Browsing Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 75
Pengaruh Hukum Adat Terhadap Sistim Bagi Hasil Perikanan (Kasus di Muara Angke, Jakarta)
(1993)Factors controling the practice of catch sharing system of fishing community in Muara Angke, lire .rlutlv trrecr, were studied employing observation approach. It was hund in this investigation that traditional norms (custom) ... -
Analisis Permintaan Udang Indonesia di Pasar Internasional (Jepang dan Amerika Serikat)
(1993)Demand elasticities in two major markets for Indonesian shrimp, The USA and Japan, were analyzed as a basis for identifying factors influencing import of the commodity by two countries. Price of tuna. per capita fish ... -
Pengkajian Investasi Modal Usaha Perikanan Rakyat Jaring Udang dalam Upaya Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Udang di Perairan Sekitar Cirebon Utara, Jawa Barat
(1993)Two main issues: - sustainability of shrimp fishing area at North Cirebon and surrounding area and - feasibility of various fishing units were analyzed with the application of bioeconornic model and invesment analysis. It ... -
Analysis on Shrimp Trade Between Indonesia and Belgium
(1993)Tulisan ini menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pasokan ekspor udang Indonesia ke pasar Belgia dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi permintaa~l impor pasar Belgia terhadap udang Indonesia. Analisis didasarkan pada ... -
Strategi Pemasaran Ekspor Ikan Tuna Beku
(1996)The research was conducted to examine the marketing strategic to find the alternatif solution that can be applied to solve the problem. The research to catcd at PT Danaumatano Persada Raya Jakarta. The method is case study, ... -
Preferensi Konsumen Terhadap Produk Ikan Kaleng (Canned Fish) Di Pasar Swalayan Hero Bogor
(1996)The objective of this study are (1) to identify the consumers preference to the atributtes of canned-fish products, and (2) to identify the consumers preference to the type of canned-fish products which ideal. The methodology ... -
Investment Strategy for The Development of Fisheries Sector in Indonesia : an Application a Dynamics Regional Economic Allocaton Model (DREAM)
(1996)The purpose of this researh is to develop a national investment policy planning model for the Indonesian fisheries sector. The specific objective is to estabilish a develompent strategy for the fisheries sector, with ... -
Studi Distribusi Pemasaran Hasil Perikanan Laut dari Pelabuhan Ratu, Sukabumi, Jaaw Barat
(1996)Fisheries product from Pelabuhan Ratu is distributed through several marketing institutions. The marketing institutions involved are fisherman, bakul pengumpul, bakul pengolah, bakul pengecer, wholesaler, retailer and ... -
Studi Perbandingan Sistem Bagi Hasil Perikanan Lokal dengan Undang-Undang Bagi Hasil Perikanan di Kecamatan Labuan, Jawa Barat
(1996)Indonesian government released Fisheries Sharing Law (Uu Bagi Hasil Perikanan No. 16/1964) to avoid income gap among fishermen. But local fisheries sharing system stilI applied in some areas. These facts supported the ... -
Studi Perbandingan Pengelolaan Usaha Perikanan Jaring Terapung di DAS Citarum (Waduk Jatiluhur, Saguling dan Cirata) Jawa Barat
(1996)The development of fish culture in DAS Citarum in concentrated in Jatiluhur, Saguling and Cirata reservoirs. The main objective of these fish culture development in those three reservoirs is over come the job occupations ... -
Dampak Program Bina Desa Terhadap Perilaku Masyarakat Di Desa Binaan
(1996)Since 1992, every forest consession holder has been obliged to carry out a special program in a village or villages in or arround the concession. Bassically, the purpose of the program is to change behavior of the villagers, ... -
Pembagian Kerja dan Alokasi Waktu Pencaharian Nafkah pada Rumah Tangga Pengambil Rumput Laut Alam di Kecamatan Cikelet, Kabupaten Garut
(1996)Collecting seaweed was done not only by fisherman households but also by farmer household and plant labour households. This fenomena indicate that household allocated their family members for different kind of work increase ... -
Arus Bawah dalam Kecenderungan Manajemen Mutakhir
(1996)Sistem manajemen yang diterapkan di Indonesia, baik dalam skala makro maupun mikro, tidak bisa dilepaskan dari konteks budaya. Suatu sistem manajemen yang diterapkan, merupakan produk budaya masyarakatnya. Suatu masyarakat ... -
Pengaruh Kenaikan Harga Solar Terhadap Usaha Penangkapan Nelayan Di Pelabuhan Perlkanan Nusantara Palabuhanratu, Sukabumi
(2003)The government of Indonesia establish a policy to stabilize the fuel price according to the price fluctuation In global market by using Mid Oil Platts Singapore (MOPS) as a standard. The aim of this policy is to Improve ... -
Perencanaan Program Penyuluhan Perikanan di Desa Anturan, Buleleng, Bali
(2003)Program planning Is a crucial thing to be designed in order to provide a basic foundation for running an activity and to assess the progress of the job. A well designed program planning will play an Important role In ... -
Pengaruh Kenaikan Harga Solar terhadap Usaha Penangkapan Nelayan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Palabuhanratu, Sukabumi
(2003)The government of Indonesia establish a policy to stabilize the fuel price according to the price fluctuation In global market by using Mid Oil Platts Singapore (MOPS) as a standard. The aim of this policy is to Improve ... -
Membangun Model Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Perikanan Berkelanjutan Berdasarkan Karakteristik Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat Nelayan Tinjauan Sosiologi Antropologi
(2003)Indonesia entities of very abundant sea and coastal resources. The resources need to be managed well in order to prevent any destruction that can lead to decrease human quality life. This research alms at developing a model ... -
Analisis penerapan user fee untuk pemanfaatan sumberdaya perikanan demersal
(2003)The alternative Instrument to reach the need of fisheries development other than conventional Instrument Is User Fee or Ashing Fee. The advantage In developing fisheries using Ashlng Fee is that It take Into account many ... -
Pengembangan Ekspor Produk Kelautan Indonesia ke Eropa
(2003)The opportunity to Increase the export volume of Southeast and East ASia marine product is far more significant In the future (until more than 12.50%). This Is related to the European state agreement to decrease fish ... -
Analisis Portofolio Saham Perusahaan Peri Kanan Di PT Bursa Efek Jakarta
(2004)Portofolio analysis of the fisheries companies share is conducted to evaluate expected return of combination those companies share. There are four fisheries companies registered in Bursa Efek Jakarta. The four companies ...