Faculty of Agricultural Technology
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Synthesis Of Zinc-Difattyalkyldithiocarbamates And Their Antioxidant Activities
(2012)Zinc-difattyalkyldithiocarbamates are organosulfur compounds with many functions, including as an antioxidant in a lubrication system. They were synthesized by reacting secondary fatty amine with ZnCl2 and CS2 giving result ... -
Production of Cellulose Acetate from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches Cellulose
(2013)Cellulose acetate was produced from acetylation process oil palm empty fiuit bunches cellulose which underutilized. To obtained cellulose acetate qualified was needed cellulose with high purity level which was produced ... -
Utilization of Glycerol Derived from Jatropha’s Biodiesel Production as a Cement Grinding Aid
(2012)Biodiesel production results in glycerol production as the main by-product in biodiesel industry.One of the utilizations of glycerol obtained from biodiesel production is as a cement grinding aid (CGA). Results showed that ... -
Rekayasa Biopolimer Jerami Padi dengan Teknik Kopolimerisasi Cangkok dan Taut Silang
(2012)Kopolimerisasi cangkok dan taut silang akrilamida (AAm) terhadap jerami padi dilakukan dalam suasana hampa udara menggunakan aliran gas N2 dengan amonium persulfat (APS) sebagai inisiator dan N,N’-metilena-bis-akrilamida ... -
Antibiotic Compound From Marine Actinomycetes (Streptomyces Sp A11): Isolation And Structure Elucidation
(2010)Purification and structure elucidation of antibiotic produced by marine actinomycetes (Streptomyces sp A11) was conducted. Production of antibiotic was carried out by liquid fermentation using yeast and peptone medium for ... -
Prediksi Masa Kedaluwarsa Wafer Dengan Artificial Neural Network (Ann) Berdasarkan Parameter Nilai Kapasitansi
(2013)Wafer adalah jenis makanan kering yang sering ditemukan kcdaluwarsa. Penentuan masa kedaluwarsa dengan observasi laboratorium memiliki beberapa kelemahan, diantaranya memakan waktu, panelis terlatih, suasana yang tepat, ... -
Consumption of Carbonated Beverages and the Risk For Gastrointestinal Disease: A Systematic Review
(2014-06)Issues of different effects of carbonated soft drinks to human health have been circulated and analyzed in both scientific and non-scientific approaches. However, there is few publications discussing the specific effect ... -
Local Economy Empowerment and Food Security: Lesson Learned
(2009-10)Food security is defined as physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious foods which meet the individual's dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. In Indonesia, most of economic ... -
Kajian Sumber Cemaran Mikrobiologis Pangan pada Beberapa Rumah Makan di Lingkar Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor
(2006-12)Food borne diseases by microorganism was still happened as a lot of cases per annum. Sources of food microbiological contamination were raw materials, personal hygiene, sanitary of equipment and airborne and water sources. ... -
Protein Sejenis Silicatein dari Sponge sebagai Katalis Polimerisasi Silika
(2007-02)Protein sejenis Silicatein dari sponge sebagai katalis polimerisasi silika. Silika merupakan polimer dari silikon dioksida yang banyak digunakan sebagai bahan dasar untuk industri pangan, semikonduktor, peralatan elektronik ... -
The Effect of Maturity Stage of Banana on the Formation of Acrylamide in Banana Fritters
(2013)The effect of maturity stages of two varieties of banana (Musaparadisiaca variety Awak and Abu ) on the formation of acrylamide was obtained in banana fritters, the most mature banana had significantly (p < 0.05) higher ... -
Pengembangan Dodol Sebagai Produk Pangan Darurat
(2011-04)Emergency Food Product (EFP) which is produced to fulfill the required daily energy level (2100 kkal) and consumed directly in emergency condition can be developed from intermediate moisture food like dodol, that have ... -
Formulasi Cookies Sebagai Alternatif Produk Pangan Darurat Menggunakan Prinsip Kesetimbangan Massa
(2010-04)Natural disaster such as flood makes limited resources of pure water supplies, fire and other house-food processing equipments. These conditions will push the victims of disaster to consume "meals ready to eat" or in other ... -
Komposisi Kimia Tepung Jagung Varietas Unggul Lokal dan Potensinya untuk pembuatan Mi Jagung Menggunakan Ekstruder Pencetak
(2012)The objective of this researchis to identify the characteristic of Srikandi Kuning, Bisma, Sukmaraga, Lamuru and Arjuna varieties, and their potentions to be made as wet corn noodle. Corn noodles were processed using forming ... -
Fraksinasi Kering Minyak Kelapa Menggunakan Kristalisator Skala 120 kg Untuk Menghasilkan Fraksi Minyak Kaya Triasilgliserol Rantai Menengah
(2013-03)Minyak kelapa merupakan sumber medium chain triglycerides (MCT) utama. Melalui proses fraksinasi dapat dihasilkan fraksi minyak dengan kandungan MCT tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh berbagai ... -
Biobriket dari Campuran Limbah Kulit Biji Mete, Sekam dan Jerami Serta Bungkil Jarak, Sekam dan Jerami
(2013-04)The petroleum is the fuel derived from fossil which can not be renewable and the deposit in the earth is not more now. In the middle 2008, the price of petroleum achieved US$ 147/Barrel because the supply of petroleum to ... -
Karakterisasi tapioka dari lima varietas ubi kayu (Manihot utilisima Crantz) asal Lampung
(2011)The physicochemical and functional properties of starches (tapioca) from five varieties Manihot utilisima Crantz (Thailand, Kasetsar, Pucuk Biru, Faroka and Adira-4) from Lampung were evaluated. All tapioca samples showed ... -
Pengembangan granula ubi kayu yang disuplementasi dengan tepung kecambah kedelai
(2012)Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan produk ganula ubi kayu dengan suplementasi tepung kecamhah kedelai. Dari analisis ragam didapatkari hasil bahwa granula ubi kayu yang disuplementasi dengan tepung kecambah kedelai ...