Faculty of Agricultural Technology: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 305
Estimation of soil moisture in paddy field using Artificial Neural Networks
(2012)Abstract—In paddy field, monitoring soil moisture is required for irrigation scheduling and water resource allocation, management and planning. The current study proposes an Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) model to estimate ... -
Estimating crop coefficient in Intermittent irrigation Paddy fields using excel solver
(2012)The current study proprosec a novel method using Excel Solver to estimate, from limited, crop coefficient (Kc) in paddy fields under intermittent irrigation (II). -
Antisipasi terhadap Isu-Isu Baru Keamanan Pangan
(2012)Kemunculan emerging dan kontaminan baru yang berkaitan dengan keamanan panga!) merupakan isu yang tidak bisa dihindari. E. coli enterohemoragik misalnya, merupakan contoh emerging baru yang menyebabkan kematian dan kerugian ... -
Rekonstruksi Konsep Ecohouse Pada Rumah Tradisional Baduy Dalam
(2011)The environment quality is worsening every year; the building's sector contributes 66 % of fossil fuels pollution sources. The Ways in building constructions need to be changed in more environmental friendly manner. Today, ... -
Analisis Sifat Fisik Dan Mekanik Tanah Hasil Pengolahan Tanah Di Kebun Tebu Lahan Kering
(2012)Research was aimed to analyse the relationship of physical and mechanical soil tillage toward tractor operations. Descriptive observation using Four·wheel tractors and soit tillage implements were applied on upland area ... -
Machine vibration analysis for determining optimum operational engine speed
(2010)The objective of the research was to analyse the amount of machine vibration and to approximate an optimum operational engine speed. The research was conducted on March 2009 until July 2009 in a dry field laboratory, ... -
Desain Mesin Komposter Skala Industri Kecil
(2010)Sampah yang berasal dari rumahtangga dan pasar tradisional umumnya mengandung 65% bahan organik. Sampah-sampah tersebut dapat diolah menjadi kompos sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pupuk. Salah satu metode untuk dapat ... -
Model Matematik Sistem Transportasi Tandan Buah Segar Pada Rantai Pasok Agroindustri Minyak Sawit Mentah
(2010)Praktik manajemen rantai pasok yang efektif pada agroindustti minyak sawit mentah ditentukan salah . satunya dari sistem transportasi yang baik. Hal Ini membutuhkan model yang berlcemampuan mengakomodir berbagai aspek baik ... -
Kajian Jenis dan Jumlah Katalisator pada Pembuatan Poliol dari Epoksi Minyak Jarak Pagar (Jatropha curcas oil)
(2007)Polyol is a material which had been used in wide specttum of industries; as row material of polyurethane, base oil of lubricant, and etc. Polyol can be synthesized by hydrorylation process of curcas epoxide, which characterized ... -
Analisis Keberlanjutan Agroindustri Perikanan Tangkap Potensial Dan Kebijakan Pengembangannya Di Kawasan Pesisir Kabupaten Tuban Lamongan Dan Gresik
(2010)Small scale and medium of capture fisheries agroindustry facing serious problems Fom various aspects that threaten its sustainability. This study aims to analyze the sustainability of potential capture fisheries agroindustry ... -
Penjadwalan Tanam Edamame (Glycine Max (L) Merr.) Untuk Menun.Jang Produksi Edamame Beku Di PT. Mitratani Dua Tujuh Jember
(2007)This ;'csearch was conducted in PT Mitratani Dua Tujuh .fember and aimed 10 design ana develop the planting schedul model that was able to optimize the stock and meet product demand 0) frozen edamame. Model was designed ... -
Model Prediksi Indikator Keberlanjutan Sumberdaya Agroindustri Teri Nasi Kering Menggunakan Sistem Dinamik
(2011)Chirimen agroindustries facing serious problems from the aspect of resources which can threaten sustainability in the future. This study aims to predict the value of resource 5ustainability indicator of chirimen agroindustries ... -
Konsultasi Bisnis dan Penempatan Kerja (KBPK) di Institut Pertanian Bogor Tahun 2001
(2002)Kegiatan Konsultasi Bisnis dan Penempatan Kerja(KBPK) tahun anggaran 2001 merupakan kelanjtna dari kegiatan tahun sebelumnya. Ragam kegiatan yang dilaksanakan adalah Pelayanan Konsultasi Bisnis; Seminar Pembekalan; Studium ... -
Karakterisasi Sifat Fisiko Kimia dan Deskripsi Flavor Daging Buah Beberapa Akses Pala (Myristica sp.)
(2004)Nutmeg (Myristica sp.) is available in many types. Understanding about the characteristic of each type of nutmeg, however is limited. This experiment aims to get better information about the differences between nutmeg fruit ... -
Utilization of ripe nutmeg husk (Myristica sp.) as the main ingredient on spice blend powder
(2003-10)Nutmeg’s kernel and mace has been known widely as spices. Nutmeg husk that is the largest part of nutmeg fruit, however, is almost remaining as waste. Nutmeg husk has a different character of flavor comparing to nutmeg ...