Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-80 of 471
Kasus-kasus Buruk Penggunaan Metode Titik Interior pada Optimisa si Linear
(2014)Metode titik interior adalah suatu metode dengan waktu polinomial dalam menyelesaikan masalah optimisasi linear. Metode titik interior sering menggunakan central path sebagai panduan menuju solusi optimalnya. Pada paper ... -
Foreign Exchange Expectations In Indonesia: Regime Switching Chartists & Fundamentalists Approach
(2014)In this research. the effect of central bank intervention within a heterogeneous expectation exchange rate model is investiga ted. The results are supporting both chartists and fundamentalist regimes. In the period ... -
Diversity of Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria Based on nijH Gene in Rice Fields
(2014)Biological nitrogen fication is an important process in changing N2 gas it the atmosphere into ammonium which performed by nitrogen fixing bacteria.... -
Partial Purification of Bacterial Chitinase as Biocontrol of Leaf Blight Disease on Oil Palm
(2014)Chitin is mayor componen of fungi cell wall, myceliam stalks and spore which can be hydrolyzed chitinase. This study was conducted to measure the ability of chitinase producing bacteria in degrading chitia of fungal ... -
Bioformulation of Antagonistic Bacterial Consortium for Controlling Blast, Sheath Blight and Bacterial Blight Diseases on Rice
(2013)Among diseases affectmg nee production, blast. sheath and bacterial leaf bhght causes s1gm.f1cant losses. ThJ.S study was aimed to control multiple rice diseases usmg beneficial bacterial consortium as an alternative ... -
Characterization of Redistilled Liquid Smoke ofOil-pabn Shells and its Application as Fish Preservatives
(2013)Oil-pahn shells as an agricultural waste can be pyrolysed producing gaseous material that can be condensed into liquid smoke. Redistilled liquid smoke has been proven effective as fresh fish preservative due to its ... -
Production of IAA by Bradyrhizobium sp.
(2013)The objective of thts research was to detemtine the potency of indigenous acid-aluminium 1olerant Bradyrhizob1um japomcum as producer of tndole acetic acid (IAA) and applied it as mtrogen fixation on local soybeans viz ... -
Karakterisasi Enzim Selulase Pmp 0126y Dari Limbah Pengolahan Agar
(2013)Hasil penapisan bakteri penghasil enzim selulase terdahulu mendapatkan isolat PMP 0126 sebagai isolat yang berpotensi yang diisolasi dari limbah pengolahan agar skala UKM di Pamengpeuk, Garut. Isola! tersebut ternyata belum ... -
Potensi Bakteri Proteolitik Aeromonas caviae NU-4 dan Aeromonas sp. NU-8 sebagai Pengendali Pertumbuhan Microcystis aeruginosa BT-02 pada Ikan Mas ( Cyprinus carpio)
(2012)Cyanobacteria arc a group of phytoplankton that are commonly found in bodies of fresh water in all over the world. Cyanobactcria produce toxins such as microcystin, which is produced by Microcystis aeruginosa which causes ... -
The Use of Acid-Alumunium Tolerant Bradyrhizobium javonicum Formula For ...
(2011)Land with low pH soil spread widelly in Indonesia can be used for soybean (Glycine max) cultivation, however the production is low. The use of acid tolerant soybean and acid-alumunium tolerant nitrogen-fixing bacteria ... -
Salacca acehensis (Arecaceae), A New Species from Sumatra, Indonesia
(2014)A new species of Sa/acca sect. Sa/acca from Sumatra is described and illustrated. Jt is characterized by dwarf habit, with leaves to 2.S m long; erect and slender staminate inflorescences to 7 cm long; and small infiuctescence!, ... -
Anatomical and Cytological Features of Spathoglottis plicata from Java Island
(2013)Jputhoglottis plicata is a ground orchid that displays large variation in flower features. In spite of large vanation on morphologica1 characters, its anatomical and cytological characters a.cc not well known. llus paper ... -
Pertumbuhan dan analisis kualitatif tanin, saponin dan flavonoid dari Selaginella plana, S. willdenovii and S. mayeri pada tiga naungan berbeda (The growth and qualitative analysis of tannin, saponin and flavonoid in Se/aginella p/ana, S. willdenovii and S. mayeri under three kinds of shading treatment)
(2013)Selaginella yang banyak dijumpai melimpah di Indonesia sangat berpotensi sebagai sumber antioksidan alami. Kadar bahan bioaktif dalam tumbuhan sangat tergantung pada lingkungan tumbuhnya, namun penelitian aspek budidaya ... -
Phytochemical Composition of Selaginella spp. from Java Island Indonesia
(2012)Masyarakat di Jawa Barat, Indonesia sudah lama menggunakan Se/aginel/a untuk menyembuhkan secara tradisional bcbcrapa penyakit seperti panas, Iuka ringan, patah tulang, masalah kcwanitaan, dan pendaraban setelah melahirkan. ... -
Leaf Anatomy Of Pandanus Species (Pandanaceae) From Java
(2001)Leaf anatomy of Pandanus species (Pandanaceae) from Java. Reinwardtia 13(3): 305-313. The leaf epidennis and mesophyll of fifteen species of Pandanus from Java were investigated to assess the value of anatomical features ... -
Morphology Vs. Taxonomy In The Family Pandanaceae: A Case Study In The Javanese Species
(2012)Morphology vs. taxonomy in the family Pandanaceae: a case study in the Javanese species. Reinwardtia 13( 4): 3 17-330. - Since a large number of characters are now known for Freycinetia Gaudich. and Pandanus Parkinson ... -
Pengetahuan Fauna (Etnozoologi) Masyarakat Tengger di Bromo Tengger Semeru Jawa Timur
(2012)The research almed to examine the knowledge about the use of potential animals, environment conservation Tengger community. Society and environment interrelation study, social aspects on practical, and perception and ... -
(2012)Studi Filogenetik Jenis-jenis Endiandra (T,auraceae) dari New Guinea dan Kekerabatannya dengan Beilschmiedia Berdasarkan Karakter Morfologi. Floribunda 4(4): 93-102. - Spesies-spesies Endiandra yang berasal dari New Guinea ... -
Newly Described Species Of Endiandra (Lauraceae) From New Guinea
(2012)Newly described species of Endiandra (Lauraceae) from New Guinea. Reinwardtia 13(4): 341- 346. - Two new species of Endiandra (Lauraceae), i. e. Endiandra areolata Arifiani and Endiandra lanata Arifiani are described from ... -
Endiandra Kassamensis (Lauraceae), A New Species From New Guinea
(2012)A new species of Endiandra (Lvtroctal) is described from New Guinea. Endiandra kassamenm is described based on specimens collected over four decades ago. Unlike .most Endiandra which grow in lowland forest, E. kas1amen1is ...