Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy)
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Respon Pertumbunan Tanaman Kedelai terhadap Bradyrhizobium japonicum Toleran Masam dan Pemberian Pupuk di Tanah Masam
(2013)Penggunaan rhizobakteri tahan masam seperti /lradyrhlzobium japonicum merupakan salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan produksi kedelai di tanah masam. IL. japonlcum dapat bersimbiosis dengan tanaman kedelai dan menambat ... -
Isolasi dan Pengklonan Fragmen eDNA Cen Penyandi H+-ATPase Membran Plasma dari Melastoma malabathricum L.
(2010)Melastoma malabathricum L. grows well in acid soil with high level a/soluble aluminum. One of the important proteins in the detoxifying acid and aluminum stress is a plasma membrane H' -ATPase protein encoded by PMA gene. ... -
Pengelompokan genotipe jarak pagar berdasarkan ketahanannya terhadap kekeringan pada fase pembibitan di lahan pasir pantai
(2010)Extension of jatropha planting on coastal sandy soil is an effort to look for an alternatif area to other soil types, this experiment is one of a series experiment aiming to classify jatropha based on their drought resistance, ... -
Possibility to reduce drudgery and time in harvesting individual ripe fruits of jatropha curcas linn by whole bunch harvesting
(2010)A study was conducted to determine Jatropha fruits ripening uniformity on its tree and bunches characteristics. To get more information about its ripening off, the tree characteristics a respiration pattern was determined. ... -
Induksi umbi mikro tanaman daun dewa (Gynura pseudochina (Lour.) DC) secara In Vitro dengan perlakuan sukrosa dan daminozide
(2010)The effects of sucrose and daminozide on in-vitro microtuber formation were evaluated for producing microtubers to supply year round microtubers and to facilitate sterilized explants exchange regionally and internationally. ... -
Regenerasi embriogenesis somatik pada beberapa klon kakao indonesia dari eksplan bunga
(2010)This research was aimed to observe the response of different clones and specifi c organs due to the somatic embryogenesis regeneration. It was arranged in factorial randomized completely design with three replication. The ... -
Analisis kedekatan hubungan antar genotipe pepaya berdasarkan karakter morfologi dan buah
(2010)A study was conducted to determine the variation and relationships among papaya genotypes based on morphological and fruit characteristics in order to produce high quality papaya fruits. Fruit characterization study ... -
Kriteria seleksi untuk perakitan varietas cabai tahan phytophthora capsici leonian
(2010)Selection criteria for developing Phytophthora blight-resistant varieties of pepper had been done in both laboratory and fi eld conditions. Resistance screening were conducted on 28-days-old pepper plants grown in 72-cell ... -
Heterosis dan daya gabung karakter agronomi cabai
(2010)The objective of this research was to study heterosis and heterobeltiosis effects of fi fteen chili genotypes (Capsicum annuum L.), the general combining ability (GCA) and specifi c combining ability (SCA) of six chili ... -
Response of Eggplant, Yard-Long Bean, and Kangkong on Polyethylene Mulched and Drip Irrigation System
(2010)Eggplant, yard long bean, and kangkong, were grown with polyethylene mulch with a drip irrigation system on Podzolic soil with low pH (4.5), low C-Organic (0.97%), very low total-N (0.17 %), low K content (0.15 me (100 ... -
Akumulasi dan distribusi bahan kering pada beberapa kultivar kacang tanah
(2010)This research was carried out in April–September 2007. The research objective was to study the dry matter distribution pattern of several peanut cultivars. Twenty cultivars were planted at two different locations, Cikarawang ... -
Sorghum breeding for improved drought tolerance using induced mutation with gamma irradiation
(2010)Sorghum has a great potential to be grown and cultivated in Indonesia due to its wide adaptability and high productivity. Since sorghum is not a native species of Indonesia, the genetic variability of this crop in Indonesia ... -
Tanggap fisiologi akar sorgum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) terhadap cekaman aluminium dan defisiensi fosfor di dalam Rhizotron
(2010)A study on physiological mechanism of sorghum to aluminum (Al) toxicity and phosphorous (P) defi ciencies was conducted using several sorghum genotypes in rhizotron. The study was conducted in the greenhouse of the ... -
Daya kultur antera beberapa persilangan padi gogo dan padi tipe baru
(2010)Anther culture provides rapid route in obtaining pure lines in a single generation through producing green haploid plants that may be spontaneously doubled. This technique has been used for crop improvement especially in ... -
Respon rumput benggala (panicum maximum l.) Terhadap gypsum dan pupuk kandang di tanah salin
(2010)The research was aim at studying the effect of application of gypsum and manure to growth, biomass yield, dry matter yield, dry matter content and crude protein of Benggala grass. This study used factorial design with ... -
Isolasi dan pengklonan fragmen cDNA gen penyandi H+-ATPase membran plasma dari Melastoma malabathricum L.
(2010)Melastoma malabathricum L. grows well in acid soil with high level of soluble aluminum. One of the important proteins in the detoxifying acid and aluminum stress is a plasma membrane H+-ATPase protein encoded by PMA gene. ... -
Karakter fisik dan kimia buah pepaya pada stadia kematangan berbeda
(2010)The objective of the experiment was to investigate the physical and chemical characteristics of three stadia of maturity based on a range of peel color from green to yellow or based on percentage of the yellow area of ... -
Efektivitas ekstrak tumbuhan untuk mengeliminasi clavibacter michiganensis Subsp. Michiganensis pada benih tomat
(2010)Objectives of experiments were to evaluate (1) in vitro inhibitory effects of plant extracts on Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (Cmm), (2) inhibitory effects of plant extracts on Cmm infected tomato seeds, ... -
Evaluasi daya hasil cabai hibrida dan daya adaptasinya di empat lokasi dalam dua tahun
(2010)The aim of the experiment was to study the performance of yield components of eight pepper hybrids and their adaptation at four locations in two years (2008 and 2009). The experimental design used was Randomized Complete ... -
Evaluation of somaclones peanut plants regenerated from repeat cycles Of in vitro selection against drought stress
(2010)The objective of this research was to evaluate the response of somaclonal peanut plants regenerated from repeated cycles of in vitro selection on medium containing 15% polyethylene glycol (PEG; w/v, corresponding to -0.41 ...