Risk Management, Suatu Kebutuhan bagi Pengelolaan Perbankan yang Sehat
Risk management becoming more popular especially in banking and nonbank financial illdustry, after banking crises happened in 1970s and 1980s. Where the industry is very vulnerable to exterl/al shocks alld sensitive to rUlllors -whether it is true or not-, sufficient capital is lIeeded to prevellt allY potelltial ballk rush, which can develop illto lIatioll-wide bank run. Witlt Bassle COllcordun I, capital adequacy is required at 8% of balik's risk-weighted assets, where ollly credit risk was used in weightillg. Fast development in banking business, which also brought unintended consequences such as regional banking crises, requires more attentions toward better prudential regulations. Risk assesment was done not ollly in credit area, but widened into other area's risk as well, such as human resource and tech II ology. Bassle Concordall II is an improvement of the previous one, giving more attention on bank's iflternal procedure to manage it's risk. This paper provides the background and the evolution of risk management in banking industry.
- Management [64]