Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy): Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-80 of 458
Pengaruh Pengaturan Populasi Dan Ukuran Lempengan Rumput Manila (Zoysia Matrella (L.) Merr) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Perkembangannya
(1994)Zoysia matrella (L.) Merr. is a widely used ornamental grass, particularly in home and landscape gardens, because of its soft appearance and high quality. One of main problem is its low growth rate. Therefore, spesific ... -
Pedoman Penulis Naskah
(1994) -
Buletin Agronomi
(1994) -
Identification and analyses of short chain fatty acids in apple seed parts during stratification
(1994)The objectives of the present studies were to identify the presence of short chain fatty acids (SCF A) and investigate SCFA changes in apple seed parts during stratification. Hexanoic, octanoic, nonanoic, and decanoic acids ... -
Buletin Agronomi
(1994) -
Pengaruh Pupuk Fosfor Dan Kaluim Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Benih Kenaf (Hibiscus Cannabinus L.) Pada Tanah Latosol
(1994)The experiment was aimed to study the effects of phosphorous and potassium fertilizers on growth and seed yield of kenafon Latosol. The experiment was carried out at Tajur Experimental Station, IPB Bogor, from January 1991 ... -
Pengaruh Polutan Pb terhadap Pertumbuahan Dan Perkembangan Tanaman Lantana Sellowiana Dan Ixora Chinesis
(1994)An experiment on the effect of Pb pollutants on the growth and development of two widely used ornamental plants, i.e. Lantana sellowiana and Ixora chinensis, was conducted at the IPB Greenhouse, Baranangsiang, Bogor from ... -
Pengaruh Panjang Akar Tunggang Dan Waktu Simpan Setelah Pencabutan Terhadap Pertumbuhan Stum Albizia (Paraserianthes Falcataria L. Nielse)
(1994)This experiment was aimed to study the effict of tap root length and storage duration on growth ofSengon stump. The field experiment was carried out as a two factors factorial experiment. The treatments were arranged in ... -
Pengaruh Paclobutrazol Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Pembuangan Jeruk Satsuma Mandarain Pada Beberapa Kondisi Suhu
(1994)Two experiments were conducted at phytotron to investigate the effects ofpaclobutrazol on vegetative growth andjlower bud differentiation ofSatsuma Mandarin (Citrus unshiu Marc.) grown under different temperature conditions. ... -
Pengaruh Limbah Sagu Dan Pemupukan N. P. Dan K Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Albizia (Paraserianthes Falcataria L. Nielse)
(1994)This experiment was carried out at Cikarawang Research Station, 1PB from February to July, 1992. The aim of this experiment was to study the effect of sago waste and N, P, K fertilizers on growth of albizia seedling. This ... -
Pengaruh Konsentarsi Dan saat Pemberian Sitozim Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Fasil Kapas (Gossypium Hirsutum L.)
(1994)Experiment to investigate the effict of concentration and time of application of Sitozim was conducted at greenhouse in Sindangbarang Experimental Station, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor,from February to July 1993. ... -
Pedoman Bagi Penulis Naskah
(1994) -
Hubungan Asam Lemak Rantai Pendek, Stratifikasi Dan Giberelin Pada Perkecambahan Embrio Apel
(1994)The objective ofthe present experiment was to determine the inhibitory properties of short chain fatty acids (SCF A) in apple embryo germination. The result showed that the SCFA inhibition on apple embryo germination was ... -
Buletin Agronomi
(1994) -
Variasi Ekotipik Klon Alang - Alang (Imperata Cylindrica (L.) Raeuschel ) Di Indonesia Dengan Telaah Khusus Daerah Bogor dan sekitarnya
(1993)An experiment to study clone variation of alang-alang was conducted in Biotrop, Bogor, from March until September 1992. Alang-alang clones were collected from Bogor and its surroundings, also from another regions in ... -
Studi Pemanfaatan Sekam, Serbuk Gergaji, Kulit Kayu dan Kulit Kacang Tanah Sebagai Media Tumbuh Tanaman Dalam Wadah
(1992)Rice hulls, sawdusts, barks, and peanut shells were evaluated for their suitability as growth media for container plants. Tagetes sp. and Celosia sp. were used as indicators. Treatments were composition of equal volumes ... -
Pengaruh Sistem Pembibitan Terhadap Pertumbuhan Produksi Tembakau Cerutu Besuki (Nicotiana Tabacum L.) Bawah Naungan
(1992)This experiment were aimed to study effects of several seedling management on the growth of tobacco seedlings, performance in the field and yields. The experiment was carried out at shade-grown tobacco area in Ajong-Gayasan, ... -
Pengaruh Pupuk N Dan Zn Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Tanaman Kedelai Pada Budidaya Jenuh Air
(1992)The experiment was conducted at Cikarawang Experimental Station, IPB, on a Latosol, from November 1991 until February 1992. Split plot design was used in this experiment, with fertililer a.f mainpl(}t, and Zn fertilizer ... -
Pengaruh Cara Tanam, Pupuk Kandang Dan Kedalaman Tanah Terhadap Pertumbuhan Produksi Kencur (Kaempferia Galanga L.)
(1992)The objective of this experiment is to find out the way to plant Kaempferia galanga L., the proper amount of the manures and the depth of planting. This experiment was carried out at the Spice and Medicine Research Station, ... -
Induksi Tetraploid Pada Taanaman Semangka (Citrullus Lanatus (Thunb) Manaf.) Dengan Colchicine
(1992)This experiment was carried out from June to October, 1991 and from October, 1992 to February, 1993, under plastic house of Sindang Barang Expt. station of IPB and Laboratory of Herbarium Bogoriense. The aim of this study ...