Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy): Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 458
Pendugaan parameter genetik dan seleksi galur mutan sorgum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) di Tanah Masam
(2009)Sorghum is one of high value commodities for food and energy security due to its wide adaptation. The objectives of this research were to study some genetic parameters of sorghum agronomic traits grown under acid soil ... -
Konstribusi akumulasi silikat, nitrogen dan aluminium terhadap ketenggangan aluminium dan ketahanan terhadap penyakit blas pada padi gogo
(2009)Aluminum (Al) toxicity and blast disease are the most important yield-limiting factors for upland rice production in acid soils. The objective of this experiment was to examine the contribution of accumulation of Silicate ... -
Grain Quality Improvement in Japonica Rice : achievements and prospects
(2009)Several high grain quality rice varieties have been developed during the 2000’s. These varieties showed translucent, zero white-core, glossy and uniform milled-grain appearance, high palatability score of cooked rice and ... -
Evaluasi Ketenggangan Galur Padi Gogo Terhadap Cekaman Alumunium dan Efisiensi Penggunaan Hara Kalium
(2002)A study was conducted to reevaluate I5 upland lines previously selected in aJield experiment and nutrient culture experiment for tolerance to aluminum toxicity and potassizrm eflciency in the plastic house of Center for ... -
Studi Komersialisasi Benih Padi Sawah Varietas Unggul
(2005)Rice is the most important food in Indonesia and the rice demand has gradually increased during some decades. There are several efforts to increase national rice production in order to minimize rice import, such as using ... -
Defisit Evapotranspirasi sebagai Indikator Kekurangan Air pada Padi Gogo (Oryza sativa L.)
(2005)The research was conducted to study the correlation between deficit of evapotranspiration and yield decreasing. Factorial experiment was arranged in Randomized Block Design. First factor was irrigation frequency of 1, 2, ... -
SCAR (Sequence Characterized Amplified Region) Analysisfor Pi-b and Pi-ta genes on 28 Genotypes of Rice
(2005)Evaluation to blast disease (Pyricularia grisea) resistance was carried out by using two SCAR (Sequence Characterized Amplified Region) markers of Pi-b and Pi-ta blast resistance genes, and spray-inoculation method with ... -
Rekayasa Genetika untuk Mengatasi Masalah-masalah Pascapanen
(2005)Flavr Savr tomato is a transgenic tomato which is transformed using Polyglacturonase gene in antisense orientation. This is the first whole food product of biotechnology that reachs the market, but unfortunately it does ... -
Research Note Floral Bud Length as Morphological Predictor for Microspore DevelopmentalStage in Sturt’s Desert Pea (Swainsona formosa)
(2005)This work was conducted to establish the relationship between microspore developmental stage and length of the floral bud in glasshouse-grown Sturt’s desert pea, a native Australian legume. The stages of microspore development ... -
Perbanyakan Ruskus (Ruscus hypophyllum L.) secara In Vitro
(2005)These experiments were aimed to obtain optimum medium for micropropagation of Ruscus. There were two experiments consist of in vitro shoots proliferation, shoot elongation and rooting. The experiment of shoot proliferation ... -
Perbanyakan Tunas Mikro Pisang Rajabulu(Musa AAB Group) dengan Eksplan Anakan dan Jantung
(2005)Research on micropropagation of banana cv. Rajabulu (Musa AAB Group) was undertaken. On initiation stage, sucker was best used as explant during rainy season on solid medium containing 7 mg/l BAP + 3 mg/l IAA and average ... -
Pengaruh Sarcotesta dan Pengeringan Benih serta Perlakuan Pendahuluan terhadap Viabilitas dan Dormansi Benih Pepaya (Carica papaya L.)
(2005)Improved seed longevity by seed drying and application of phenolic compound as natural antioxidant is the topic of this research. In many cases the sensitivity of papaya seed to drying is being the limit factor because of ... -
Kajian Periode Dormansi dan Ritme Pertumbuhan Tunas dan Akar Tanaman Manggis(Garcinia mangostana L.)
(2005)Mangosteen has a good prospectus for international market. Many people in the world like this fruit because it is delicious, has high nutrient contents, and it can be consumed as a fresh fruit. The growth of mangosteen is ... -
Pengaruh Pupuk Kandang Ayam dan Pupuk Hijau Calopogonium mucunoidesTerhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Kedelai Panen Muda yang Dibudidayakan Secara Organik
(2005)The objective of the study was to investigate the effect of chicken manure and green manure Calopogonium mucunoides on the growth and production of vegetable soybean under organic farming system. The study was conducted ... -
Kompetisi Tanaman Jagung dan Ubikayu dalam Sistem Tumpang Sari
(2005)Intercropping system of maize and cassava has been practiced widely by Indonesian farmer on dry land. Competition between the plant will happen in the system. Field experiment to understand about the competition has been ... -
Therapy Cycling To Elimante High-Titered, Multiple Virus Infection In Vitro Potato Plantlets
(1994)A protocol for treatment of in vitro potato planlets to eliminate systemic viruses was established. Efficiency decreased, however, for selected genotypes when a virus was high-titered and/or multiple viruses existed Modified ... -
Penjarangan Buah Anggur "BS-6" Dengan Pemetikan Buah dan Pemotongan Tandan
(1994)An experiment consists of two separated trial sets had been carried out at Probolinggo, East Java to study of manual thinning on berry cluster of"BS-6" grape by berry removal and cluster tipping. Berry thinning severities ... -
Pengaruh Tingkat Kemasakan Benih Dan Metode Konservasi Terhadap Vigir Benih Dan Vigor Kacang Jogo (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.)
(1994)The purpose of this experiment was to investigate the effect of various levels of seed maturity and conservation methods on seed vigor and seedling vigor of broad bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). The experiment was conducted ... -
Pengaruh Pupuk Nitrogen dan Tinggi Muka Air Tanah Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bintil Akar, Pertumbuhan Dan Prodiksi Kedelai (Glycine Max (L.) Merrill)
(1994)Pot experiments and laboratory analysis were conducted to determine the effect of N fertilization and level ofwater table treatments of wet soybean culture on nodule formation and seed yield of soybean. The pot experiment ... -
Pengaruh Konsertrasi Dan Selang Waktu Pemberian Pupuk Daun Agroking 2000 Terhadap Pertumbuhan Setek Teh Tri 2025 (Camellia Sinesis (L.). O. Kuantze)
(1994)This experiment was carried out at Gambung Experimental Station from January till June 1993. The objective of this experiment was to study the effect of Agro King 2000 concentration compare with Gemari 2 mlL and intervals ...