Hubungan Faktor-faktor Penilaian Prestasi Kerja dengan Pengembangan Karir Pegawai pada Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Pemkab Bogor
In lin~ with r~gion d~vdopment progrom year 2002-2006 and Plan Strot~ic of Region (R~nstra) R~g~rKy of Sagor year 2003-2008, tourism sector is orJe'of w~ior sector thatoble to give contribution for the gain of Region's Origin Eaming for government Re!lftlCY of Bogor. Performance appraisal is a proccen by organizaton or orton to evaluate 0 p~rson's work performance. In order to achieve vision and minion to be suitable with the plan, government needs human resource with high quality.
- Management [64]