Penentuan Difusivitas Panas dan Konduktivitas Wortel (Daucus carola L)
The more important limitqtion in process design for agricultural products is the lack of information on their.thermal properties. Although'a lot of experimental data can be found, the variety of products and the differences in measurement method mpke limitation on the value of the available data, especially for Indonesia's products. These data are needed to get information about temperature change when product was processed like heating or cooling. It is worth to optimize efficiency o/energy. The objective o/his study is to predict thermal diffusivity and conductivity of carrot. The value was determined numerically with direct and indirect methods. The result shows that thermal conductivity is 0.626 W/moC while thermaldiffusivity are 2;51 x ]0-7 m2/s (indirect method) and 2.08 ~ 10- 7 m2/s (direct method) Key Words: thermal dlffusivity, conductivity, numerical method