Faculty of Forestry: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 188
Model pendekatan riset aksi untuk meyeimbangkan kemitraan di hutan tanaman
(2010)Pemerintah Indonesia telah menyediakan lahan negara kepada pihak lain termasuk perusahaan swasta, badan usaha milik negara (BUMN) dan koperasi untuk mengembangkan hutan tanaman. Namun, masyarakat sekitar hutan khususnya ... -
Research Article: Exploring Partnerships between Local Communities and Timber Companies: An Experiment Using the Role-Playing Games Approach
(2009)Cooperation among stakeholders is widely accepted as an effective management strategy. This paper describes an experimental study that explores this cooperation using role-playing games, which is formulated within a ... -
Simulating forest plantation co-management with a multi-agent system
(2005)Co-management of forest resources is a process of governance that enables all relevant stakeholders to participate in the decision-making processes. Illegal logging and forest degradation are currently increasing, and ... -
Perubahan Sifat Kimia Kayu Sengon Dan Pinus Oleh Jamur Pelapuk Schizophyllum Commune Dan Ganoderma Appianatum
(2010)Wood decay in building caused inefficiency in wood utilization. Decay mechanism in wood should be understood well to protect wooden Structure properly. This research aimed to know the changes of lignin and cellulose contents ... -
Uji perkecambahan buah jati muna dan jati malabar muna.
(2007)Germination of teak is often poor. The study on fruits and seeds germination of Java teak, Muna teak, and Malabar Muna teak was conducted in a series of laboratory and greenhouse experiment. Teak fruits have several types ... -
Dynamic processes of land acquisition does migrant gain from the changes of land tenure ststem emprirical evidenca in the lore lindu national park indonesia
(2007)The proposed paper analyses an important question related to the dynamic processes of land acquisition along with the changes of government regulations., tak¬ing the case of tlte Lore Lindu National Park in Central Sulawesi, ... -
A study on the exploration and identification of bio-active components from some tropical hardwoods and the possibility of their use as natural preservatives
(2007)The development of the new type of preservatives will be one of the most social demanded subject. One of the new type of preservatives which can be explorated from the tropical forest is wood extractives which has toxicity ... -
The performance of health and safety of tropical forestry worker in Indonesia
(2007)The objective of this study is to clarify the performance of health and safety of tropical forestry workers using a questionnaire and to improve their health and safety conditions. In this study, we conducted the research ... -
Color tests for differentiating heartwood and sapwoodof some Indonesian woods
(2007)A study was conducted to know the responses of pH indicators (alizarin reds and methyl orange) and starch indicator detected the sapwood and the heartwood boundary in some of indonesian woods, particuraly Indonesian hardwoods ... -
Pola reproduksi burung tekukur (Streptopelia chinensis) dan puter {Streptopelia risoria) di Penangkaran
(2007)This study was carried out to know reproductive pattern of spotted dove (Streptopelia chinensis) and ringdove (Streptopelia risoria) in captivity. Fifteen pairs of spotted dove and seventeen pairs of ringdove were used ... -
Status dan Rekomendasi Anoa (Bubalus sp.) In Situ dengan Implikasi untuk Konservasi Populasi Berbiak
(2007)Ringkasan ini menguraikan status konservasi in situ kerbau kerdil Sulawesi. Trend populasi yang dilaporkan dalam dua belas tanun terakhir mengarahkan penulis dalam menyoroti arti penting konservasi populasi berbiak di ... -
Sifat fisis, mekanis serta keawetan batang kelapa hibrida
(2006)Nowadays, wood industry in Indonesia suffers from lack of wooden raw material because of the demand is greater than the supply. I n order to solve this problem, we need to enhance the use of wood by optimalizing the use ... -
Preparation and properties improvement of woodflour-polymer composites made from polypropylene and wood industries wastes
(2007)Wood is not only a renewable and a biodegradable resource, but also predominant source of lignocellulosic materials most extensively used in the decoration and in the furniture industries. The insatiable world demand for ... -
Potensi Dan Prospek Pengembangan Keanekaragaman Hayati Tumbuhan di Kabupaten Sintang
(2007)Kabupaten Sintang dengan luas wilayah seluas 32.279 km? merupakan salah satu kabupaten yang memiliki kawasan hutan yang cukup luas. yaitu sekitar 21,99% dari luas kawasan hutan propinsi Kalimantan Barat. Hutan merupakan ... -
Orientasi nilai dan gerakan masyarakat pro-konservasi di Indoensia
(2008)Some researches on environmental concern, environmental awareness, and environmental behavior had been conducted. Research on environmental value orientation of citizen, especially in term of Stale law-based value had not ... -
Biodeterioration in school buildings in bogor city
(2008)Biodeterioration in school buildings took more concern, particularly in Indonesia as a tropical country. This research aimed to know the caracteristics of biodeterioration in school buildings in Kota Bogor.