Buletin Keteknikan Pertanian: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 69
Sistem resirkulasi air tertutup untuk pembenihan ikan patin (Pangasius sp.) (bagian 1): Pengendalian suhu air dengan pengendali mikrokontroller
(2001)Catfish (Pangasius sp.) culture is one of the agricultural commodities with a high economic value and can be chosen as one of the fanner's alternative to increase added value to their land. Generally. catfish cultural ... -
Penentuan Panas Laten Kakao
(1997)In most drying applications the latent heat is determined by considering the evaporation of free water as given in the steam tables. The use of these data for latent heat, especially with crops at a low moisture content, ... -
Measurement of Transport Properties for The Dried Layer of Several Food Materials Undergoing Freeze-Drying
(1998)The transport properties of several food materials have beet? presented as fundamental information to determine the drying rate freeze-drying process. As un example, the measuring method of thermal conductivity and ... -
Karakteristik Bahan untuk Pipa Lateral Berpori pada Irigasi Tetes Metode Via - Flow
(2000)Trickle Irrigation System with porous pipe as an emitter is introduced in Indonesia recently and this system still use import equip11lents To use it in Indonesia, it is necessary to modified the pipe by local material This ... -
Penentuan Koefisien Dispersi Hidrodinamik Transportasi Larutan dalam Tanah Menggunakan Metode Inverse Problem
(2002)Solute transport in porous medium is affected by two parameters i.e. : 1 )average velocity of solute particle, and 2) solute dispersion. Theoretically, the solute transport can be describes by Convective Dispersion Equation, ... -
Pemodelan Pertumbuhan dan Pemakaian Air Tanaman Palawija di Lahan Kering
(2000)Palawija is still used as secondary food in Indonesia. Some of palawija crops were source of the carbohydrate, and the others like a peanut and soybean are source of protein. The common palawija crops grown on upland area ... -
Pengaruh Suhu dan Waktu Pembiusan Bertahap terhadap Kelulusan Hidup Udang Windu Tambak (Penaeus monodon Fab.) Selama Transportasi Sistem Kering
(1999)The objective of this research is tojind out the best temperature, lime and handling method for black tiger shrimp transportation with dry system. Anesthesis method was applied in this research by adopting gradual cooling ... -
Pendugaan Debit Sungai Berdasarkan Hujan dengan Menggunakan Model Tangki di DAS Cidanau, Serang
(1999)River run ofl model using tank model has been formulated to the natural river of Cidanau, Serang, West Java. The model consists of four lanks represent four land use zones. The parameter of the tanks were optimized uszng ... -
Efisiensi Penggunaan Air pada Sistem Irigasi Tetes dan Curah untuk Tanaman Krisan (Chrysantemum sp)
(1999)Chrysant plants (Chrysantemum, sp.) as a horticulture vegetation has an estetical and economical value. Irrigation system which is used for Chrysant plants in PT Tecsuco Nusasemesta's green house are sprinkle and trickle ... -
Evaluasi Persamaan Infiltrasi Kostiakov dan Philip Secara Empirik untuk Tanah Regosol Coklat Kekelabuan
(1999)Inmation is important to note because it is related to potential surface run-08 jlood, erosion, water storage of soil, and stream discharge especially during dry season. However, because the infiltration equation is valid ... -
Kinerja Pembersih Biji-Bijian Tanaman Pangan APB-M1 pada Pembersihan Jagung Pipilan
(1999)The research to evaluate perfornlance of grain cleaner APB-MI was conducted in the Research Institute for Maize and Other Cereals tit the beginning of 1998. Five engine circles were tested: 1200, 1350, 1500, I650 and 1800 ... -
Penyusunan dan Pengujian Model Pendugaan Konsentrasi O2 dan CO2 dalam Kemasan Modified Atmosphere Sayuran Tropika
(1999)A rnuthernutical model was developed to predict 0 2 and C02 guseous concentration for fresh vegetables under modified atmosphere pack~igiilg. Mathematicals models were developed by asstrmp thut the sides basin packing is ... -
Kendali Fuzzy pada Pemeraman Pisang Uli (Musa paradisiaca L)
(1999)Burluna is a potential commodity to gain foreign currencji .rince its export has tended to increase year by year. Posthavest hundling of Btrn~nu i.s very important in order to maintain high quaiity of the products. Arfzjkiul ... -
Pengaruh Suhu dan Waktu Pembiusan Bertahap Terhadap Keluusan Hidup Udang Windu Tambak (Penaeus monodon Fab) Selama Transportasi Sistem Kering
(1999)The objective of this research is tojind out the best temperature, lime and handling method for black tiger shrimp transportation with dry system. Anesthesis method was applied in this research by adopting gradual cooling ... -
Fluktuasi Kelembaban Tanah pada Budidaya Gogorancah
(1999)The yield of "Gogorancah" or gora (dry seeding rice cultivatiorl) system is affected by the availability of soil moisture in the root zone during ils growing season. This paper is subjected to evaluate Jluctuation of soil ... -
Satuan Areal Produksi (Saksi) Sebagai Wadah Usaha Pertanian untuk Penerapan Teknik Pertanian secara Optimum
(1999)Penerc~pun Teknik Pertunicm securu optimunz hertujzrun untlrk rnencipt~rkan kegiatun pertanian yang tanggzlh, yaitu pcrtcrniun .vtnlg diselenggurakan secara ejisien, efektij ~najub, erkclunjutun, herprodtrksi tinggi dulam ... -
Penerapan Sistem Pendinginan Evaporatif untuk Penanganan Pasca Panen Hasi Pertanian
(1999)Post harvest handling and treatment of agricultural prodz~ct is extremely important in maintaining all of the possible qzralify of the prodzilrct. Most of the product needs to be handled and treated at low temperature. ... -
Penentuan Rasio Jenis (Cp/Cv) untuk Gas N2 dan H2
(1998)The ratio of specifc heat capacity, at constant presszrre to that at constant volume (cdc,J, of a gas can be determined by either the adiabatic expansion method or the sound velocity method. The objective of this experiment ... -
Optimasi Pengelolaan Air pada Lahan Irigasi Pasang Surut Telang I, Sumatera Selatan
(1998)The increasing of food dem~~nudn d rnuintcrining the nulional .f;)od selj supporting progrun~ have become the govertnenf concenl. On the other .siclejirml 1cr11d convertion (especiully in Juvu und Buli) into non:firrtn ...