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dc.contributor.authorJ.H. Magilton
dc.contributor.authorTanudimadja, K.
dc.description.abstractA comprehensive description of the lymphatic system of the thoracic viscera of the goat is lacking, except one rather complete study of this area in the literature (Iwanoff, 1947-1948). In standart veterinary anatomy text-books the boat has sketchily been compared with the ox assuming that, perhaps, there is significant different between ox, sheep, and goat. Because of increasing importance of the goat in the world food supply (Lindahl, 1968) and as experimental animal for comparative medical research (Guoshal/Getty, 1970), it is felt desirable to describe the lymphatic drainage of the thoracic viscera of this species for physiological, pathological, clinical and public health (milk and meat hygiene) reasons. With respect to the nomenclature the NOMINA ANATOMICA VETERINARIA (1968) terms as amended by the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF VETERINARY ANATOMISTS in Mexico City (1971), whenever possible, have been used. The terms have been translated into English, if possible, otherwise the LAtinn form has been
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleThe Lymph Nodes and Lymph Vessels of the Thoracic Viscera of the Goat (Capra hircus)id

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