Faculty of Forestry: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 188
Mendampingi KPH Banyuwangi Utara
(2008) -
Catatan untuk penyadap getah
(2006) -
Training on techniques and management of restoration, rehabilitation, and, agroforestry
(2006)One of the main problems in un-sustainability of the forest management is caused by lack of skills and knowledge and inappropriate forest management practice on the restoration, management and rehabilitation approaches ... -
Potensi fungi mikoriza arbuskula dan kompos aktif untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan semai mindi (Melia azedarach Linn) pada media tailing tambang emas
(2009)Tailing is one o.f the most abundant wastes from gald mining process. Tltis materittl trsually has a hi.gh concet of sonte heat'y 111s1q1 tuch as Pb, instfficient of some essential elements, and a lotv ccttion exchange ... -
Pengembangan Agroforestry Berbasis Biofarmaka dan Kemitraan Pemasaran untuk Pemberdayaan Masyarakat di Kabupaten Sukabumi, Provinsi Jawa Barat
(2012)Most of community around forest in sukabumi District is small and landless farmers. They traditionally cultivate among any others medicinal plants. But the product quality is under the standard which caused low product ... -
Pola penggunaan ruang bertengger oleh beberapa jenis kelalawar penghuni gua di Taman Nasional Alas Purwo Jawa Timur
(2009)Bat family is the only one member of mammal class having the ability to fly. Bat is included into Ordo Chiroptera - being differentiated based on type of food - which is divided into two sub ordo, i.e. Microchiroptera ... -
Karbon dalam rantai suplai kayu
(2010) -
Effect of adhesive content and strand combination on the properties of OSB made from mixed tropical fast growing tree species
(2010)The objective of this research was to evaluate the physical and mechanical properties of OSB made from several fast growing tree species (i.e., Paraserianthes fa/catari (P), Maesopsis eminii (M), and Acacia mangium (A)) ... -
Membangun pengelolaan kolaboratif kawasan hutan konservasi di indonesia
(2011)Forest resource conflicts amongst governments, local or indigenous communities, and businessmen has oftenly occurred in many contries, including Indonesia. Such conflicts may happen either in the area of production forest, ... -
Prospek usaha agroforestry karet dan jernang di Kabupaten Sarolangun Jambi
(2011)The research was aims to formulate the feasibility of cultivation in combination eubber with jernang and minimum area that must be cultivated to meet the needs of dece living for the community. -
Analisis persepsi dan motivasi masyarakat pemanfaatan terhadap manfaat sumberdaya hutan lindung Pulau Tarakan
(2011)The research aims is to find the main causes of dishamony between behaviour of user community and the manajement objectives of Protection Forest Resources of Tarakan island that reviewed based on the perception and motivation. -
Furniture Value Chains : Action research to improve power balance and enhance livelihoods of small-scale producers
(2011)Value chain analysis (VCA) has emerged since the 1990s as a novel approach for understanding how power, benefits and costs are embodied and distributed to various actors. The Indonesian furniture industry demonstrates a ...