Browsing Buletin Keteknikan Pertanian by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 69
Algoritma pengolahan citra tanaman cabai merah menggunakan pengindera tiga dimensi
(2002)Machine vision is one of the image processing techniques used to process the image of an object according to its color, shape, size by using a video camera as an image capturer. The image processing used in this study, ... -
Analisis biaya sistem terbang-angkut pada pemanenan tebu bakar di PT. Gula Putih Mataram, Lampung Utara
(2001)The objective of this research was to calculate the cost of harvesting and transportation methods for sugar cane. The research was conducted at the PT. Gula Putih Mataram by observe the total cost of four methods of ... -
Analisis keandalan peralatan pengolahan kertas
(1998)The equipment that were bought @om the manufacturer would have the data of reliability for example, MTTF (Mean Time To Failure), MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure) or MTTR (Mean Time To Repair), however these data only valid ... -
Aplikasi Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan dan Analisis Komponen Utama untuk Sortasi Mentimun
(2003)This paper discusses the development of a software prototype for cucumbers selection and grading by applying Standard Backpropagation Neural Network (SBPNN) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The prototype has been ... -
Aplikasi Metode Simulasi Monte Carlo untuk Menduga Debit Aliran Sungai
(2001)Discharge of a stream flow is one process in hydrologic cycle. Fluctuation of discharge - directly or indirectly - is more affected by rainfall intensity. Because rainfall intensity is dependent on weather (climate), ... -
Desain dan Uji Teknis Alat Pengukur Nilai Dielektrik Berdasarkan Metoda Q-Meter
(2000)Dielectric heating has received a lot of attention recently. Microwave heating, however, has the problem of noticeable hot and cold spots within a food. Radio frequency (RF) has the potential to overcome this problem because ... -
Disain dan Uji Model Otomatisasi Proses Penjernihan Minyak Kelapa Sawit
(1997)Crude palm oil is one of export comodities of Indonesia. Theme, it is of crucial importance to improve the quality of crude palm oil (CPO) through the process of CPO production. This paper discusses the design and ... -
Disain dan Uji Teknis Mesin Permanen Padi Semi Mekanis
(1992)Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendisain, membuat dan menguji coba mesin pemanen padi. Tipe mesin yang dirancang adalah mesin ketam lepas (reaper) semi mekanis. Pembuatan alat dilakukan di bengkel "Mekanisasi ... -
Efektifitas Sistem Fertigasi Kendi pada Tanaman Lada Perdu (Piper nigrum Linn)
(2003)The successful appbtion of pitcher irrigation system has motivated to investigate the pitcher as a fertigation system8Tmh e experiment was conducted at Lern'kopo Experiment Station, AgMural Engineering Department, Bogor ... -
Efisiensi Penggunaan Air pada Sistem Irigasi Tetes dan Curah untuk Tanaman Krisan (Chrysantemum sp)
(1999)Chrysant plants (Chrysantemum, sp.) as a horticulture vegetation has an estetical and economical value. Irrigation system which is used for Chrysant plants in PT Tecsuco Nusasemesta's green house are sprinkle and trickle ... -
Evaluasi Persamaan Infiltrasi Kostiakov dan Philip Secara Empirik untuk Tanah Regosol Coklat Kekelabuan
(1999)Inmation is important to note because it is related to potential surface run-08 jlood, erosion, water storage of soil, and stream discharge especially during dry season. However, because the infiltration equation is valid ... -
Fluktuasi Kelembaban Tanah pada Budidaya Gogorancah
(1999)The yield of "Gogorancah" or gora (dry seeding rice cultivatiorl) system is affected by the availability of soil moisture in the root zone during ils growing season. This paper is subjected to evaluate Jluctuation of soil ... -
Investigasi Air Tanah Melalui Geolistrik di Darmaga Bogor
(2002)Groundwater is an important resources of water supply in the highly populated city. Groundwater availability in aquifer is determaneted by morfoogical hydrological and geological factors. Geological factors includes shape ... -
Kajian Hubungan Antara Kekuatan Tanah dengan Densitas pada Tanah Latosol dan Podsolik Merah Kuning
(2000)The soil strength characteristic, which is usually e.xpressed by cohesion and internal piction, is as basic data for applying farm machineries/equipments and farm structures. The objective of this research is to study the ... -
Karakteristik Bahan untuk Pipa Lateral Berpori pada Irigasi Tetes Metode Via - Flow
(2000)Trickle Irrigation System with porous pipe as an emitter is introduced in Indonesia recently and this system still use import equip11lents To use it in Indonesia, it is necessary to modified the pipe by local material This ... -
Karakteristik Bahan untuk Pipa Lateral Berpori pada Irigasi Tetes Metode Via Flow
(2000)Trickle Irrigation System with porous pipe as a11 etnitter is introclzrced in Indonesia recently and this system still use import equipments To use it in Indonesia, it is necessary to modified the pipe by local matericrl ... -
Karakteristik Pembekuan Vakum Pulp Markisa
(2003)Pemilihan metode pembekuan merupakan salah satu aspek yang penting, khususnya dari sisi keteknikan. Pembandingan karakteristik pembekuan dan mutu produk yang dibekukan dengan berbagai metoda dapat digunakan untuk keperluan ... -
Kendali Fuzzy pada Pemeraman Pisang Uli (Musa paradisiaca L)
(1999)Burluna is a potential commodity to gain foreign currencji .rince its export has tended to increase year by year. Posthavest hundling of Btrn~nu i.s very important in order to maintain high quaiity of the products. Arfzjkiul ... -
Kinerja Pembersih Biji-Bijian Tanaman Pangan APB-M1 pada Pembersihan Jagung Pipilan
(1999)The research to evaluate perfornlance of grain cleaner APB-MI was conducted in the Research Institute for Maize and Other Cereals tit the beginning of 1998. Five engine circles were tested: 1200, 1350, 1500, I650 and 1800 ...