Faculty of Animal Science: Recent submissions
Now showing items 101-120 of 121
Daya hambat polisakarida mengandung mannan yang dekstraksi dari bungkil inti sawit terhadap Salmonella spp. dan E. Coli secara In vitro
(2005)Polisakarida dari bungkil inti saw it (BIS) telah dibuktikan dalam penelitian sebelumnya mengandung mannan sebagai unsur gula utamanya. - Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji daya ham bat dan aglutinasi ... -
The use of HEL9 and INRA035 microsatellites as specific markers for bali cattle
(2003)Bali cattle are one of Indonesian native cattle’s that famous for their ability to adapt to tropical harsh conditions. For the last 25 years, indiscriminate crossbreeding using artificial insemination (AI) organizing mainly ... -
(The Effect of Feeding Local and Imported Fish Meal on Daily Weight Gain, Sexual Performance, and Semen Production of Kacang Buck
(2005)This research was aimed to compare quality of local fish meal and imported ones, mainly in term of their effects on daily weight gain, feed efficiency, sexual performance, and semen production of Kacang goat bucks. Fifteen ... -
Strategi Pengembangan Agroindustri Sapi Potong Di Sumatera Barat
(2006)The research aimed to decide the priority of beef catle agroindustry development stategy in West Sumatera. Strategy factors were evaluted using internal and external factors (IE Matrix), SWOT Matrix, adn Fuzzy-Analytical ... -
Effect of Superovulation Prior to Mating on Milk Production Performance
(2000)Thirty lactating ewes were used to evaluate the effect of superovulation on milk production. Twelve ewes had been injected, prior to mating, with 700 IU of pregnant mare serum gonadotropin; 18 ewes were injected with saline ... -
Tropical wood-decaying fungi as a means of conversion of agricultural plant residues: Influence of the incubation temperature on the activities of ligninolytic enzymes
(2001)The digestibility of agricultural plant residues in the rumen of domestic animals is restricted by the lignin content of the material. Selective delignification using ligninolytic microorganisms in a solid state fermentation ... -
Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Kudzu Tropika (Pneraria phaseoloides Benth.) yang diberi Asam Humat dan Pupuk Fosfat
(2002)Percobaan yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan dan produksi kudzu tropika yang diberi asam humat dan pupuk fospat (P) telah dilakukan di rumah kaca laboratorium Agrostologi, Fakultas Peternakan, Institut Pertanian ... -
Development and the environment: human capital as a means to sustain.
(2010)This paper defines sustainable development, and explores the role of human resources in sustainable development. It also discusses the relationship between humans and the environment, highlighting a framework that considers ... -
An Ultrastructural Study on the Leydig and Sertoli Cells in the Immature Lesser Mouse Deer (Tragulus javanicus)
(2004)Leydig and Sertoli cells of the immature lesser mouse deer testes, obtained in East Malaysia, were observed using light and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The testes were fixed in 5% glutaraldehyde, post-fixed in ... -
Estimation of Additive and Non-Additive Genetic Variances of Body Weight, Egg Weight and Egg Production for Quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) with an Animal Model Analysis
(2006)This study estimates the additive and non-additive variances for egg production and body weight traits of two lines of quails from a long-term selection with the help of the REML method. For the body weight of 42-day-old ... -
Effects of supplementary feeding around lambing time on the productivity of Javanese thin-tail ewes
(1986)The extent to which ewe reproduction could be improved by supplementary feeding around lambing time was investigated with four groups each of 16 ewes which were run continuously with fertile rams until they had lambed three ... -
Nutrition, feeding, and calves : Effect of Restricted Feed Intake of Dams and Heat Stress on Mineral Status of Newborn Calves
(1998)To clarify the effects of restricted feed intake, heat stress, and parity on the mineral status of cows and heifers around parturition and on the mineral status of their calves during 1 wk of age, data were collected from ... -
Pertumbuhan Jamur Pada Pakan Buatan Ulat Sutera Yang Ditambahkan Bahan Pengawet
(2010)Penelitian telah dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan bahan pengawet terhadap ketahanan dan daya awet pakan buatan ulat sutera. Penelitian ini menggunakan ulat sutera (Bombyx mori) strain polihibrida dengan ... -
Modeling Managed Monkey Populations: Sustainable Harvest of Longtailed Macaques on a Natural Habitat Island
(1995)Computer simulation of population dynamics can be useful in managing harvested populations of monkeys on islands. Between 1988 and 1991, 420 adult female and 58 adult male simian retrovirus-free Macaca fascicularis were ... -
Effects of Iodine Level on Performance and Thyroid Traits of Growing Pigs
(2010)Four experiments involving 163 pigs were conducted to determine the effects of iodine level in a corn-soybean meal diet on body weight gain, feed required per unit gain and thyroid status. Pigs fed the basal diet (.055 ppm ... -
CpG DNA overcomes hyporesponsiveness to hepatitis B vaccine in orangutans
(2010)Oligonucleotides containing immunostimulatory CpG motifs (CpG ODN) have been shown to be potent Th1-type adjuvants for augmenting antigen-specific responses in mice against hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg). The hepatitis ...