan Kinerja kelembagaan dan pembiayaan pengelolaan irigasi
(2006)The general purpose of this research is to formulate the strategy of water resources management, especially on irrigation system on interregional of economic cooperation to increase development regional economic. -
Isolasi, karakterisasi, dan identifikasi bakteri metanogenik asal limbah air kelapa
(2007)Bacteria are microbes which have an ability to live wherever there is a life. Some of the bacteria are saprophyte and some are parasitic. But most of the bacteria have not been identified or cultured; therefore the benefits ... -
Pengembangan model simulasi proses pengomposan sampah organik perkotaan dalam bioreaktor
(2007)Municipal solid waste or MSW has potency to be decomposed by microorganisms and transformed into compost. The waste contains 60%-75% of organic materials C, H, O, and N. The aim of this research was to develop a simulation ... -
Dinamika populasi plankton dalam area pusat penangkapan benur dan nener di perairan Pantai Kecamatan Suppa Kabupaten Pinrang, Sulawesi Selatan (forum pasca)
(2009)This research to study relation between environment parameter, plankton abundance and primary productivity with abundance of tiger prawn post larvae and milk fish fry, calculates plankton predating rate speed by tiger prawn ... -
Dimensi Keberlanjutan Pengelolaan Kota Tepian Pantai (Studi Kasus Kota Semarang)
(2011)Semarang waterfront is a unique ecosystem which has a variety potentialities and problem of using some natural resources, especially in the tradeoff between economic growth and ecological preservation. Generally the handling ... -
Rekonstruksi Struktur Eco-House Baduy Dalam Di Provinsi Banten
(2012)Environment quality has been worsening year by year; and building's sector contributes 66% of fossil fuels pollution's sources. The technique in building constructions needs to changing in order to increase environmental ... -
Analisis Kondisi Pengudaraan Pasif pada Rumah Baduy Dalam Dengan Teknik Simulasi
(2012)Environment quality is worsening every year; buildingrs sector contributes 66% of fossil fuels pollution sources. Ways in building constructions need to be changed in more environmental friendly manner. Today, in spite of ... -
Analisis Dampak Sumber Modal Terhadap Produksi Dan Keuntungan Usaha Tambak Udang 01 Kecamatan Muara Badak Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara
(2010)The government of Kulai Kartanegara Regency Indicates that the problem of shrimp pond's business production and profit has been going down Bnd being stagnant in Muara 8adak. It is caused by capital source i.e own capital, ... -
Prospek Makanan Tradisional Aceh Sebagai Makanan Kesehatan: Deteksi Awal Aktivitas Antimikrob Minyak Pliek U Dan Ekstrak Kasar Dari Pliek U
(2009)Antimicrobial activity of pliek u oil and pliek u crude extracts were evaluated against seven bacterial strains (Bacillus subtilis. Staphylococcus aureus. Escherichia coli, Salmonella Enteritidis, Bacillus cereus, Pseudomonas ... -
Strategi Pengembangan Agroindustri Berbasis Kakao Di Indonesia
(2006)This research was conducted with system approach whidl aim to identify !he main components that important to cocoa-based agro-induslrial development strategy. Factors. actors. and goals of cocoa-based agro-industrial ... -
Rekayasa Sistem Rantai Pasokan Berbasis Jaringan Pada Bahan Baku Agroindustri Farmasi
(2007)The objecfrve of this 1lIS611rd! was /0 develop rhe nelloorl<-oosed IlIW wpply cham system for pharmaceutICal agmiflduslry thaI WOIJld be 80" 1:I1'IaIt;I5e' farmer's incomft and $UstainabUWy Under.well II .frstam. ... -
Kajian karakteristik dan Kesesuaian Kawasan Mangrove Untuk Kegiatan Ekowisata Mangrove di Gugus pulau Togean, Taman Nasional Kepulauan Togean
(2010)The mangrove area of Togean islands have been used for marine ecotourism activities. The increasing of anthropogenic activities affected to decreasing of mangrove area and mangrove tourism attractive. This research aim to ... -
Strategi Pengembangan Perikanan Pelagis Kecil di Perairan Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara
(2010)Southeast Maluku District waters has abundance fisheries resources, especially small pelagic fisheries, but its poorly managed. That is identified from inadequate infrastructure with traditional fishing effort. ... -
Studi tentang pengelolaan sampah padat rumah tangga di kota Meulaboh, kabupaten Aceh Barat provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam
(2005)The aim of the research was to study the system of waste management Meulaboh city, role of government and community in household waste management and the factors influenced role of household waste management conducted by ... -
Formulasi rolling oil berbahan dasar minyak sawit
(2011)Rolling oil ada)ah salah satu pelumas yang digunakan pada induslri logam khususnya pada proses cold rolling mill (CRM), berfungsi sebagai roll coHani roll oil dan pickle oil. Rolling oil terdiri atas pelumas dasar dan ... -
Serapan hara oleh lada perdu (pper ningrum L.) pada kerapatan tanaman dan pemupukan yang beragam di bawah tegakan kelapa
(2011)The arrangement of planting density and method of fertilizer application constitutes one among many cultivation techniques to increase productivity of pepper plantation. The development of shrub pepper is an alternative ...