Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science: Recent submissions
Now showing items 81-100 of 337
Keragaan sumberdaya ikan pelagis di perairan teluk Apar
(2011-10-01)The aim of this research was to determine kind of pelagic fishes on apar bay. Research was conducted for 3 months from april to June 2009 on apar bay, Paser District, East Kalimantan Province. Statistical count by Equilibrium ... -
Perubahan strategi operasi penangkapan ikan nelayan Karimunjawa, Jawa Tengah
(2012-11-01)Perikanan karang merupakan salah satu pusat kegiatan penangkapan ikan nelayan kecil di daerah tropis. Seiring dengan perubahan ekonomi dan ekologi, telah mengakibatkan berubahnya pendapatan dan strategi operasi penangkapan ... -
Vertical distribution and flux of Nutrients in the sediments of the Mangrove reclamation region of Muara Angke Kapuk, Jakarta
(2012)The reclaimed mangroye estuary in 1\1Llara Angke Kapllk is a reclaimed area that has not c~aded the impacted of pollution and waste in the areas ~llrroul1ding Cengkareng, Jakarta. This is apparent fl\IJH tLc: fact that ... -
Karakteristik biologi populasi kerang sepetang (Pharella acutidens) di ekosistem mangrove Dumai, Riau
(2012)Characteristic of population biology of the "sepetang" clam has been studied in Dumai mangrove ecosystem from November 2010 to October 2011. lbis research was to study the patterns of the population growth, mortality and ... -
Pengaruh penggunaan bentuk escape vent yang berbeda pada bubu lipat terhadap hasil tangkapan kepiting bakau
(2012-08)Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh bentuk escape vent yang optimum untuk menangkap kepiting bakau. Penelitian ini menggunakan bubu yang biasa digunakan nelayan untuk menangkap kepiting bakau. Selanjutnya pada bubu ... -
Persepsi nelayan terhadap sumberdaya perikanan
(2009)Understanding of fisherman's perception is a key in fisheries management. However, information about it, especially fisherman's perception in coastal small scale fisheries is lack. In order to understand fisherman's ... -
Pengaruh pemusatan cahaya terhadap efektivitas bagan
(2012)Tulisan ini menjelaskan pengaruh pemusatan cahaya petromaks terhadap efektivitas bagan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengoperasikan 3 jenis reflektor, yaitu reflektor standar dan 2 reflektor pirarnid yang diwarnai putih dan ... -
The comparison of bathymetric estimation from three high resolution satellite imagery
(2013)This study was using three high resolution satellite imagery to estimate bathymetric condition at shallow water coral reef environment around Pulau Panggang, Jakarta. The Worldview 2 supply 2 m spasial resolution with 8 ... -
The study of sea bottom morphology and bathymetric mapping using worldview-2 imagery
(2013)Benthic habitat identification is highly associated with reef or sea bottom morphology. Penetration of multispectral bands gives benefits to identification of sea bottom morphology which could be improved by bathymetric ... -
Selektivitas celah pelolosan pada bumbu tambun terhadap ikan kepe-kepe (Chaetodon octofasciatus) dengan menggunakan metode cover net
(2010)the objectives of this experiment are to determine lenght distribution of eight band butterfly fish caught by escape gap pot and determine selectivity curve of escape gap pot. -
Efisiensi teknis dan ekonomis unit penangkapan muroami di Pulau Pramuka, Kabupaten Kepulauan Seribu
(2009)This experiment was carried out to determine technical and economical efficiency of muroami which has fishing base in Pramuka Island of Seribu Islands. Survey method was carried out to obtain data needed. Sampling was ... -
Perbandingan komposisi dan variasi basil tangkapan bubu tambun dengan celah pelolosan (escape-GAP) dan tanpa celah pelolosan (non escape GAP)
(2009)This experiment was carried out.at-Panggang island of Seribu Islands, to determine composition and variation ofcatch of escape gap pot and non escape gap pot. Dominant catch of this experiment. was orange damsel (Neoglyphidodon ... -
Analisis hasil tangkapan rajungan pada bubu lipat dengan menggunakan jenis umpan yang bebeda
(2009)Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan hasil tangkapan rajungan pada bubu lipat dengan menggunakan empat jenis umpan yang berbeda. Empat jenis umpan yang dipakai adaiah ikan pepetek segar (umpan S), pepetek asin (umpanA), ... -
Breaking strength benang PA multifilamen 210D/6 pada penyimpanan di ruang terbuka
(2010)Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkuantifikasikan pengaruh lama penyimpanan dan pengaruh perendaman dengan cairan berupa solar, ali , dan ter terhadap penurunan nilai kekuatan putus benang polyamide 210 D/6. Hasil penelitian ... -
Kartu Kontrol Kegiatan Proses Pengusulan Angka Kredit Dosen Departemen ITK FPIK IPB
(2013-07-23)KARYA KREATIF PRESTATIF TENAGA KEPENDIDIKAN BERPRESTASI BIDANG ADMINISTRASI UMUM TINGKAT INSTITUT PERTANIAN BOGOR TAHUN 2013. Pekerjaan Administrasi Umum di Lingkungan Institut Pertanian Bogor pada dasarnya adalah sebuah ... -
Ecosystem approach to reef fisheries management in Weh Island, Nangroe Aceh Darussalam
(2011)Fisheries management has been traditionally governed to maximize economic benefit with little concern on its ecological impacts. Food and Agriculture Organization with its Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries has ... -
Pre requisite study on application of hazard analysis critical control point management system for on board tuna longliner
(2011)Along with the era of globalization and free market an approach for managing quality through testing the final product is considered not able to meet consumer demands. It drives to a new approach based on prevention and ... -
Development of tuna fisheries management strategies for the southern coast of java: an application of interpretative structural modeling
(2011)Territorial waters of South Java is part of fisheries management zone of Indian Ocean Fisheries, has a potential tuna fish resources. The purpose of this research was to formulate strategy for the efficacy of model ... -
Evaluasi mosaik video untuk validasi peta citra terumbu karang
(2013)Coral substrate spaiial information from video image mosaicing is potemial to use on Quickbird image validation, The dimension of image mosaicing may estimated from lens calibration parameter vah:es. On this study, these ... -
Uji validasi algoritma JUPP untuk pemetaan batimetri perairan dangkal menggunakan citra alos
(2012)Informasi tentang kedalaman perairan dangkal sangat dibutuhkan untuk mempelajari morfologi dasar perairan, kajian lingkungan serta pengelolaan sumber daya di wilayah pesisir. Tulisan ini mengkaji penggunaan algoritma yang ...