Browsing Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 75
Alokasi Optimal Pemanfaatan dan Nilai Land Rent Sumberdaya Tambak di Kecamatan Tanah Merah Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir Provinsi Riau
(2008)The aims of this research are to analyse the optimal allocation rate of resources. utilization of pond culture, to estimate and to analyse land rent value of prawn pond culture and to estimate affect of change In exogeneous ... -
Analisis Biaya Kegagalan Internal Pengendalian Mutu Produk Udang Beku (Frozen Shrimp) Pada PT Def, Muara Baru, Jakarta
(2006)Spending too much operational costs are still become mainly problem in bisnis organization include PT OEF which move in Frozen Shrimp production. This is important for performing prevention act and reaction act to decrease ... -
Analisis biaya kegagalan internal pengendalian mutu produk udang beku (Frozen shrimp) pada PT DEF, Muara Baru, Jakarta
(2006)Spending too much operational costs are still become mainly problem in bisnis organization include PT OEF which move in Frozen Shrimp production. This is important for performing prevention act and reaction act to decrease ... -
Analisis Efisiensi Pemasaran Karang Hias di Pulau Pang gang, Kabupaten Administrasi Kepulauan Seribu
(2006)Marketing is one of the main interesting problem of karang hias (artifICial coral) business in Pulau Panggang. Some of artificial coral are gathered and then sole by fishennan to the collector who come to Pulau Panggang ... -
Analisis efisiensi pemasaran karang hias di Pulau Panggang, Kabupaten Administrasi Kepulauan Seribu
(2006)Marketing is one of the main interesting problem of karang hias (artifICial coral) business in Pulau Panggang. Some of artificial coral are gathered and then sole by fishennan to the collector who come to Pulau Panggang ... -
Analisis ekonomi alternatif pengelolaan ekosistem mangrove Kecamatan Barru, Kabupaten Barru
(2006)Indonesia is a tropical country that has high variety of mangrove. Of 15.9 thousand ha world mangrove forest total area, the 3.7 thousand ha, or 24% of it is located in Indonesia. The aims of the research are: 1) to identify ... -
Analisis kepemimpinan pada kelompok usaha ikan hias (KUIH) telaga biru desa parigi mekar, kecamatan Ciseeng, Kabupaten Bogor
(2007)Leadership is very important to improve a community group as like the fish farmer group in KUIH Telaga Biru, Desa Parigi Mekar, Ciseeng, Bogor. The research in focuses on how principal, commitment and a figure of group's ... -
Analisis pendidikan formal anak pada keluarga nelayan di desa Karang Jaladri, kecamatan Parigi, kabupaten Ciamis, provinsi Jawa Barat
(2004)Human resources development is a key to achieve a better quality of human life. One way to promote human quality of life is through involving people in education, both formal and informal education. The research focuses ... -
Analisis penerapan user fee untuk pemanfaatan sumberdaya perikanan demersal
(2003)The alternative Instrument to reach the need of fisheries development other than conventional Instrument Is User Fee or Ashing Fee. The advantage In developing fisheries using Ashlng Fee is that It take Into account many ... -
Analisis Permintaan Rekreasi dan Strategi Pengembangan Wisata Bahari di Gili Trawangan Kabupaten Lombok Barat Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat
(2007)Tourism by utillizing fishery and marine resources are divided within two parts, namely freshwater tourism and marine torism that is a special toursm by doing activities at seascape (under and surface waters) and landscape. ... -
Analisis Permintaan Rekreasi dan Strategi Pengembangan Wisata Bahari Pantai Kalianda Resort, Kabupaten Lampung Selatan
(2006)Tourism of such maritime in the form of activity addressed to wide society exploitedly is environmental service of coastal area and go out to sea. Development of coastal area for recreation these days tend to increase, ... -
Analisis Permintaan Udang Indonesia di Pasar Internasional (Jepang dan Amerika Serikat)
(1993)Demand elasticities in two major markets for Indonesian shrimp, The USA and Japan, were analyzed as a basis for identifying factors influencing import of the commodity by two countries. Price of tuna. per capita fish ... -
Analisis Portofolio Saham Perusahaan Peri Kanan Di PT Bursa Efek Jakarta
(2004)Portofolio analysis of the fisheries companies share is conducted to evaluate expected return of combination those companies share. There are four fisheries companies registered in Bursa Efek Jakarta. The four companies ... -
Analisis Portofolio Saham Perusahaan Perikanan di PT Bursa Efek Jakarta
(2004)Portofolio analysis of the fisheries companies share is conducted to evaluate expected return of combination those companies share. There are four fisheries companies registered in Bursa Efek Jakarta. The four companies ... -
Analisis Rencana Bisnis Budidaya Ikan Palmas Ornatipinis (Polypteus Omatippinis) di Darmaga Fish Culture Bogor
(2007)Oriental Fish is one of the pottential fisheries commodity, which is contribute devisas for the country. Palmas Omatipinis is one of the new introduction arlifidal fish in Indonesia. Thats why we should know the feasibility ... -
Analisis Sistem Insentif pada Balai Pengembangan Benih Ikan Laut, Air Payau dan Udang (BPBILAPU) di Kecamatan Pangandaran, Kabupaten Ciamis Jawa Barat
(2006)Compensation as appreciation for surrender and present all of employee wo/t(s result to belong to centre, divided to financial and non financial. Financial compensation among other things are direct financial, one of its ... -
Analisis Sistem Insentif Pada Balai Pengembangan Benih Ikan Laut, Air Payau Dan Udang (BPBILAPU) Di Kecamatan Pangandaran, Kabupaten Clam Is Jawabarat
(2006)Compensation as appreciation for surrender and present all of employee wo/t(s result to belong to centre, divided to financial and non financial. Financial compensation among other things are direct financial, one of its ... -
Analisis Strategi Bisnis Ekspor Ikan Hias Air Tawar (Kasus di PT NAE, Jakarta)
(2007)Aim of Business strategy analysis toward PT NAE on this research is to identify strengthens and weaknesses of internal and extemal factors of the company and recommend alternative strategies to the company as consideration ... -
Analisis Strategi Sisnis Ekspor Ikan Hias Air Tawar (Kasus Di PT NAE, Jakarta)
(2007)Aim of Business strategy analysis toward PT NAE on this research is to identify strengthens and weaknesses of internal and extemal factors of the company and recommend alternative strategies to the company as consideration ... -
Analisis Teori Belajar Orang Dewasa dan Penerapannya Dalam Pengembangan Kemandirian Pengadaan Energi Alternatif pada Masyarakat Nelayan
(2007)The auotonomy of the fisherrmen comunities to prepare of the oil is important to be developed, where it would help them to decrease the dependence of oil. Another hand, source of alternative energy available in the coastal ...