Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Kajian optimasi teknologi pengolahan beras jagung instan 

      Supriadi, Agus | Hariyadi, Purwiyatno | Soekarto, Soewarno T. | Sugiyono (2004)
      This research was aimed to process com kernels into instant corn-grits Com kernels were milled into gnts and pregelatinized before drying to make them instant product The study showed that pre-gelBtinization step affected ...
    • Pengaruh metode pembekuan dan pengeringan terhadap karakteristik grits jagung instan 

      Husain, Hernawaty | Muchtadi, Tien R | Sugiyono | Haryanto, Bambang (2006)
      Bassang is a traditional food of Makassar mainly made of corn grits. The food takes about 23 hours of traditional preparation. This lengthy process leads to a need for a technological innovation for a quicker preparation. ...