Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 471
Indonesian Kepel Fruit (Stelechocarpus burahol) as Oral Deodorant
(2012)Kepel (Stelechocarpus burahol) fruit has been known to have efficacy as an oral deodorant in Java Island, Indonesia for a long time. The research aimed on Indonesian Herbal Kepel as deodorant agent for reducing fecal ... -
Increasing Amount And Entrapment Efficiency Of Chitosan-Ketoprofen Nanoparticle Using Utrasonication Method With Varied Time And Amplitude
(2013)Chitosan nanoparticles loaded by ketoprofen have been prepared by sonication and centrifugation methods. Preliminary tests have been carried out by conducting optimization condition of sonication including amplitude and ... -
Model pengoptimuman dispatching bus pada transportasi perkotaan: studi kasus pada beberapa koridor transjakarta
(2014)Permasalahan transportasi di Jakarta semakin kompleks. Hal ini berimplikasi akan besarnya biaya transportasi baik berupa pemborosan bahan bakar karena kemacetan, penurunan produktivitas, serta pencemaran lingkungan yang ... -
Model Pengendalian Epidemi dengan Vaksinasi dan Pengobatan
(2014)Tulisan ini membahas strategi pengendalian epidemi melalui vaksinasi dan pengobatan. Model umum epidemi dinyatakan dalam model kompartemental SIR. Vaksinasi dan pengobatan diterapkan secara sendiri-sendiri maupun secara ... -
Penjadwalan mata kuliah sistem mayor-minor di perguruan tinggi
(2013)Sistem kurikulum mayor-minor yang diterapkan di perguruan tinggi memberikan keleluasaan kepada mahasiswa dalam memilih kompetensi utama dan kompetensi pendukung. Namun demikian pelaksanaan sistem kurikulum mayor-minor ... -
Identifikasi Dan Autentikasi Jahe Merah Menggunakan Kombinasi Spektroskopi Ftir Dan Kemometrik
(2014)Spektroskopi FTIR dan kombinasinya dengan analisis komponen utama dan analisis diskriminan telah digunakan untuk identifikasi dan autentikasi jahe merah dari dua spesies yang berkerabat dengannya yaitu jahe emprit dan jahe ... -
Hot spot biomonitoring of marine pollution effects using cholinergic and immunity biomarkers of tropical green mussel (Perna viridis) of the Indonesian waters
(2011)Selected biomakers, Cholinesterase (ChE) and phagocytic activities have been investigated with the exposed green mussel Perna viridis in Indonesian coastal waters. An operative effect-based monitoring on two polluted sites ... -
Flavonoid from Intsia palembanica as Skin Whitening Agent
(2011)This study aims to obtain active compounds from Intsia palembanica with skin whitening activity. I. palembanica methanol extracts were separated using chromatography techniques and yielded 3 flavanols. Isolated compounds ... -
Essential Oil Of Red Galangal (Alpinia Galanga (L) Willd) Rhizomes As Slimming Aromatherapy
(2015)Red galangal (Alpinia galanga (L) Willd) is an aromatic plant which has potential as aromatherapy. The aim of this research was to evaluate and identify the red galangal essential oil as slimming aromatherapy through in ... -
Emulsi Dan Ultrasonikasi Dalam Pembentukan Nanoenkapsulasi Ibuprofen Tersalut Polipaduan Poli(Asam Laktat) Dengan Poli(ε-Kaprolakton)
(2010)Telah dibuat polipaduan poli(asam laktat) (PLA) dengan poli(ε-kaprolakton) (PCL) sebagai penyalut obat ibuprofen. Pembuatan nanoenkapsulasi ibuprofen dalam penelitian ini dengan cara mengkombinasikan teknik emulsifikasi ... -
Effects of Inhaled Citronella Oil and Related Compounds on Rat Body Weight and Brown Adipose Tissue Sympathetic Nerve
(2015)Citronella oil is one of the most famous Indonesian essential oils, having a distinctive aroma. As with other essential oils, it is crucial to explore the effects of inhalation of this oil. Therefore, the aim of this ... -
Effect of Zingiber zerumbet Essential Oils and Zerumbone Inhalation on Body Weight of Sprague Dawley Rat
(2013)Zingiber zerumbet contained the typically essential oils. The research aims to evaluate the effect Z. zerumbet essential oil and zerumbone inhlation on rats body weight, food conswnption, parasympathetic nerve activity and ... -
DIFFERENTIATION OF Curcuma longa, Curcuma xanthorrhiza and Zingiber cassumunar BY THIN LAYER CHROMATOGRAPHY FINGERPRINT ANALYSIS
(2011)Turmeric (Curcuma longa), java turmeric (Curcuma xanthorrhiza) and cassumunar ginger (Zingiber cassumunar) are widely used in traditional Indonesian medicine. These three herbs have relatively similar rhizomes colour so ... -
(2015)Silver nanoparticles were synthesized by reduction method using glucose as reducing agent for precursor AgNO3. This research was aimed at comparing the stability and performance of silver nanoparticles with stabilizer ... -
Analisis Pembentukan Pola Graf Pada Kalimat Bahasa Indonesia Menggunakan Metode Knowledge Graph
(2014)Knowledge graph adalah sebuah pendekatan baru untuk memahami bahasa alami. Metode ini memiliki 9 relasi linier dan 4 relasi frame. Analisis suatu kalimat dengan menggunakan knowledge graph membutuhkan aturan pemotongan ... -
On The Symmetrical Property Of Procrustes Measure Of Distance
(2015)~Icasurement the degree of differe11c:e bctwl'C'n two matric:<>s by using Procrustes analysis is preceded by a series of Euclidean si 111ilarit.v transformations namely translation, rotation. and dilation, performed i11 ... -
Buses Dispatching Problem In Urban Transport System
(2015)The complexity of transport system in urban area will significantly increase in accordance with demographic development, transport demand growth, life style change and transport policy. Inadequate transport management ... -
Monetary Policy Response On Exchange Rate Volatility In Indonesia
(2014)High fluctuation of exchange rate in short honzon is obviously making economic activity more risky as uncertainty rises. As it is not good for the economy, then there should be a systematic and measured policy to mitigate ... -
Similarity Measurement for Speaker Identification Using Frequency of Vector Pairs
(2014)Similarity measurement is an important part of speaker identification. This study has modified the s1mllanty measurement technique performed in previous studies Previous studies used the sum of the smallest distance between ... -
Sharper Analysis Of Upper Bound For The Iteration Complexity Of An Interior-Point Method Using Primal-Dual Full-Newton Step Algorithm
(2014)The use of interior-point methods to solve linear optimizarion problems has become a great attention to the researchers. The most important thing is that the interior-point methods have the best complexiry compared to other ...