Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 471
Dynamical System of Zikav Disease Spread Through The Isolation with Two Groups of Infected Population
(2017)A viral disease ZIKAV (Zika virus) caused by a type of a Flavivirus closely related to dengue is primarily transmitted to humans by the bites of infected mosquitoes from the Aedes aegypti. Seeking to understand the ... -
Dynamical System for Ebola Outbreak within Vaccination Treatment
(2017)Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is a deadly disease caused by Ebola virus. The mathematical model of Ebola virus transmission dynamics is formulated by considering both human and vector populations. This research aims to ... -
Dynamics of Cholera Transmission with hyperinfactious State of Bacteria
(2016)Cholera is an infection of the small intestine caused by the gram-negative bacterium, Vibrio cholerae. The mathematical models discussed in this study is a model of the cholera transmission with hyperinfectious state of ... -
Traveling wave solutions for the nonlinear boussinesq water wave equation
(2016)The Boussinesq equation is one of the nonlinear evolution equations which describes the model of shallow water waves. By using the modified F-expansion method, we obatained some exact solutions. Some exact solutions ... -
Homotopy pertubation method for a seir model with varying total population size
(2014)We consider a SEIR model with varying total population size. We find the analytical solution of the proposed model by homotopy pesturbation method which is one of the best method which is one of the best methods for finding ... -
Approximate analytical solution of a higher wave equation of KdV type
(2015)We consider a higher order of Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation which is an important water wave model. We find the approximate analytical solution of the proposed model by Exponential Homotopy Analysis Method (EHAM). By ... -
Upaya adaptasi sektor sumberdaya air dan pertanian untuk mengurangi dampak perubahan iklim
(2008-12-22)Secara umum pemanasan global diartikan sebagai peningkatan suhu di seluruh pemukaan bumi baik darat maupun laut. Peningkatan suhu permukaan bumi ini dikarenakan oleh faktor alami (natural) dan/atau aktivitas manusia ... -
Economic and adaptation costs of climate change: case study of Indramayu, West Java Indonesia
(2014-05)Climate change is already occuring. In Indonesia, many evidence such as chnaging rainfall patterns in many parts of the country (e.g. Sumatra and Java) indicate the impacts of global elimate change on Indonesian climate. ... -
Dampak perubahan iklim dan penggunaan/penutup lahan terhadap volume limpasan sungai Ciliwung Hulu
(2008)IPCC report (2007) shows that global warming especially because of green house gas (GHG) concentration in atmosphere. GRK concentration especially has resulted by a human being activity (anthropogenic), i.e. fossil fuel ... -
Penerapan goal programming dalam penjadwalan dan penugasan kegiatan kemahasiswaan
(2014)Sebagai perluasan dari pemrograman linear, goal programming mencapai beberapa tujuan berbeda dengan meminimumkan besarnya penyimpangan dari level yang diinginkan. Tulisan ini membahas model goal programming untuk menyelesaikan ... -
The construction of greedy SVP LLL algorithm
(2013)LLL algorithm is an algorithm used to compute the approximation of the shortest nonzero vector in a basis of lattice. Terms of reduction size and the exchanging process are the important steps in the LLL algorithm. In 1994, ... -
Construction of family of hash functions based on ideal lattice
(2015)Cryptographic hash function is a function h : D -> R with | D | >> | R | which has the security properties: one-way (computationally not feasible to calculate x e D from known y e R so that y = h(x)) and collision resistant ... -
Algorithm construction of HLI hash function
(2014)Hash function based on lattices believed to have a strong security proof based on the worst-case hardness, In 2008. Lyubashevsky et al. proposed WSIFFT, aa hash function that corresponds to a simple expresion over modular ... -
Restrictions on the weight distribution of quaternary linear codes
(2002)This paper describes some nonexistence results for quaternary linear codes. The standard linear program is strengthened with constraints from the weight distribution of binary Reed-Muller codes. -
Visualization of classified data with kernel principal component analysis
(2015)Kernel Principal Component Analysis (Kernel PCA) is a generalization of the ordinary PCA which allows mapping the original data into a high-dimensional feature space. The mapping is expected to address the issues of ... -
Effects of Commodity and Asset Bubbles on Inflation in Indonesia
(2015)This chapter aims investigate the possible impacts of commodity and assat bubbles on inflation in Indonesian economics. The analysis is facilitated by a macroeconomic model described by a couple of structural equations ... -
Buses Dispatching Problem in Urban Transport System
(2015-02)The complexity of transport system in urban area will significantly increase in accordance with demographic development, transport demand growth, life style change and transport policy. Inadequate transport management ... -
Pendulum System with Elevated track: Length of Pendulum With Minimum Tracking Error
(2014)This paper studies an optimization problem, i.e., the optimal tracking error control problem, on an inverted pendulum model with elevated track. We characerize the minimum tracking error in term of pendulum's parameters. ... -
Connectivity Problem of Wildlife Conservation in Sumatra: a Graph Theory Application
(2014)In this paper, the problem of connectivity of patchy conservation sites was approached by the use of graph theory. Determination of the so-called core sites was subsequently conducted by establishing the cover areas ... -
Analisis kestabilan model mangsa pemangsa hutchinson dengan waktu tunda dan pemanenan konstan
(2014)Model dalam tulisan ini merupakan modifikasi model Lotka-Volterra yang disusun oleh Hutchinson dengan mempertimbangkan waktu tunda terhadap populasi mangsa dan sebuah parameter pemanenan konstan pada kedua populasi ...