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dc.contributor.authorPakpahan, Sihol Marito
dc.description.abstractCooperatives as a business entity, that given the image of a pillar of national economy, are challenged to be managed professionally. In general, the main problem still facing the cooperatives is the low professionalism of the managers. This study aims to explain the modernity of entrepreneurial attitude of cooperative managers, and to explain the relationship between modernity of entrepreneurial attitude of cooperative managers with the cooperative's success. This research was carried out in Cibinong district, Bogor regency, West Java by using the census method that takes the entire population with the sampling frame is cooperation employees. Respondents were selected randomly as many as 3 people from each cooperative employee. Data of characteristics respondents and modernity of entrepreneurial attitude presented in the form of frequency tabulation. Meanwhile, to know the relationship between modernity of entrepreneurial attitude of cooperative managers with the cooperative's success using Spearman Rank (rs or ρ ) Correlation Test. The modernity of entrepreneurial attitude is measured consists of 8 variables: (1) precede of priorities; (2) taking risks; (3) innovativeness; (4) hard work; (5) appreciation for the time; (6) achievement motivation; (7) selfconfidence; and (8) individual responsibility. Whereas, the variable of cooperative's success is measured over the two indicators, there are the number of cooperative's members and the rest of the business (“sisa hasil usaha/SHU”). This study found that respondents generally have a modern view of the eight themes of entrepreneurial attitude. When observed on each theme being, there is a tendency of respondents who have no modern attitudes, especially in the second theme ( "risk taking"). While the theme of most modern attitude of the respondents owned is on the first theme ( " achievement motivation "). Through using Spearman Rank Correlation Test is known that the variable of modernity of entrepreneurial attitude has no correlation with the cooperative's success. Compute rs values obtained are smaller than rs table, which means modernity of entrepreneurial attitude of cooperative managers is not related to the success of cooperative employees. With these test results indicate that the view of modernity can be owned by each board committee is no exception in the cooperative does not succeed. Thus, the cooperative's success is measured by the number of cooperative's members and the rest of the business (“sisa hasil usaha/SHU”), not entirely influenced by entrepreneurial attitude of managers. However, more determined by external factors such as mutation of employees, employee rotation, the period of retirement, the layoffs and other things that cause the cooperative does not succeed. In turn, these conditions would cause the cooperatives decreasing in the rest of the business (“sisa hasil usaha/SHU”). Keyword : Entrepreneurship, cooperative, and cooperative's successid
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleModernitas Sikap Kewirausahaan Pengurus Koperasi (Studi Kasus pada Koperasi Karyawan di Kecamatan Cibinong, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat)id

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