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dc.contributor.authorPanji, Tri
dc.contributor.authorSyamsu, Khaswar
dc.contributor.authorFathurachman, Imam
dc.description.abstractDesaturases catalyse the bioconversion of saturated fatty acids into monounsaturated fatv acids (MUFA). or MUFA into polyttrisaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Desaturases are intracellular enzymes, which are nor stable for u long period it1 hontogetiate. The objective of this study was to find the immobilization method for desaturases from Absidia corymbifera in order to obtain maximum activity and best enzyme stability. The desaturases were extracted front A. corymbifera biomass, and the liquid crude enzymes obtained were then immobilized by adsorption on granulated bone and zeolite as supporting media. Immobilization using bone showed a better result than using zeolite. Desaturases immobilized on zeolite and bone gave good results in conrinuous system. For the reuse of immobilized desaturases in batch system. the enzymes immobilized on zeolite showed a better stability than that was on bone. immobilization was successful to increase the activity and stability of desaturuses. Based on gas chromatographic analysis. one kind of desaturase ettzyntes that has been immobilized on supporting media is desaturase as shown by the increasing concentration of linoleic acid (Ci8:2) in CIW incubated at 25-27 OC with the immobilized
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleAmobilisasi desaturase asal Absidla. corymbifera menggunakan butiran tulang sapi dan zeolitid

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