Buletin Kimia
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Pengaruh Pemberian Yoghurt Terhadap Pertumbuhan Gigi Tikus Putih (Rattus Norvegicus Galur Wistar)
(2001)The purpose of this research is to get information about the effect of yoghurt on the growing teeth of Rat (Rattus norvegicus strain wistaf). This research used 30 male rats, which divided into three groups. Each group ... -
Mekanisme Penghambatan Produk-Produk Reaksi Maillard
(2002)To determinine the inhibitory mechanism of antibacterial MailiW reaction products (PRM), heated mixtures containing GL (glukosa-tisin) and TU (---urea) were studied fcx their effect on uptake oxygen and iron solubility. ... -
Reduksi Biologi dari Limbah Pabrik Kopi Menggunakan Cacing Tanah Eisenia Foetida
(2002)Biology reductions of coffee residue, waste from PT. Torabika industry, Tangerang using earthworm have been carried out. The aim of experiment is to know the ability of earthworm to decompose the waste become verrnicompost ... -
Perbandingan Fermentasi Antibiotik oleh Streptomyces sp. S-34 dan Dua Rekombinasinya pada Beberapa Medium
(1992)Sampai saat ini penelitian mengenai antibiotik masih tetap nienarik karena 1 selain pemakaiannya yang cukup luas dalam dunia pengobatan juga karena adanya I kemungkinan suatu mikroorganisme menjadi resistenlkebal terhadap ... -
Pencemaran Udara dan Kebisingan Sumber Energi Diesel (Studi Kasus di PLTD Kota Bitung Sulawesi Utara)
(2002)The aims of this research am to find out : 1) The air po#iutisn bvel as a result of the diesel energy source activity. 2) The noise W as a mu8 d ttte diesel energy actfvity. The research was conducted in PLTD Kota Bjtung ... -
Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Dektransukrase dari Isolat Bakteri Batang Tebu
(2001)Dextransucrase is a glucasyltransferase that catalyzes the transfer of an alpha-D-glucopyranosyl group from sucrose to dextran and releasing the fructose. Enzyme activity was determined by measuring the initial reaction ...