Faculty of Veterinary: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 269
Pengaruh pemberian androcox sebagai anti coccidia herbal terhadap gejala klinik dan bobot badan pada peternakan ayam pedaging di desa petir, Kec. Darmaga, Bogor
(2004)Koksidiosis adalah penyakit pada ayam yang menyebabkan nafsu makan menurun, peradangan pada usus, diare (diare berdarah) dan kematian. ANDROCOX adalah anti coccidia herbal dengan kandungan utama tanaman Andrographid ... -
Manfaat sambiloto (Androgaphis paniculata Nees) dan probiotik dalam tatalaksana ayam pedaging di pedesaan
(2006)To meet the increasing needs of consumers, broiler raisers tend to intensity the management system through feeding higher quality feeds, use of medicine and vaccine to reduce the mortality rate as well as the possibility ... -
Pemberian serbuk daun sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata) dalam pakan terhadap mortalitas, jumlah ooksita pertambahan bobot badan pada ayam yang diinfeksi Eimeria tenella
(2006)Eimeiria tenella adalah protozoa penyebab diare berdarah pada ayam untuk mengatasi penyakit tersebut saat ini menggunakan koksidiostat dari preparat sulfa. Pemakaian koksidiostat yang terus menerus dapat menimbulkan ... -
Pengaruh pemberian berbagai konsentrasi daun andong (Cordyline fruticusa) terhadap infeksi eimeria tenella pada ayam
(2006)Eimeria tenella is protozoa that causes coccidiosis (blood diarrhea) in chickens. Prevention of coccidiosis are using drug coccidiostat, usually with sulpha. The continuous using of coccidiostat resulted in a resistancy ... -
Pemberian ekstrak air sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata) terhadap kadar hemoglobin dan hematokrit ayam yang diinfeksi Eimeria tenella
(2006)Penelitian ini menggunakan ekstrak air sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata) yang diberikan pada ayam yang diinfeksi Eimeria tenella penyebab diare berdarah pada ayam. Pemberian sambiloto diharapkan dapat mengurangi pendarahan ... -
Prevalensi infeksi cryptosporidium parvum pada sapi bali di Dataran Rendah dan Dataran Tinggi di Kabupaten Karangasem Bali
(2005)Penelitian prevalensi kriptosporidiosis penting untuk dilakukan, karena Cryptosporidium Parvum menyebabkan diare pada mamalia dan bersifat zoonosis terhadap manusia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menduga prevalensi ... -
Diferensial leukosit pada ayam setelah diinfeksi Eimeria tenella dan pemberian serbuk kunyit (Curcuma domestica) dosis bertingkat
(2007)Leucocyte is important factor for immune system of the chicken. The aim of this study was to investigate the differential leucocyte after infection with Eimeria tenella and treatment with Curcuma domestica powder. This ... -
Studi histopatologi organ hati dan ginjal ayam yang diinfeksi Eimeria tenella setelah pemberian infusa meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L.) melalui air minum
(2008)Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran histopatologi organ hati dan ginjal ayam yang diinfeksi Eimeria tenella setelah pemberian infusa meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L.) melalui air minum. Sebanyak 54 ekor ayam ... -
Methanol extract derived from nias’s and mentawai’s sponges and soft corals as anti angiogenesis
(2010)The exploration of anti angiogenesis potency from Mentawai and Nias's sponges and soft corals was studied. The anti angiogenesis test was conducted based on the population of endothelia cell line (CPAE, ATCC CCL). From 201 ... -
Pengaruh ekstrak buah merah (Pansanus conoiideus Lam.) terhadap tekanan darah tikus putih
(2009)Sari buah merah (EBM) banyak mengandung antioksidan seperti betakarotin, tokoferol,omega 3, omega 6, asam linoleat dan dekanoat. Kandungan antioksidan yang cukup tinggi diduga ada kaitannya dengan kemampuan EBM dalam menjaga ... -
Anti-acne potency of kepel (Stelechocarpus burahol)'s leaf anf Fruit
(2010)Kepel leaves wewe collated from Karang Anyar, Nusa Kambangan, and Cilacap, Central Java,and also from Yogyakarta, Indonesia, while Kepel fruit were collates from Karang Anyar and Yogyakarta, Indonsia. -
CD8(+) CD122(+) Regulatory T Cells is a New Therapy for Inflammatory Bowel Disease
(2011)Piper betle (Local name Sirih Hijau) and Piper crocatum (local name Sirih Merah) are two type of Piper genus which famous in Indonesia. This research is related to application of chemistry in health. The aims of this ... -
The determination of asiaticoside content and screening of acetylcholinesterase inhibitory potency of gotucola (Centella asiatica) harvested from different location
(2010)Gotu cola (Centella asiatica) with characterized coumpound was reported to have a potential anti dementia effect by modifying acetylcholinesterase activity (Ach) The activity of the gotucola to Ach may vary according to ... -
Pengaruh Anestesi Terhadap Saturasi Oksigen (SpO,) selama Enterotomi pada Kucing Lokal (Felis domestica)
(2009)The purpose of this research is to determine the il?fiuence of injection and inhalation anesthesia on oxygen saturalion during enterotomy of Indonesian local cats (Felis domestica). Twelve local cats were divided il1fo two ... -
Immunoglobin Titer of Suckling Kids as a Result of Colostrum Intake
(2005)This study is concerned with the supply of newborn kids with antibodies via colostrums. Twenty kids were assigned to three groups, the first of which received Ccolostrum within the first hour after birth, the second and ... -
Collection and In Vitro Maturation Of Cat Oocytes Obtained From Different Oestrous Cycles
(2000)As a felin, cat has a similarity in biological reproduction with the tiger. To conserve the tiger (especially Sumatran tiger), cat could be used as a model to study the in vitro embryo production technology. The purpose ... -
Comparative Study on Endoscopic Imaging: Esophagoscopy ad Gastroscopy of Upper Digestive System Between Dogs (Canis Lupus) and Cats (Felis Catus)
(2012)This study was purpose to distinguish of upper digestive tract between dogs (Canin lupus) and ten male adult cats were used in this study. Al animal received anesthetic agent prior to endocopie imaging procedure. Endoscopic ... -
Aktivitas Ekstrak Temulawak (Curcuma Xanthorrhiza Roxb.) Terhadap Proliferasi dan Diferensiasi Sel Otak Besar Anak Tikus Berumur Tiga Hari Secara In Vitro
(2011-12)Kurkumin yang terdapat dalam rimpang temulawak, selain dapat mengindukdi terjadinya proliferasi sel progenitor pada otak tikus dewasa juga dapat menghambat kerja enzim tirosinkinaseyang berperan penting dalam mengatur ... -
Penentuan status mutu air kali Surabaya dengan Metode Storet dan Indeks Pencemaran
(2010)The status of water quality need to be known In order to know whether It can be used or not for daily consumption. The aim of the research is mainly to establish the water quality status of Surabaya River by both storet ... -
Primordial follicles development of immature mice ovary after FSH and ovary cutting treatments
(2010)The aims of the study were to investigate the influence of FSH and the ovary cutting treatments on the development of primordial follicles into preantral and antral follicles. Ovaries were grouped as whole ovary (without ...