Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 81-100 of 471
Pengetahuan Tentang Tumbuhan Masyarakat Tengger di Bromo Tengger Semeru Jawa Timur
(2011)Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan slstem pengetahuan botani tradisional masyarakat Tengger di Brome Tengger Semeru Jawa Timur, meliputi pemanfaatan tumbuhan untuk pemenuhan berbagai kebutuhan hidup mereka. Mereka ... -
Pemanfaatan Tumbultan Dan Hewan Dalam RitualAdat Masyarakat Tengger DiBromo TenggerSemeruJawa Timur
(2011)Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman hayati tumbuhan dan hewan yang dipergunakan daJam melakukan ritual adat masyarakatTengger di Bromo Tengger Semeru Jawa Timur. Desa masyarakat disurvei meliputi desa ... -
Syzygium subscandens (Myrtaceae), a New Species from Sumatra
(2010)A new species of Syzygium Gaertn. from Sumatra is described and illustrated: Syzygium s1tbscandens Widodo. Morphologically the new species is similar to S. garciniifolium, but differs in being a small tree and in having ... -
Etnofarmakologi Dan Pengetahuan Tumbuhan Obat Masyarakat Tengger Di Bromo Tengger Semeru Jawa Timur
(2010)Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap sistem peng,etahuan tentang tumbuhan obat yang dipergunakan oleh masyarakat Tengger di gunung Bromo Tengger Se111eru J awa Timur. Desa masyarakat Tengger yang disurvei meliputi ... -
Downscaling Modeling Using Support Vector Regression for Rainfall Prediction
(2014)Statistical downscaling is an effort to link global scale to local scale variable. It uses GCM model which usually used as a prime instrument in learning system of various climate. The purpose of this study is as a SO model ... -
A Decision Tree Based on Spatial Relationships for Predicting Hotspots in Peatlands
(2014)Predicting hotspot occurrence as an indicator of forest and land fires is essential in developing an early warning system for fire prevenUon. This work applied a spatial decision tree algorithm on spatial data of forest ... -
Similarity Measurement for Speaker Identification Using Frequency of Vector Pairs
(2014)Similarity measurement is an important part of speaker Identification. This study has modified the similarity measurement technique performed in previous studies. Previous studies used the sum of the smallest distance ... -
Optimization of Support Vector Regression using Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization for Rainfall Prediction in Dry Season
(2014)Support Vector Regression (SVR) Is Support Vector Machine (SVM) is used for regression case Regression method is one of prediction season method has been commonly used. SVR process requires kernel functions to transform ... -
A System Dynan1ics Sin1ulation of Rice Agroindustry Develop1nent by Divestn1ent Pattern for Increasing Rice Production and Farmer Income
(2014)About 60 percent of world population and most of Indonesian people, rice is a staple food that must be available throughout the year. There the existence of a rice mills for rice production become vital. The rice mills ... -
A Time-Delay Cascading Neural Network Architecture For Modeling Time-Dependent Predictor In Onset Prediction
(2014)The occurrence of rain before the real start of a rainy season often mjslcad farmers imo thinking lha1 rainy season has started and suggesting lhcm to start planting immediately. In reality, rainy season has not started ... -
Classification Model For Hotspot Occurrences Using Spatial Decision Tree Algorithm
(2013)Developing a predictive model for forest fires occurrence is an important activity in a fire prevention program. The model describes characteristics of areas where fires occur based on past fires data. It is essential as ... -
Classification model for hotspot occurrences using a decision tree method
(2011)Forest fires in Indonesia mostly occur because of errors or bad intentions. This work dcmon~trates the application of a decision tree algorithm, namely the C4.5 algorithm. lo develop a classification model from forest fire ... -
A Fuzzy Based Decision Support System for Evaluating Land Suitability and Selecting Crops
(2010)Evaluating land suitability and selecung crops tn modem agriculture is of critical importance to every organizalion. This is because the narrower area of land, the more effectiveness in planting 1s required in accordance ... -
K-Means Clustering Visualization of Web-Based OLAP Operations for Hotspot Data
(2010)Jn the pre~lous work we dtl·cloped the web-based OLAP (On-Une Analytical P~lng) integrated 141tb the data 14•arehouse tor hotspot data in Indonesia. This work aims to develop 11 vlsullllzatlon module for houpot clusten ... -
A Simple Method for Watershed Delineation in Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve using GIS
(2010)Planning of the water resource management is evolving from simple local·scale problems toward complex spatially explicrt regional scale. Such problems have to be addressed with distributed models that can compute runoff ... -
Empowering GIS Education Program: Is GIS as a Science, Art or Tool?
(2010)The technology· of Geographic lnfomation System (GIS) 1s demanding nowadays as 10 pro.,.1de professional 10 perfonn research science and administration in various disciplines ... -
Fuzzy Decision Tree dengan Algoritme ID3 pada Data Diabetes
(2009)Decision tree is one of widely used methods in developing classification models, In Order to handle uncertainty, fuzzy approach is used. This work applied a classification technique using fuzzy decission tree method on ... -
Infant Cries Identificaton by Using Codebook As Feature Matching, And MFCC As Feature Extraction
(2005)In this paper, we focused on automation of Dunstan Bab) Language. This system uses MFCC as feature e\lraetion and codebook as ti!oture matching. The codebook or clusters is made from the proceeds of all the buhy's cries ... -
Development of a novel ozone gas sensor bas~d on sol-gel fabricated photonic crystal
(2014)We luve developed• novel ozone gu sensor ~sed on one dimensio~I photonic crysUI with two defects. In this pl•tform. lhe g•S is dissolved in a specific ~utr.il buffer k.ilium iodide re.igent to include the Bttr Lambert ...