Buletin Keteknikan Pertanian: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 69
Methane Emissions from Rice and Peat Soil and Contribution of Indonesia to Global Warming
(1998)Rice fields are considered to be among the highest sources of atmospheric methane, an important source of global warming. In order to meet the projected rice needs of the increasing world population, it is estimated that ... -
Measurement of Transport Properties for The Dried Layer of Several Food Materials Udergoing Freeze-Drying
(1998)The transport properties of several food materials have beet? presented us ,fundc2.nzenial irfortnurion to determine the drying rate ofpeeze-drying process. As un exatrzple, the nleasuring method of thermal condtrctivity ... -
Analisis keandalan peralatan pengolahan kertas
(1998)The equipment that were bought @om the manufacturer would have the data of reliability for example, MTTF (Mean Time To Failure), MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure) or MTTR (Mean Time To Repair), however these data only valid ... -
Pengaruh Laju Pembekuan dan Suhu Permukaan Bahan Terhadap Waktu Pengeringan Beku Daging Sapi Giling
(1997)Freeze drying of food materials is a time and energy consuming process, hence a high cost process. The drying rate is limited by heat and mass transfer process within the dried portion of the product. In order to improve ... -
Disain dan Uji Model Otomatisasi Proses Penjernihan Minyak Kelapa Sawit
(1997)Crude palm oil is one of export comodities of Indonesia. Theme, it is of crucial importance to improve the quality of crude palm oil (CPO) through the process of CPO production. This paper discusses the design and ... -
Pengembangann Paket Penunjang Keputusan untuk Penempatan Chipper di Areal Pembukaan Lahan Transmigrasi
(1997)This paper concerns with the development of a decision support package for chipper allocation at the transmigration land preparation area. It is intended to be used by chip entrepreneur on determining the most economical ... -
Pengaturan Suhu Rumah Tanaman dengan Kontrol Logika Fuzzy
(1997)Nowdays, greenhouse is becoming popular in tropical country for plant cultivations, which the main reason is fbrplant protection against unwanted distwbances i.e. from heevy rainfall, wind, pest and so on. Since most of ... -
Disain dan Uji Teknis Mesin Permanen Padi Semi Mekanis
(1992)Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendisain, membuat dan menguji coba mesin pemanen padi. Tipe mesin yang dirancang adalah mesin ketam lepas (reaper) semi mekanis. Pembuatan alat dilakukan di bengkel "Mekanisasi ... -
Efektifitas Sistem Fertigasi Kendi pada Tanaman Lada Perdu (Piper nigrum Linn)
(2003)The successful appbtion of pitcher irrigation system has motivated to investigate the pitcher as a fertigation system8Tmh e experiment was conducted at Lern'kopo Experiment Station, AgMural Engineering Department, Bogor ... -
Pengaruh Arus Luaran LRC pada Metoda Q-Meter Terhadap Hasil Pengukuran Nilai Sifat Dielektrik di Sekitar Frekuensi Radio
(2003)Various measuring method of dielectric properties has been studied by researchers, one of wich is the Booton 160-A Q-meter operated within the radio frequency range. Determination of dielectric properties by the Q-meter ... -
Optimasi Parameter Tank Model
(2003)Tank Model is one of hydrological models to analize characteristics of river flow. The model can give information of water availability and be used to predict flood occurences. As it is commonplace, this model needs ... -
Karakteristik Pembekuan Vakum Pulp Markisa
(2003)Pemilihan metode pembekuan merupakan salah satu aspek yang penting, khususnya dari sisi keteknikan. Pembandingan karakteristik pembekuan dan mutu produk yang dibekukan dengan berbagai metoda dapat digunakan untuk keperluan ... -
Pengolahan Citra untuk Pemeriksaan Mutu Buah Mangga
(2002)Indonesia has many kinds of tropical fruits, including mango, that can be exported besides to supply the demand on the fruits in the country. To ensure the quality of mango, it is important to do sortation and grading on ... -
Investigasi Air Tanah Melalui Geolistrik di Darmaga Bogor
(2002)Groundwater is an important resources of water supply in the highly populated city. Groundwater availability in aquifer is determaneted by morfoogical hydrological and geological factors. Geological factors includes shape ... -
Rekayasa Ulang Posisi dan Peran Lembaga Serta Kebijakan untuk Rehabilitasi Lahan Kritis
(2002)The purpose of land rehabilitation (LR) is to improve of landuse capability. Actually, LR needed participation of many institutions and policies. The objective of this research is to assess the role, position, and function ... -
Algoritma pengolahan citra tanaman cabai merah menggunakan pengindera tiga dimensi
(2002)Machine vision is one of the image processing techniques used to process the image of an object according to its color, shape, size by using a video camera as an image capturer. The image processing used in this study, ... -
Aplikasi Metode Simulasi Monte Carlo untuk Menduga Debit Aliran Sungai
(2001)Discharge of a stream flow is one process in hydrologic cycle. Fluctuation of discharge - directly or indirectly - is more affected by rainfall intensity. Because rainfall intensity is dependent on weather (climate), ... -
Rancangan Prototipe Alat Pengukur Kesegaran Ikan Berdasarkan Tahanan Listrik
(2001)The freshness of the dead fish is very difficult to be known visually whereas the use of chemical analyses is not only time consuming but also is not readily available at for market. Therefore, it is considered necessary ...