Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 471
TNF-a Production Inhibitory Activity, Phenolic, Flavonoid and Tannin Contents of Selected Indonesian Medicinal Plants
(2012)In this study 28 Indonesian medicinal plants species has been screened as potential Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF)-a inhibitor. Plant materials were extracted with methanol. The activity test was performed on human monocyte-derived ... -
Synthesis and Application of Jatropha Oil based Polyurethane as Paint Coating Material
(2012)Sintesis dan Aplikasi Poliuretan Berbasis Minyak Jarak Pagar sebagai Bahan Pelapis. Baru-baru ini, penggunaan sumber-sumber terbarukan dalam penyusunan bahan berbagai industri telah direvitalisasi karena kekhawatiran dampak ... -
Synthesis Of Cassava Waste Pulp-Acrylamide Super Absorbent: Effect Of Initiator And Cross-Linker Concentration
(2013)Cassava waste pulp (CWP) contains high carbohydrates that can be modified into super absorbent polymer (SAP) through grafting and cross-linking copolymerization. Acrylamide (AM) was grafted onto CWP with ammonium persulfate ... -
Synthesis and Application of Jatropha Oil based Polyurethane as Paint Coating Material
(2012)Sintesis dan Aplikasi Poliuretan Berbasis Minyak Jarak Pagar sebagai Bahan Pelapis. Baru-baru ini, penggunaan sumber-sumber terbarukan dalam penyusunan bahan berbagai industri telah direvitalisasi karena kekhawatiran dampak ... -
Suspension Stability and Characterization of Chitosan Nanoparticle–Coated Ketoprofen Based on Surfactants Oleic Acid and Poloxamer 188
(2014)Stabilitas Suspensi dan Karakterisasi Ketoprofen Tersalut Nanopartikel Kitosan Berdasarkan Jenis Surfaktan Asam Oleat dan Poloxamer 188. Pada penelitian ini, ketoprofen digunakan sebagai model obat dalam pembuatan nanopartikel ... -
Supervised Clustering Based on DPClusO: Prediction of Plant-Disease Relations Using Jamu Formulas of KNApSAcK Database
(2014)Indonesia has the largest medicinal plant species in the world and these plants are used as Jamu medicines. Jamu medicines are popular traditional medicines from Indonesia and we need to systemize the formulation of Jamu ... -
Sulfonated Polystyrene Copolymer: Synthesis, Characterization and Its Application of Membrane for Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC)
(2014)A novel Sulfonated Polystyrene (PSS) has been synthesized by sulfonation polystyrene waste for a comparative study of proton exchange membranes (PEM) that is intended for fuel cell applications. The degree of sulfonation ... -
Screening Marker Components Of Tyrosinase Inhibitor From Xylocarpus Granatum Stem
(2011)The aim of our research was to screen the marker components of tyrosinase inhibitor from Xylocarpus granatum stem collected from Pulau Sebuku, South Kalimantan, Indonesia. The screening method started from selection of ... -
Sansevieria trifasciata Properties as Lead(II) Ion Biosorbent
(2014)Biosorpsi Ion Timah Hitam (II) Menggunakan Sansevieria trifasciata Prain. Sansevieria trifasciata (yang dikenal sebagai tumbuhan ular atau lidah mertua) diduga dapat menjadi biosorben logam berat. Konsentrasi ion logam Pb ... -
Potency of Indonesian Medicinal Plants as Tyrosinase Inhibitor and Antioxidant Agent
(2010)The aim of this study is to screen whitening agent potency of 45 Indonesian plant materials from 35 species. All plant materials were extracted with methanol and 50% ethanol which resulted to 90 extracts. The methods for ... -
Performance Of Zinc-Difattyalkyldithyocarbamate As Anti-Friction/Anti-Wear Lubricant Additives Performance Of Zinc-Difattyalkyldithyocarbamate As Anti-Friction/Anti-Wear Lubricant Additives
(2014)Dithyocarbamate is an organosulphur compound that has long been known and widely applied in various fields, including in agriculture and industry. Several variants of synthesized vegetable oil-based Zincdifattyalkyldithyocarbamate ... -
Pengaruh Inhalasi Aroma Temulawak Terhadap Nafsu Makan Dan Bobot Badan Tikus
(2012)Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memisahkan komponen minyak atsiri temulawak xandhorrhiza dan mengevaluasi efek inhalasinya pada jumlah pakan yang dikonsumsi dan berat badan tikus jantan Spraguw Dawley. Fraksionasi ... -
Optimizing Tannin Extraction for Antibacterial Activity of Acacia nilotica
(2010)Sudanese have used seeds of Acacia nilotica subsp nilotica (family Fabaceae) as folk medicine for various diseases especially against bacteria. The objectives of this work were to optimise antibacterial compounds extraction ... -
Optimization Of Extraction Conditions For Andrographolide Using Fractional Factorial Design
(2014)Andrographolide is a major bioctive compound found in king of bitter (Andrographis paniculata). In this study, the extraction method and its condition were investigated in order to get an extract with maximum amount of ... -
Optimization And Validation Of High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Fingerprint Of Phyllanthus niruri
(2014)Split-plot mixture-mixture design has been applied for optimization of Phyllanthus niruri chromatographic fingerprint. The design was applied for unreplicated and simultaneous optimization of extraction and chromatographic ... -
Optimization and comparative study of different extraction methods of biologically active components of Indonesian propolis Trigona spp.
(2012)Application of propolis as a medicinal agent is not usually in the form raw material, but it must be purified by extraction with solvents. This extraction process should remove the inert material and preserve the polyphenolic ... -
Kajian Efisiensi Energi Proses Penyulingan Dan Sifat Fisik Hasil Penyulingan Minyak Serai Dapur Menggunakan Tungku Sekam Dan Heating Mantel
(2010)Telah dilakukan penyulingan minyak atsiri dari bahan serai dapur menggunakan dua pemanas yaitu tungku sekam dan heating mantel. Pada perbandingan bahan (serai dapur : air = 0,125 Kg : 0,5 liter) penyulingan dengan pemanas ... -
Isolation, Identification and Tyrosinase Inhibitory Activities of the Extractives from Allamanda cathartica
(2011)Tyrosinase inhibitory activity of the extractives from A. cathartica was examined and their new bioactivity and potent active compounds were identified. Five compounds, glabridin, new lignan, kaempferol, naringenin, and ... -
(2014)Sida rhombifolia L. is a traditional medicinal plant that has been known with potential as antigout. The previous research suggested that flavonoids crude extract of S. rhombifolia had an inhibitory activity toward xanthine ... -
Indonesian Sidaguri (Sida rhombifolia L.) as Antigout and Inhibition Kinetics of Flavonoids Crude Extract on the Activity of Xanthine Oxidase
(2009)Sida rhombifolia L., or Sidaguri in Indonesian, is a traditional medicinal plant with potential as a remedy against gout. The earlier research reported that flavonoids crude extract from this plant could in vitro inhibit ...