Browsing Faculty of Agricultural Technology by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 305
A system dynamisc Model for Assessing Water Resources and Socio-Economic Changes: The Case of The Cianjur Watershed, West Java-Indonesia
(2005)A model including socio-economics factors has received much attention because social and economi activities have great influence on water quality. -
Agricultural engineering education in Indonesia
(2006)this paper describes the development of agricultural engineering education in indonesia. -
Aktivitas Antibakteri Laktobasili Asal Makanan Ferment Asi Indonesia Terhadap Patogen dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Mikroflora Usus Tikus
(2008-05)Delapan belas galur bakteri asa1l1 laktat dari genus laktobasili yang diisolasi dari makanan fennentasi tradisional Indonesia diteliti akti"itas antagonistiknya melawan bakteri patogen meliputi Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus ... -
Aktivitas antibakteri oligamer kitosa yang diproduksi menggunakan Kinotase dari Isolat B. licheniformis MB-2
(2010)Senyawa bioaktif oligomer kitosan diproduksi menggunakan kitosanase dari isolat B. licheniformis MB-2. Enzim kitosanase hasil pengendapan amonium sulfat 80% jenuh dengan aktivitas 0,005; 0,0085; 0,1 dan 0,17 Unit ditambahkan ... -
Aktivitas polifenol teh sebagai penangkap radikal
(2000)Aktivitas antioksidan pada teh berhubungan dengan keberadaan katekin. Penelitian aktivitas katekin sebagai antioksidan berkembang. Beberapa penelitian epidemilogis dan farmakologis menunjukkan bahwa katekin mempunyai sebuah ... -
Ammonia removal characteristics by biofilter using inorganic carriers seeded with nitriifying bacteria enriched from night soil sludge
(1998)Production Ammonia removal by biofilters was conducted mainly using organic packing-materials as a carrier like peat (1,2) or wood bark (3), but inorganic packing materials (4,5) were rarely used. In this study, as inorganic ... -
An innovative new application for waste phenolic compounds: Use of Kraft lignin and naphthols in leather tanning
(2005)Degradation of Kraft lignin by using hemin and hydrogen peroxide was investigated to produce phenolic compounds. The degradation products were identified using spectroscopic methods and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry ... -
An Integration of Genetic Algorithm and Fuzzy Logic for Optimization of Agroindustrial Supply Chain Design
(2010)Technological innovation and competition in agroindustry in today’s manufacturing economy have led to the improvements in supply chain management for agricultural products. Agroindustry is defined as an enterprise that ... -
An introduction of internationalisation in food science doctoral program: a case study of Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia.
(2010)The Department of Food Science and Technology- Bogor Agricultural University (DFST-IPB), Indonesia is one of the oldest Departments of its kind in Indonesia. The Department has been founded since 1964 under the Faculty of ... -
Analisis Beban Kerja pada Proses Penggilingan Padi, Studi Komparasi antara Penggilingan Padi Skala Kecil dan Besar
(2011)Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui beban kerja operator alat dan mesin dalam proses penggilingan padi. Khususnya untuk mengetahui besarnya energi per unit massa beras yang diproduksi baik dalam penggilingan padi ... -
Analisis faktor yang mempengaruhi preferensi konsumen produk air minum dalam kemasan di Bogor
(2007)Mineral water is drinkable water with a high mineral salt or gas content, either obtained from a mineral spring or with minerals added. It is usually sold in bottles and satisfy the minimum standard prevailed. Nowadays, ... -
Analisis Keberlanjutan Agroindustri Perikanan Tangkap Potensial Dan Kebijakan Pengembangannya Di Kawasan Pesisir Kabupaten Tuban Lamongan Dan Gresik
(2010)Small scale and medium of capture fisheries agroindustry facing serious problems Fom various aspects that threaten its sustainability. This study aims to analyze the sustainability of potential capture fisheries agroindustry ... -
Analisis Keberlanjutan Pengelolaan Danau Limboto, Provinsi Gorontalo
(2011)It is estimated that 10 lake in Indonesia in critical condition, and Umboto lake is one of the critical lake. The Umboto lake has multiuse on ecologic, social and economic aspect in the Gorontalo Province. Anthropogenic ... -
Analisis Sifat Fisik Dan Mekanik Tanah Hasil Pengolahan Tanah Di Kebun Tebu Lahan Kering
(2012)Research was aimed to analyse the relationship of physical and mechanical soil tillage toward tractor operations. Descriptive observation using Four·wheel tractors and soit tillage implements were applied on upland area ... -
Antibiotic Compound From Marine Actinomycetes (Streptomyces Sp A11): Isolation And Structure Elucidation
(2010)Purification and structure elucidation of antibiotic produced by marine actinomycetes (Streptomyces sp A11) was conducted. Production of antibiotic was carried out by liquid fermentation using yeast and peptone medium for ... -
Antisipasi terhadap Isu-Isu Baru Keamanan Pangan
(2012)Kemunculan emerging dan kontaminan baru yang berkaitan dengan keamanan panga!) merupakan isu yang tidak bisa dihindari. E. coli enterohemoragik misalnya, merupakan contoh emerging baru yang menyebabkan kematian dan kerugian ... -
Application of nmr based metabolomics and multivariate data analysis for quality control of herbal material
(2010)Despite of lack of solid scientific proof for its efficacy and saf~tyu, p to now herbal medicines are widely used both in developed and developing countries. Standardization by focusing on active constituents or marker ...