Browsing Faculty of Animal Science by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 121
Effects of supplementary feeding around lambing time on the productivity of Javanese thin-tail ewes
(1986)The extent to which ewe reproduction could be improved by supplementary feeding around lambing time was investigated with four groups each of 16 ewes which were run continuously with fertile rams until they had lambed three ... -
Divergence between the Anoas of Sulawesi and the Asiatic Water buffaloes, inferred from their complete amino acid sequences of hemoglobin ß chains
(1992)Four complete amino acid sequences of hemoglobin β chains were determined for the swamp and the river types of the Asiatic water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) and two species of the subgenus Anoa in Bubalus; B. (A.) depressicornis ... -
Modeling Managed Monkey Populations: Sustainable Harvest of Longtailed Macaques on a Natural Habitat Island
(1995)Computer simulation of population dynamics can be useful in managing harvested populations of monkeys on islands. Between 1988 and 1991, 420 adult female and 58 adult male simian retrovirus-free Macaca fascicularis were ... -
Nutrition, feeding, and calves : Effect of Restricted Feed Intake of Dams and Heat Stress on Mineral Status of Newborn Calves
(1998)To clarify the effects of restricted feed intake, heat stress, and parity on the mineral status of cows and heifers around parturition and on the mineral status of their calves during 1 wk of age, data were collected from ... -
Evaluasi komposisi tubuh dan pemanfaatan nutrien di ambing kambing peranakan etawah laktasi yang diberi pakan fermentasi limbah tempe
(2000)This study was done to evaluate the body composition, uptake nutrient in mammary gland and milk amino acid profile of lactating Etawah Crossbred goats fed with tempeh waste. Twelve second lactating goats were randomly ... -
Pemanfaatan Pod Kakao Sebagai Sumber Serat Pada Ransum Sapi Potong : Evaluasi Neraca Protein Dan Energi
(2000)This research was conducted to evaluate the utilization of cocoa pods as a feedstuff for beef cattle. Five rations fed to the five beef cattle using Latin Square design. The treatments consisted of concentrate plus untreated ... -
Efek Suplementasi Asam Amino Bercabang Terhadap Fermentabilitas Dan Kecernaan In Vitro Ransum Berpakan Serat Sabut Sawit
(2000)Branched chain amino add) (BCAA) has been claimed to stimulate microbial growth in the rumen, hence and fiber digestion. Mast of the works however, used Valine (Val), Leucine (Leu), or I so leucine (He) as single supplement. ... -
Produktivitas ayam kampung, pelung dan resiprokalnya
(2000)The goal of this research was to utilize the Pelung cock culled for bad crowing (with good meal qualities) for crossing with the Kampung chicken in order to obtained superiority. The reciprocal cross was also conducted ... -
Effect of Superovulation Prior to Mating on Milk Production Performance
(2000)Thirty lactating ewes were used to evaluate the effect of superovulation on milk production. Twelve ewes had been injected, prior to mating, with 700 IU of pregnant mare serum gonadotropin; 18 ewes were injected with saline ... -
Tropical wood-decaying fungi as a means of conversion of agricultural plant residues: Influence of the incubation temperature on the activities of ligninolytic enzymes
(2001)The digestibility of agricultural plant residues in the rumen of domestic animals is restricted by the lignin content of the material. Selective delignification using ligninolytic microorganisms in a solid state fermentation ... -
Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Kudzu Tropika (Pneraria phaseoloides Benth.) yang diberi Asam Humat dan Pupuk Fosfat
(2002)Percobaan yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan dan produksi kudzu tropika yang diberi asam humat dan pupuk fospat (P) telah dilakukan di rumah kaca laboratorium Agrostologi, Fakultas Peternakan, Institut Pertanian ... -
Suplementasi Mineral Seng Dalam Ransum Unggas Yang Mengandung Gulma Bebek Yang Difermentasi
(2003)Gulma bebek ('duckweed') merupakan gulma yang hidup dominan dan menutupi permukaan air Seluas 40- 100% sepanjang tahun serta tumbuh baik di daerah-beriklim sedang atau tropis dengan kemampuan berkembang yang sangat tinggi. ... -
Penggunaan polyethylene glycol untuk meningkatkan fermentabllitas acacia angustissima dan acacia villosa
(2003)Sebuah eksperimen telah dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mempelajari penggunaan “polyethylene glycol” (PEG) pada taraf yang berbeda untuk meninglkan fermentabilitas dan kecernaan Acacia angustissima dan A. villosa. Taraf PEG ... -
Pengaruh kualitas ransum terhadap toleransi 'exercise' pada domba
(2003)Enam ekor domba Merino dewasa dengan berat badan 39,0 - 44,6 kg yang terlatih untuk berjalan di “treadmill” dan dengan panjang wool sama digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Mereka dibagi ke dalam dua kelompok, ditempatkan pada ... -
Program pemberian ransum berdasarkan periode pertumbuhan pada ayam persilangan ayam arab dan kedu
(2003)Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui program pemberian ransum yang paling efisien berdasarkan kebuluhan energi metabolis (EM) dan protein (PK) yang dinyatakan dalam rasio energi dan protein (E/P) ransum pada berbagai ... -
Pengaruh tingkat energi terhadap penampilan tikus putih
(2003)The study was done to look into the effects of energy level on performance and feed efficiency of White rats (Rattus norvegicus). The animals used in this study was 16 heads, 8 males and 8 females at 28 days of age. The ... -
The use of HEL9 and INRA035 microsatellites as specific markers for bali cattle
(2003)Bali cattle are one of Indonesian native cattle’s that famous for their ability to adapt to tropical harsh conditions. For the last 25 years, indiscriminate crossbreeding using artificial insemination (AI) organizing mainly ... -
Penggunaan biomasa tandan kosong dan sabut kelapa sawit yang mengandung miselium Ganoderma lucidum sebagai pakan
(2003)Di masa mendatang, pakan konvensional yang berupa rumput akan menjadi terbatas karena adanya peralihan fungsi tanah nienjadi perumahan, dan lain-lain serta adanya perubahan-perubahan cuaca. Limbah serai asal kelapa sawit ...