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Antioksidative activity of andaliman fruit extract (Z. acanthopodium DC.) on several food system and its antioxidative stability on temperature and pH influence

dc.contributor.authorWijaya, C. Hanny
dc.contributor.authorAndarwulan, Nuri
dc.description.abstractThe extraction of the andaJiman fruit was conducted by using ethanol, and hexane. The hexane residue was reextr~ted by ethanol. The protection ftl;tor of the extracts is 3.823, 1.486, and 3.84 respectlvel(. While the protection ftl;tor at BHT is 2.828. The reseatch shows that andallman fruit extract has the highest artioxidatlve activity on aqueous system. While in emulsion and oily system, andaJim8fl extract still have 8 moderate activly. The antioxidative activity is relativel( stabile during heating. Heating up to 175°C in aqueous system for 2 hoots is merely reduce the activity to 17".4. The protection effect increase during the incTe8Sing of pH (examined at pH 3,4,5,6, and 7), except at pH 4. Key wolds: Andalim8fl, antioxidatlve activity, hetting, and
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleAktivitas antioksidan ekstrak buah andaliman (Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC) dalam beberapa sistem pangan dan kestabilan aktivitasnya terhadap kondisi suhu dan pHid
dc.titleAntioksidative activity of andaliman fruit extract (Z. acanthopodium DC.) on several food system and its antioxidative stability on temperature and pH influenceen

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