Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy): Recent submissions
Now showing items 101-120 of 458
Pendugaan Parameter Genetik dan Seleksi Galur Mutan Sorgum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) di Tanah Masam
(2009)Sorghum is one of high value commodities for food and energy security due to its wide adaptation. The objectives of this research were to study some genetic parameters of sorghum agronomic traits grown under acid soil ... -
Perbaikan Budidaya Basah Kedelai
(1991)The present study was aimed to alleviate the drawback of wet culture of soybean by way of addition of N Foliar spray and prolonging root nodule activities through addition of micromel Mo with Wilis as tested crop. The pot ... -
Pengaruh Pupuk Organik, Anorganik Dan Jarak Tanam Terhadap Produksi Bahan Tanaman Serai Wangi (Cymbopogon Nardus Linn)
(1989)The experiment were aimed to study the influence of organic and anorganic fertilizations as well as spacing to the planting material of lemon grass. The experiment were carried out in Manoko Experimental Station on Andosol ... -
Embriogenesis Somatik dari Eksplan Daun Anggrek Phalaenopsis sp L.
(2009)Somatic embryogenesis has been recoqnized as one of the process on plant micropropagation techniques. This process occured through regeneration by direct embryo formation and through an intermediary callus phase. This ... -
Pengaruh Dosis Dan Waktu Pemberian Uniconazole Terhadap Peertumbuhan Dan Pebuangan Kembang Kertas (Zinnia Elegane Jacq)
(1991)Zinnia elegans as a mass flowering plants inherence problem on setting flower. Uniconazole, as growth retardant, has been approved to give a very good effect on flowering set and vegetative performance of many kind of ... -
Production of Soybean Varieties under Saturated Soil Culture on Tidal Swamps
(2009)Saturated soil culture (SSC) is a cultivation technology that gives continuous irrigation and maintains water depth constantly and makes soil layer in saturated condition. By keeping the water-table constantly, soybean ... -
Buletin Agronomi
(1991) -
Karakterisasi dan Analisis Gerombol Plasma Nutfah Jarak Pagar Indonesia dan Beberapa Negara Lain Menggunakan Marka Morfologi dan Molekuler
(2009)Characterization is important in breeding program and developing superior varieties of jatropha. Jatropha characterization can be analyzed based on its morphological and agronomical characteristics. In this study, a molecular ... -
Efisiensi Beberapa Substrat dalam Pengujian Viabilitas Benih Berukuran Besar dan Kecil
(2009)The quality of paper substrate for seed viability testing is determined mainly by the variety and amount of the papers. A study was conducted to find alternative paper and the optimum amount of paper for testing the viability ... -
Kompetisi antara Ekotipe Echinochloa crus-galli pada Beberapa Tingkat Populasi dengan Padi Sawah
(2009)Echinochloa crus-galli is a major weed in paddy field that reduces rice yield. The objective of the research was to study the effect of E. crus-galli ecotypes and populations on rice growth and production. The research was ... -
Progress of Rice Improvement through Recurrent Selection
(2009)Improved rice varieties play an important role in increasing rice production, through raising and/or stabilizing rice productivity. Thus, it is urgent to develop improved rice varieties. Selection method is an important ... -
Konstribusi Akumulasi Silikat, Nitrogen dan Aluminium terhadap Ketenggangan Aluminium dan Ketahanan terhadap Penyakit Blas pada Padi Gogo
(2009)Aluminum (Al) toxicity and blast disease are the most important yield-limiting factors for upland rice production in acid soils. The objective of this experiment was to examine the contribution of accumulation of Silicate ... -
Pembentukan Tanaman Cabai Haploid Melalui Induksi Ginogenesis dengan Menggunakan Serbuk Sari yang Diradiasi Sinar Gamma
(2009)The objective of this research was to obtain haploid hot pepper plants by inducing gynogenesis with g-ray irradiated pollen for pollination. Fruits resulted from pollination by irradiated pollen was used as the explants ... -
Pengaruh Tinggi Pangkasan Batang Utama dan Jumlah Cabang Primer yang Dipelihara terhadap Produksi Minyak Jarak Pagar (Jatropha curcas L.)
(2009)The objective of this research was to study shoot architecture in relation to growth, increase production and seed oil content through various stem pruning and number of primary branches. This research was conducted using ... -
Keragaan Genetik dan Pendugaan Heritabilitas pada Komponen Hasil dan Kandungan â-Karoten Progeni Kelapa Sawit
(2009)An experiment to study heritability, general combining ability (GCA), and specific combining ability (SCA) of some traits in oil palm progeny was conducted at Kebun Surya Adi, PT. Bina Sawit Makmur, Sampoerna Agro, Ogan ... -
Pengaruh Kalium dan Varietas Jagung terhadap Eksudat Asam Organik dari Akar, Serapan N, P, dan K Tanaman dan Produksi Brangkasan Jagung (Zea mays L.)
(2009)Pot experiment was aimed to study effect of potassium (K) and variety on organic acid exudates from roots, plant N, P, and K uptakes, and plant dry weight. The experiment was conducted in the green house of Indonesian Soil ... -
Permeabilitas dan Perkecambahan Benih Aren (Arenga pinnata (Wurmb.) Merr.)
(2009)The characteristics of seed coat delay the germination of sugar palm seeds. A research was carried out to investigate the permeability of sugar palm seeds and accelerate the germination. The research consists of four ... -
Keragaman Genetik dan Karakter Agronomi Galur Haploid Ganda Padi Gogo dengan Sifat-Sifat Tipe Baru Hasil Kultur Antera
(2009)The development of new plant type of upland rice in relatively short time can be done by using anther culture technique. The technique has been recognized as a rapid and efficient technology for plant improvement. Plant ... -
Taksonomi mangga budidaya Indonesia dalam praktik
(2009)The classification of cultivated plants should meet two approaches namely the botanical (classifying based on essential systematic plant characters) and the practical approach (clustering based on the analysis of commercial ... -
Sifat - Sifat Fisik Media Ringan Untuk "Foof Garden" Dan Keragaannya Dalam Menunjang Pertumbuhan Tanaman Hias
(1987)The possibility of using peat and agricultural by-product as a growth media for ornamentals and in the garden was carried out at two different places, greenhouse and the type of roof garden, and with two types of experiment. ...