Published by Others: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 2332
The construction of greedy SVP LLL algorithm
(2013)LLL algorithm is an algorithm used to compute the approximation of the shortest nonzero vector in a basis of lattice. Terms of reduction size and the exchanging process are the important steps in the LLL algorithm. In 1994, ... -
Construction of family of hash functions based on ideal lattice
(2015)Cryptographic hash function is a function h : D -> R with | D | >> | R | which has the security properties: one-way (computationally not feasible to calculate x e D from known y e R so that y = h(x)) and collision resistant ... -
Algorithm construction of HLI hash function
(2014)Hash function based on lattices believed to have a strong security proof based on the worst-case hardness, In 2008. Lyubashevsky et al. proposed WSIFFT, aa hash function that corresponds to a simple expresion over modular ... -
Restrictions on the weight distribution of quaternary linear codes
(2002)This paper describes some nonexistence results for quaternary linear codes. The standard linear program is strengthened with constraints from the weight distribution of binary Reed-Muller codes. -
Visualization of classified data with kernel principal component analysis
(2015)Kernel Principal Component Analysis (Kernel PCA) is a generalization of the ordinary PCA which allows mapping the original data into a high-dimensional feature space. The mapping is expected to address the issues of ... -
Effects of Commodity and Asset Bubbles on Inflation in Indonesia
(2015)This chapter aims investigate the possible impacts of commodity and assat bubbles on inflation in Indonesian economics. The analysis is facilitated by a macroeconomic model described by a couple of structural equations ... -
Buses Dispatching Problem in Urban Transport System
(2015-02)The complexity of transport system in urban area will significantly increase in accordance with demographic development, transport demand growth, life style change and transport policy. Inadequate transport management ... -
Pendulum System with Elevated track: Length of Pendulum With Minimum Tracking Error
(2014)This paper studies an optimization problem, i.e., the optimal tracking error control problem, on an inverted pendulum model with elevated track. We characerize the minimum tracking error in term of pendulum's parameters. ... -
Connectivity Problem of Wildlife Conservation in Sumatra: a Graph Theory Application
(2014)In this paper, the problem of connectivity of patchy conservation sites was approached by the use of graph theory. Determination of the so-called core sites was subsequently conducted by establishing the cover areas ... -
Changes in Freshness of Steak and Loin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) during 15 Day-chilled Storage
(2013)The present study was undertaken to assess the effect of chilled storage on the quality of steak and loin tuna by studying the changes in chemistry, microbiology and sensory attributes. Six fresh tuna unloaded in Pelabuhan ... -
The Use of Passive Filtration for Optimization of Magnesol XL Function for Improving the Quality of Sardinella lemuru Oil
(2011)Factors important to alkali refining operation of fish oil are optimum soapstock separation to get maximum on removal free fatty acid (FFA) and bleaching. This paper discusses the use of centrifuge and whatman filter paper ... -
The Effect of Gelling Agent Concentration on the Characteristic of Gel Produced From the Mixture of Semi-refined Carrageenan and Glukomannan
(2015)Carrageenan and konjac glucomannan mixture is synergistic in producing a gel with high gel strength, good and elastic texture, as well as low syneresis. The synergistic effect is a very crucial factor in the utilization ... -
Capture Fisheries Based on Local Wisdom in Aceh Jaya District
(2014)This research has been conducted at six sub-districts namely Jaya, Sampoiniet, Setia Bakti, Krueng Sabee, Panga and Teunom in Aceh Jaya district, Aceh Province, Indonesia from September 2012 to February 2013. Study aimed ... -
Bioactive Compounds and Antioxidant Activity of Lindur Stem Bark (Bruguiera gymnorrhiza)
(2015)Mangrove has a lot of benefits that intersect directly with human life ranging from ecology to benefit as a source of food, shelter and medicine. One of them is often found in Indonesia is lindur (Bruguiera gymnorrhiza). ... -
Minerals and Heavy Metals of Banana Puffer Fish from Sea of Region Gebang, Cirebon, West Java
(2015)This banana puffer fish empirically very liked by fishermen in the area Gebang, Cirebon. The purpose of this study was to determine the chemical composition and to identified heavy metals and minerals of its meat, viscera ... -
Application of Liquid Smoke and Chitosan as Natural Preservatives for Tofu and Meatballs
(2014)Food can be occur physical and chemical changes mainly spoilage. To avoid this, the food is often added preservatives. Food preservatives currently very concerned about his safety, especially formaldehyde is often used ... -
Changes in nutritional composition of skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) due to frying process
(2015)Skipjack is one of Indonesian commodity that can be processed in traditional process (katsuobushi, dashi, and smoked fish) and modern process. Frying process is common way to processing skipjack in the local community. ... -
Effect of boiling and steaming on the profile fatty acids and cholesterol in muscle tissue of molluscs
(2015)Molluscs are consumed by many communities and believed to use as a reliable drug. This research was aimed to study the changes of proxymate composition, cholesterol, and fatty acid composition due to processing methods and ... -
Partial purification of polyphenoloxidase of black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) from Indonesian waters
(2015)Shrimps are a very important resource all over the world because of their high market value. Their post-mortem discoloration (blackspot) is one of the serious problems occuring in crustaceans and become an issue for the ... -
Proximate compositions, bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity from large-leafed mangrove (Bruguiera gymnorrhiza) fruit
(2014)Antioxidants are compounds that can inhibit or prevent the oxidation of the easily oxidized substrate. One of the plants as a potential source of bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity is large-leafed mangrove ...