Faculty of Veterinary: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 269
The using of participatory epidemiology (EP) approach in supporting of rabies control program in district of Karangasem, Bali, Indonesia
(2012)The effort to control rabies in Bali requires an alternative approach to surveillance system that is cheaper, more effective and was validated such as participatory epidemiology (PE) technique. PE study was conducted to ... -
Purifikasi Dan Pencirian Enzim Protease Fibrinolitik Dari Ekstrak Jamur Merang
(2010)Purification and Characterization of Fibrinolytic Proteases from Mushroom Volvariela volvaceae Extract. Edible straw mushroom (V. volvaceae) has been known used for improvement of blood circulation due to its fibrinolytic ... -
Cyclo (Tyrosyl-Prolyl) Produced by sp.: Bioactivity and Molecular Structure Elucidation Streptomyces
(2011)Determination of bioactivity by minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) methods and molecular structure identification of antibiotic produced by sp. have been carried out. The antibiotic was produced by liquid culture using ... -
Trichophyton mentagrophytes sebagai agen penyebab dermatofitosis pada kambing
(2010)Causative agent of dermatophytosis in goats and sheep is usually Trichophyton, the most common is Trichophyton verrucosum. The aim of this study was to isolate and identify causative agent of dermatophytosis in the Peranakan ... -
Pengujian Staphylococcus aureus pada daging ayam beku yang dilalulintaskan melalui pelabuhan penyeberangan merak
(2010)This study was aimed to test Staphylococcus aureus in frozen chicken meat as an indicator of quality and poultry slaughter house hygiene. Thirty two samples of frozen chicken meats transported through Merak port were taken ... -
The Diuretic activity of avocado leaves ethanol extract (Persea americana Milll.) on rats
(2010)The aim of this research is to study the influence of avocado leaves ethanol extract on diuretic activity and the active substance of avocado leaves simplysia. -
The effect of bay leaves infusum (Syzygium polyanthum (Wight)) on anti inflammation in white rat sprague-Dawley
(2007)medicinal plant has Long been used in Indonesia to maintain health since a long lime. based on empirical evidence. People only notice the effect of eating medicinal plant instead of explanation on how the medicinal plant ... -
The effect of Ambon Banana Stem Sap (Musa paradisiaca forma typica) on the Acceleration of Wound Healing Process in Mice (Mus musculus albinus)
(2007)The aim <!(this research is to find out the ac1ivi(l' of banana stem sap (Musa paradisiaca_limna typica) on the acceleration ofwmmd healing process in lhe mice skin (Mus musculus albimts) hosed on g.-ass and histopathological ... -
The efficacy of Ambon Banana (Musa paradisiaca var. sapiatum) Stem extract in ointment formulation on wound healing process in mice skin
(2012)The purpose of this study was to examined the activity of Ambon banana (Musa paradisiaca var sapientum) extract in ointmeni formulation on the wound healing process of mice skin (Mus musculus albinus) based on histophatology ... -
Pengaruh ekstrak benalu teh (Scurrula oortiana) sebagai Imuno-Modulator pada infeksi marek's disease virus onkogenik
(2007)Marek's disease virus (MDV) is one of oncogenic herpesvirus. It causes immunosupresion and cancer in chicken. Several plants produce bioactive compounds which are very useful for treatment of many disease, especially ... -
Pengaruh pemberian akar pasak bumi '(Eurycoma longifolia Jack.) pada fungsi hepar
(2011)The aim of this research is to study the effects of the methanol extract and its derived fraction (h-hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, and methanolwater) on liver function of male rats. The treatment groups were administered ... -
Seroprevalensi Q Fever pada domba dan kambing di wilayah Jawa Barat
(2008)Q fever merupakan zoonosis yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Coxiella burnetii dan sampai saat ini sudah hampir tersebar luas di seluruh dunia. Ruminansia khususnya domba dan kambing merupakan hewan temak yang berperan dalam ... -
Spindle cell careinoma in a rat: histopathologic and immunohistoehemieal ttudy
(2011)Several spindle-shaped cell tumors were located in cutaneous and subcutaneous areas e.g. peripheral nerve sheath tumor/ PNST (Kim et al. 2003; Sturgeon et al. 2008) or Schwannoma (Ottinger et al. 2009), fibrosarcoma (Liu ... -
Dermal fibroma in a goldfish: Imunohistochemistry and polymerase chain reaction
(2008)Naturally occuring case of tumor was identified in dermal of a goldfish. Grossly, this mass was found on the right dorsal part of the body, white and glossy, firm in consistency, and consisting of variable-sized distinct ... -
Metastatic Calcification on Digestive System of Sumatran Rhino "Torgamba" with Polycystic Kidneys Disease
(2011)Torgamba was one of the first wild-born Sumatran rhinos that rescued for study and breeding purposes in captivity. After living for 11 years in Port Lympne Wild Animal Park, England he was transferred back to Indonesia to ... -
Pengaruh tempe terhadap kadar gula darah dan kesembuhan luka pada tikus diabetik
(2010)Tempe merupakan makanan tradisional Indonesia yang dijuluki "superfood". Predikat tersebut diberikan oleh karena pengaruh manfaat dan nilai gizi tempe terhadap kesehatan. Meskipun demikian popularitasnya menurun seiring ... -
Caprofish sebagai antiprotozoa herbal dan pengaruhnya terhadap populasi Ichthyophthirius multifiliis dan Trichodina sp pada ikan maanvis (Pterophyllum scalare)
(2004)Ichthyophthinus multifiliis adalah penyebab penyakit ich atau disebut juga dengan penyakit White Spot sedangkan Trichodina sp adalah penyebab penyakit trichodinisis dan kedua protozoa ini menyerang kulit dari insang ikan ...