Buletin Keteknikan Pertanian: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 69
Penerapan Teknologi Image Processing dan Artificial Neural Network untuk Menduga Ketersediaan Air dan Nutrisi pada Pertumbuhan Tanaman Cabai Merah
(2001)The objective of this research is to predict the water and nutrient status during the growth of red chili plant by means of an image processing and artificial neural network algorithm. In this study, about 150 chili plants ... -
Rancang Bangun Alat dan Pengukuran Nilai Dielektrik pada Kisaran Frekuensi Radio
(2001)Dielectric properties indicate the ability of a system to stare, tmmit and reflect electromagnetic wave energy. Recently, the utikatitm of the propetties in agrcutture field tends to incmase. For example, d&ct& of bhgical ... -
Simulasi Pengeringan Gabah pada Ruang Pengering Semi Silinder Mendatar
(2001)Simulation technique was used to determine the drying charaden'stic of roughrice in a horizontal-semi cylindrical plenum (drying-bed). The mathematical model simulation used in study was a set of partial d&rential equation. ... -
Pengemabangan dan Pengelolaan Air di Lahan Basah
(2001)This paper describes potentials as well as obstacles in developing wetland for agr~cult~iresH. istorical backgrounds of wetland utilization for agric~~lturesin Indonesia and wetland definition by Ran7sar Convention are ... -
Modifikasi Model Tangki untuk Mempelajari Pengaruh Perubahan Tata Guna Lahan Terhadap Limpasan
(2001)The objectives of the research were to modiv the tank model by using infiltration process in the model, based on available daily rainfall data, actual evapotranspiration rates, in 1996 and 1997 for the Cidanau Watershed. ... -
Simulasi Pengendalian Suhu dalam Rumah Tanaman Jamur Tropika
(2001)Optimum growth of tropical mushrooms depend on the ambient environment. In general, mushrooms prefer low air temperature and high air humidity. The growers use closed rooms to maintain favorable conditions. Recently, use ... -
Model and Simulation of Deep Bed Clove Drying: Effect of Fermented Treatment
(2001)This paper describes the prediction of deep-bed clove drying. This model also considers mass and heat profile that was affected by fermentation process. This model used the equation of two-dimensional finite difference ... -
Simulasi Metode Numerik Beda-Hingga untuk Menduga Penyebaran Kadar Air Volumetrik dan Potensial Air Tanah
(2000)This paper describes an application of n~rmerical method of finils dzflerence for predicting the distribution of volumetric water (8) and water potential (v by using diffusity and conductivity approach. The result of current ... -
Model Pengadaan Alat dan Mesin Budidaya Tebu Bagi Pabrik Gula di Lahan Kering
(2000)The objective of the research is to build the setup n~odel of jurm machinery and equipment for zip land sugar cane indzlstry. From this model can be determined: (I) selection of farm n~uchinery/eyu@ri7en(t2, ) ~zutnbero f ... -
Karakteristik Bahan untuk Pipa Lateral Berpori pada Irigasi Tetes Metode Via Flow
(2000)Trickle Irrigation System with porous pipe as a11 etnitter is introclzrced in Indonesia recently and this system still use import equipments To use it in Indonesia, it is necessary to modified the pipe by local matericrl ... -
Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Kerusakan Traktor Tangan Berbasis Berbasis Internet
(2000)The purpose of this research is to develop Internet Based Expert System for Hand Tractor Trouble Shooting. Using PWS (Personal Web Server) as a Local Intranet Manager this system implemented in the network and connected ... -
Particel Size Effect in Model Retaining Wall on Passive Mode with Granular Material
(2000)This paper presented a particle size effict on model retaining ~ltillII J comparing the experimental and finite elernent analysis. The experiments were conducted with air-drietl' ir'oq,oura sand and Sonrt~ sand in plane ... -
Rancangan Jaringan Irigasi Tetes untuk Tanaman Cabai Merah Hibrida (Capsicum annum var. longum L) di Proyek Resinda, Karawang
(2000)Trickle Irrigation is an irrigation method which can give continuou.~ water drops at [he root zone. The muin conzponexts of Trickle Irrigation .Jlv.r.tenz are : etnilter, lateral pipe, nlan(fi1d ,7@e, main pipe, water pun~p ... -
Desain dan Uji Teknis Alat Pengukur Nilai Dielektrik Berdasarkan Metoda Q-Meter
(2000)Dielectric heating has received a lot of attention recently. Microwave heating, however, has the problem of noticeable hot and cold spots within a food. Radio frequency (RF) has the potential to overcome this problem because ... -
Pengaruh Posisi Durian dalam Penetuan Kematangan Secara Non Destruktip Menggunakan Gelombang Ultrasonik
(2000)The study was conducted to assess the influence of durian 's position toward transmission properties of ultrasonic wave for determination of the fruit ripeness using non-destructii-e technique. Three ripe and unripe duria~u ... -
Kajian Hubungan Antara Kekuatan Tanah dengan Densitas pada Tanah Latosol dan Podsolik Merah Kuning
(2000)The soil strength characteristic, which is usually e.xpressed by cohesion and internal piction, is as basic data for applying farm machineries/equipments and farm structures. The objective of this research is to study the ... -
Simulasi Karakteristik Pengeringan Beku Daging Sapi Giling
(2000)Drying characteristic of a particular product is important in analyzing the appropriateness of the drying method for the product. This is especially important for freeze drying, which is known as the most expensive drying ... -
Analisis biaya sistem terbang-angkut pada pemanenan tebu bakar di PT. Gula Putih Mataram, Lampung Utara
(2001)The objective of this research was to calculate the cost of harvesting and transportation methods for sugar cane. The research was conducted at the PT. Gula Putih Mataram by observe the total cost of four methods of ...