Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 121-140 of 471
Pembuatan Dan Pencirian Polipaduan Polistiren-Pati
(2010)PEMBUATAN DAN PENCIRIANPOLIPADUAN POLISTIREN-PATI. Polistiren berbentuk gabus merupakan polimer yang banyak digunakan namun sulit terdegradasi. Oleh karena itu, pada percobaan ini dikembangkan polipaduan polistiren-pati, ... -
Identification of Trans-Cinnamic Acid in Sinyo Nakal (Duranta repens) Fruits’ Methanol Extract
(2015)Aims: To isolate and to characterize the chemical constituents in sinyo nakal (Duranta repens) fruits’ methanol extract. The fruits were collected from Jombang, East Java, Indonesia. Methodology: The fruits have been ... -
Identification of compounds from extract methanol of ketepeng leaves (Cassia alata)
(2014)Cassia alata known as ketepeng is one of traditional herb that has been used as ointment. In Indonesia, its components information has not been much explored yet. The purpose of this research is to characterize one or more ... -
First-Order Ultraviolet Derivative Spectrophotometric Methods For Determination Of Reserpine In Antihypertension Tablet
(2012)A new ultraviolet derivative spectrophotometry (UVDS) method has been developed for determination of reserpine in antihypertension tablets. A first-order UVDS based on the measurement of the distance between peaks to ... -
Characterization ofRedistilled Liquid Smoke ofOil-pahn Shells and its Application as Fish Preservatives
(2013)Oil-pahn shells as an agricultural waste can be pyrolysed producing gaseous material that can be condensed into liquid smoke. Redistilled liquid smoke has been proven effective as fresh fish preservative due to its ... -
Anti-acne and Tyrosinase Inhibition Properties of Taxifolin and Some Flavanonol Rhamnosides from Kempas (Koompassia malaccensis)
(2010)Taxifolin (1) and some flavanonol rhamnosides (neoastilbin (2), astilbin (3), and isoastilbin (4)) have been isolated from kempas (Koompassia malaccensis). Our previous research about antimicrobial activity against ... -
Variasi Dahan Bioaktif dan Bioaktivitas Tiga Nomor Harapan Temulawak pada Lokasi Budidaya Berbeda
(2012)Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) belongs to the family Zingiberaceae, has been empirically used as herbal medicines. The research was aimed to evaluate three promising lines of Temulawak based on their high bioactive ... -
Penggunaan Propolis untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas Ternak Sapi Peranakan Ongole (PO)
(2012)Propolis is a complex substance found in the bee hives and it has medicinal advantages for many diseases. It contains various chemicals with specific charar,teristics such as anti cancer, anti virus, anti fungi and anti ... -
Propolis Sebagai Alternatif Bahan Antikaries Gigi
(2011)Periodontal disease included dental caries still the major problem in the world. Usually commercial tooth paste contains fluoride which has an important role to prevent tooth from damage. Cootain fluoride overdose caused ... -
Antibacterial Activity of Propolis Supplemented-Chewing Candy Against Streptococcus mutans
(2011)Streptococcus mutans is considered to play a major etiological role in development of human dental plaque believed to related to dental caries, the most prevalent disease of the human oral cavity. The objectives of the ... -
Antibacterial Activity Of Propolis Trigona Spp. From Bukjttinggi West Sumatera Against Salmonella Sp.
(2011)Propolis adalah produk resin sarang lebah yang mengandung cairan tumbuhan yang bercampur dengan lilin lebah dan bagi lebah digunakan sebagai perekat. Tujuan penelitiian ini untuk mengetahui aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak ... -
Hypoglycemic Effect of Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King) Bark Extracts in Alloxan-induced Diabetic Rats
(2010)In this study, in vivo hypoglycemic activity of mahogany ( Swietenia macrophylla) bark extracts was evaluated against alloxan-induced diabetic rats. The hypoglycemic effect was compared to that of standard glibenclamide. ... -
Antibacterial Activity Of Propolis Trigona Spp. From Bukjttinggi West Sumatera Against Salmonella Sp.
(2011)Propolis is a resinous hive product consists of exudates from plants mixed with beeswax and used by bees as glue. The objective of this study was to investigate the antibacterial activity of ethanol extract of Trigona spp. ... -
Hypoglycemic Effect of Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King) Bark Extracts in Alloxan-induced Diabetic Rats
(2010)In this study, in vivo hypoglycemic activity of mahogany ( Swietenia macrophylla) bark extracts was evaluated against alloxan-induced diabetic rats. The hypoglycemic effect was compared to that of standard glibenclamide. ... -
Amplifikasi Gen 16s-Rrna Bakteri Termofilik Darisumber Air Panas, Gunungpancarbogo
(2009)Exploration of thermophilic bacteria that produce thermostable enzyme is most useful in application for enzyme base industrial. The aim of of this research is to isolate and amplificate the 16S-rRNA gene from thermophilic ... -
Cellular Mechanism of the Cytotoxic Effect of Extracts from Syzygium polyanthum Leaves
(2014)The research objective is to obtain the cellular mechanism(s) of Syzygium polyanthum leaves for its development into commercial herbal product for certain degenerative diseases. The approach was to conduct activity-guided ... -
MANGROVE INDONESIA: Potong Emisi, Jangan Hutan Mangrove
(2015-08-11)BOGOR, Indonesia _ Mangrove Indonesia, lumbung besar penyimpan karbon, merupakan kartu negosiasi penting dalam perundingan perubahan iklim di Paris, demikian menurut para penulis riset terbaru yang dipublikasikan dalam ... -
Electrical Behavior of Garut Citrus Fruits During Ripening Changes in Resistance and Capacitance Models of Internal Fruits
(2012)The electrical behavior of Garut citrus fruits have been studied using impedance measurement at various levels of acidity, firmness, and frequencies. This research has been done as a step in order to study the internal ... -
Web Portal Dan Jejaring Media Sosial Sebagai Solusi Peningkatan Partisipasi Pemilihan Umum Presiden 2014
(2015)Penurunan partisipasi pada Pemi/11 merupakan masalah dari bangsa Indonesia. Penuninon i11i semakin signifikan dari wakJu kl wakJu. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan penggunaan WEB Portal 2.0 dan media sosial sebagai ... -
Analisis Dan Rekomendasi Pemanfaatan Website Sebagai Media Kamp Anye Calon Legislatif Dki Jakarta Pada Pemilihan Umum 2014
(2015)Perkembangan tekno/ogi internet yang pesat me11g11bah rutinitas dari masyarakat. Internet membuat transfer informasi menjadi lebih cepat dan murah sehingga masyarakat dapat berinteraksi dengan lebih mudah. Di bidang politik, ...